Bayview High School Role Play!

Dustin still sat there, waiting for lunch to be over. maybe then he could meet some people and find his classes. (What are our classes again?)
"Sure you can." Riley said laughing. She started boiling the water, and then sat down at the table.

Nicole was gone before Logan had a chance to say anything. What is going on he thought to himself? Why did she want me to meet her here, and the she just leaves like that. "Why did you leave so quick?" Logan texted to Nicole.
Zaya chuckled "I have a question.." she paused "Is it fun.. Having friends and a boyfriend?" she stopped "It's ok if you don't want to answer, I totally understand" she wished she had a friend, she had a fake friend before; but never a real friend

Maxx saw Dustin "Hey" he said as he walked over "mind if I sit down?"

"What do you mean is it fun?"Riley laughed. "Of course it is!" she said. "I mean I don't technically have a boyfriend right now, but I have in the past." she laughed again.
Zaya half smirked "I mean is it nice to have people to talk and hang out with?" she paused "No one really hangs out with me; or even talks to me anymore, everyone I used to know is in a relationship." she felt like she was acting like aa son and cry baby.
Zaya smiled "Thanks; it means a lot" she had finally made a friend.

Maxx thought, "Well, tomorrow is the Fall Formal its really fun; but not fun for different people .. I think that's it.." he smiled
Dustin smiled "Typical, I move right before a formal and I don't get a date" he laughed "So what's the social scene, why should I stay away from?" He asked
"Oh you don't have to thank me for that." Riley said smiling. She scooped the macaroni and cheese into two bowls. She gave one to Zaya, and sat down with the other for herself. Riley took out her phone. "Ok, I will come after lunch. This skipping class thing is pretty fun. lol yeah I saw her, why?" Riley responded to Bryce's text.
Maxx smiled "There are a lot of girls that need dates still; I think I know a few..the social scene is like a party; it has a bunch of people that are having fun.

Zaya smiled when Riley gave her the macaroni; she was happy
Dustin laughed "Thanks dude, I might have hope yet. actually, I'm probably hopeless, I mean come on, I'm just a video nerd"
Riley didn't respond to the text. She figured she would just talk to him when she got there. "Well are you ready to go now?" Riley asked Zaya after they were both done eating.

Logan decided not to go back to class after lunch. He went back out to his car, and texted Nicole. "Hey wanna skip the rest of the day with me?" he asked her.

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