Bayview High School Role Play!


Ella 'Bubblegum' Kaitlyn Rivers











Relationship status:


Ashlee's cut has healed up, so she decided to go for a walk down to the beach, she is sitting on the sand just relaxing and thinking.
Zya smirked and pushed her bangs behind her ear "Yes, please don't tell Bryce; if he finds out I'll be on the chopping block" she sighed{{OOC: I'm back!! I hope fall formal hasn't happened yet?}}
Bryce stared out the window into the thunderstorm. He decided to go out in it. He pulled on a sweatshirt and went outside. He walked around for awhile, thinking.
Home alone waiting for Nicole to come over, Riley decided to text Bryce. "Hey. Can you come over?" She asked. him.

Once Logan and Nicole were in the car he grabbed her hand and held it. "What's wrong?" He asked her.

Why isn't he answering? Riley thought to herself. She decided to go out for a walk in the rain.

((well be back after lunch :) ))
When he was at a park about twenty minutes from his house, Bryce realized he had left his phone at home. Oh well. The only person he wanted to talk to was Riley. Now that he thought about it, she may have thought that he liked Zaya and that was his reason for talking to her at the pizza place.
Nicole just stared at the ground and shrugged. "I just set off easily. Sorry."

Cole quickly texted her back. 'I had a lot of fun 2'. He texted.
Logan frowned. "So are we ok?" He asked. "You don't hate me do you?" Logan laughed.

Upset that Bryce wouldn't text back Riley walked towards the park by her house. She texted Nicole saying "actually I don't feel like doing anything, i'm just gonna go to bed. sorry. talk to you in the morning."

Riley sat down on a bench in the park. She put her phone back in her pocket, and a few tears began to drip down her face. Bryce must like Zaya she thought to herself. Why else would he just leave the pizza place so abruptly after talking to her, and then not answer me back she thought.
Bryce sat down on one of the swings, thinking about what a mess he made of things. All he wanted was for Zaya to know that she couldn't hurt Nicole and Logan's relationship. He was such an idiot. Everyone probably hated him now.
( [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] ) Riley saw someone walk up to the swings. It was Bryce. She didn't know if he saw her or not, so she got up and walked over to him.

She sat down on a swing next to him.
Bryce looked up and saw Riley sat next to him. "Hey," he said. Would she dump him now? Or was she just as confused as he was?

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