Bayview High School Role Play!

"Woah woah woah! Don't even say that." Logan said. "There is no reason I can't be friends with you. Nicole and I are going to the formal and that is all we are. Sure I like her, and want her to be mine, but she won't really talk to me anymore. I even asked her if she was my girl today thinking maybe she thought we were dating, but she wouldn't answer me. She is the only girl I have really liked like this. I just wish she would talk to me. I don't know what to do." Logan said hoping Zaya didn't think he was weird for pouring all of this on her. "I mean things like this never happen to me." He joked.
Nicole shrugged. "Well he didn't tell me why he went outside with her, so no one necessarily knows." She said childishly as she squeezed her books to her chest.
Zaya pushed her hair behind her ears, she thought about what Bryce said; it was still in her head. "But it's true! None of this would have happened if I hadn't asked you to go outside. I'm sorry Logan, you had a great relationship with Nicole and I ruined it.." she paused "When I transferred here, I wanted to get away from drama; but you see, drama is everywhere. I thought it would be a good way to get away from my past, and everything that happened to me when I was home. And I... Just screwed up a relationship." she put her hand on her hand on her fore head "I'll try to talk to her some time"
"Oh come on. He is trying. He really likes you, I can tell. If you don't believe him, then talk to him and ask him. Don't just ignore him." Riley said to Nicole.

"Hey you didn't screw up anything. It will all work out in the end. If she would just let me tell her that I was just talking to you to see what was the matter then it would all be good." Logan said to Zaya. "Don't worry about it. Really, she will come around." he said.
Zaya sighed "I hope she does, I don't want to be known as the girl who breaks relationships" she paused "I have to go; coach needs me in the gym, see you later" she walked up to the teacher and showed her permission slip, then left the room.
Nicole took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right. I shouldn't be upset about something I don't even know about. I'll go talk to him about it now. See you later, Riley!" She said as she pulled out her cell phone. 'Meet me at Starbucks ASAP' She texted to Logan. Nicole walked to Starbucks, and waited at the door, not caring that she skipped class.
Aria took her phone and snapped a picturre of her half finished painting before heading to her next class. why cant lunch hurry up? i want to show this to Cole!
Logan looked at his phone. Yes! It was Nicole who texted him. He was really happy. I can't believe she is skipping class again though. He thought to himself.

"On my way" he texted Nicole.

Logan walked up to Nicole at Starbucks. "Hey." he said.
Zaya smiled when it was lunch, she was going to go to Applebee's. She saw Aria and walked up to her "Hey, do you and Cole want to go to Applebees for lunch?" she smiled softly
Dustin walked up to the front office of the school and walked inside "Hello? I'm Dustin Shadex and I just moved here and....." He just kind of trailed off. The secretry just smiled "We've been expecting you sweetie. Here's you class schedule. Good luck Mr. Shadex" Dustin smiled with relief "Thanks." Then walked into the hall to find his locker.
Dustin just kind of wandered the halls until he found his locker. "Just my luck, I get here and its lunch. Just freaking spectacular." Dustin decided to just go out and sit in his car until lunch was over, since he had just had lunch in the moving truck. He put in his iPod and let the music play very, very loud.
Since Nicole was out to lunch with Logan, and she had not heard from Bryce since she dropped him at his house this morning, Riley had nobody to go to lunch with. She texted Zaya. "Do you wanna go get lunch?" she asked her.
Nicole made her way out of his grip. "What were you and Zaya doing? Not to sound jealous. Or crazy. Or.... Oh, god, kill me..." She mumbled, trailing off by the end.

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