Bayview High School Role Play!

Bryce smiled when Riley said yes. He quickly texted Logan. "Dude, I asked Riley, and she said she'd be my girlfriend."
'Arent you still in school?' Nicole texted back to Logan. Lazily, she went in to the bathroom, and change in to more comfortable clothes.

Cole nodded. "That painting is great."
Dustin smiled "Thanks..... So where is everybody? There were like a hundred cars in the parking lot and there are like 6 people in the class. Counting the teacher"
Dustin smiled "Guess I'm just special then" and laughed "But in reality, I just took the courses that sounded cool."
Dustin laughed "So.... How complicated is this class? I'm not very good at paying attention. I get told I have the attention span of a 3 year old on crack but- oh look, a bird!"
Zaya laughed "Not very, you just have to remember to listen when Mrs. Madson said 'bulletpoint' that's when you need to right down what she says"
Dustin smiled This was perfect. Absent-minded students, teachers who have to remind them to write down stuff. This documentary is gonna be easy. "Cool. So when she says something gun related write it down? I think I can handle that." He says while putting on glasses ( The glasses have a small camera in them so be warned)
"Awesome! Way to go Henderson." Logan texted back to Bryce.

"No, I went home at lunch, and decided to stay home. lol Come over please! :) " Logan texted to Nicole.

Riley moved over as close to Bryce as she could, and kissed him. Then she looked at him with a huge smile.
Nicole rolled her eyes. 'Fine, but I'm not pretty at the moment lol' She texted to Logan as she tossed on a Bayview sweatshirt. She wore a sweatshirt one size too big, so her hands weren't visible. Nicole's pajama shorts were a tad too short with cute petite cupcakes printed on them, but she honestly didn't care. Quickly, she hopped in to her car, drove to Logan's house, and knocked on his door.
"So what do you want to do?" RIley asked Bryce.

"You're always pretty to me." Logan texted back to Nicole. He went to the door when he heard her knock. "Come in." he said, and then pulled her in for a hug.
Nicole smiled and hugged him back. "I have a perfect idea for what to do today." She said quietly with a smile.
Nicole smiled. "At my house, there's a two seat bicycle. I was thinking we could ride it to the Coldstone a couple blocks down." She said as she gently wrapped her hands around the back of his neck.
Nicole rolled her eyes and giggled. "Pardon me for trying to be romantic." She cackled. "Driving is fine though."

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