Bayview High School Role Play!

Logan laughed. "I was just seeing what was the matter because it looked like she had been crying, and she is a friend of mine. She wanted to go outside and talk about it away from everyone else." Logan bent over and kissed Nicole.

"Doesn't matter to me. I'm in my car now. Where are you?" RIley texted back to Zaya.
Zaya texted her back Outside, sitting on the stairs she was wondering why Riley would want to hang out with her
Riley got out of her car and walked over to Zaya. "Hey" she said. "Hope i'm not imposing on your lunch or anything. All my friends are gone." she laughed.
((Sorry, I've been kinda MIA for awhile. My computer got a virus and then I accidentally threw my phone into a pool. But I'm back now.))

Bryce had decided to skip school today. After he waved Riley off, he collapsed on his bed and fell asleep. He woke around lunch time. He got in his sports car and drove to Burger King. The drive-thru line was long so he parked up.
Bruce went inside and ordered his food. He didn't feel like socializing, so he took it back to his car and ate there.
Once they go back to Riley's house, Riley texted Bryce saying "I haven't heard from, or seen you today since I dropped you off. Are you ok?". ((be back within 30 minuts))
Bryce glanced at his phone. It was from Riley. He quickly texted back "Ditch day. Includes: No school, no English class, and eating BK in my car."
(Oh spectacular. Thanks)

Dustin walked back into school and went to the lunch room, still hooked up to his iPod, and sat down looking through a couple of books he'd be using for the rest of the school year. He played around with his hair a bit and chewed on the cap of his pen.
((My dog had her puppies, so the family and I are going to have to tend to them often, so I won't be able to post as often.))

Nicole kissed him back, pulled away, and smiled. "I'm not hungry." She lied. "So I'm heading back to class. See you later!" She yelled as she ran down the pavement.
Zaya smiled "Could I have Mac and cheese?" she hoped she didn't sound like a little kid; she loved Mac and cheese.

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