Bayview High School Role Play!

(someone tell me whta time it is in the RP and whats going one? and posibly where Cole went? i figure Aria must have been hanging out with him since i havent been on all day. pls help thnx)))
Bryce walks out on the field before the game. He's nervous. Bryce always gets nervous. He scans the crowd for Riley. Instead, his eyes fall on Zaya. It's obvious she likes him. Bryce frowned. He didn't want Nicole to get hurt. He found Riley and waved to her. Then, he trudged back to the locker room where coach was preparing for his usual pre-game speech.
Aria turned to Cole again. "wanna get something to eat before the game? no use just sitting around here the whole time"

((got enough info from theJokers post Thnx!))
Riley noticed Bryce waving to her. She waved back with a huge smile on her face.

"Look at him. Isn't he so cute?" Riley laughed to Nicole.

Logan walked up to Bryce in the locker room. "You ready man? We so got this!" He said.
"The cutest." Nicole joked as she giggled. She stood up, and looked down at Riley. "Hey, I'm going to Starbucks really quick. Do you want anything?"
Bryce took out his phone and texted Riley. "Watch out for that guy we met at the beach. Mahaka? There's something not right about him. Anyway, miss you. Pizza after the game?"
"Yeah, of course you can come. But we'd have to be super quick, meaning, leave now and speed!" Nicole shouted over the screaming fans. She grabbed her purse, and dashed for the exit.
"Haha ok. Sounds like a good plan to me. Lets go!" Riley joked.

Riley read Bryce's text. She had a puzzled look on her face. She texted back saying: Awww you're too cute! Miss you too. What do you mean watch out for him, what's wrong with him? And of course pizza after! ;)

Logan saw Bryce texting. "Dude what are you doing? Focus on the game." He laughed. He figured it was Riley he was texting.
Bruce glared at Logan. He grabbed his helmet and sat down, waiting for kick-off. He hoped Logan would leave him alone til after the game. He needed his anger.
"Leave me alone," he muttered, knowing Logan would hear. He wasn't exactly mad at Logan, but he couldn't wait for kick-off so he could smash kids right down.
While drinking his tea watches the band play. Soon he finished his drink and went up to the manager to ask a question. He proceeded to ask to play a song with the band. The manager was glad to have some free entertainment. Makaha walks up onto the stage and tells them what song to play. He gets his ukelele out and starts to play and sing " somewhere over the rainbow"
Nicole dashed in to the parking lot, unlocked the car, and hopped in to it. Anxiously, she wiggled. "Hurry hurry hurry!"
"Ok then, I see how it is." Logan joked. He knew how Bryce got before all games, he wouldn't be mad at him after the game. He walked away, and went to talk to some of the other guys on the team.
Cole kept his hands in his pockets during the walk. He didn't know what else to do. "How long have you been going to Bayview?"
Once they got to Starbucks Riley noticed a lot of other people had the same idea. "You better hurry and get in line." Riley said to Nicole. When Riley walked in she immediately spotted Makaha on stage. She got a weird feeling inside because she wasn't sure why Bryce told her to watch out for him. She tried not to make eye contact, or let him see her.

"Hey Aria." Riley said when she saw her.

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