Bayview High School Role Play!

smiles "So did you guys have a good chat" cocks head to the side in the same direction Logan was with his arm around some girl
laughs "wahina, dont fall ill try to be there to catch you but doesnt mean i will always be there" smiles "any way come on dont wanna be left behind do we" smiles
Zaya sighed, she thought Goodness, stop acting like my dad

she walked fast out side and towards the gym, hopping he would leave her be. She walked into the gym and started doing the bars, back handsprings, and spiral twists. She didn't care if he saw her
Nicole nodded with a smile, and took his hand.

Cole grinned at her, even laughed a little. He didn't feel as shy around Aria.

((Omg, sorry that I left for so long, I was taking my dog to the vet to get an x ray. She's pregnant with 8 puppies, and due any day now. Because of this, I may not be as active as I was. Sorry!))
walks to the gym watches for a while and says "and hey you still havent gone to the beach yet suprising for such a beautiful girl such as yourself" walks home to get his board and forgets about the game
((It's ok. :) That's so cool though! What kind of dog?))

"So yeah I just wanted to see you before the game." Logan said. "I hope you are my lucky charm, cuz this is the probably gonna be the toughest team we play all year." Logan laughed as he nudged Nicole.
When the game was over, Tom began walking home in the darkness. She walked quietly on the busy sidewalk. All she could hear was "Blah,blah,blah pep,blah,blah...." Why are Americans so into football? she thought. Soon when she crossed the street it was dark, empty, and a bit dangerous. Tom kept walking. Nothing scared her, atleast for now...

(Hey Americans, I'm American too so don't get offended. c: )
Tom walked through the darkness to her hotel. It was very quiet, which made it scary. She saw shadows bending through the allies. "Gangsters?" she thought outloud.
Nicole blushed and smiled. She playfully hit his arm as she laughed. "Stop it, you're making me blush! Good luck though, and don't over heat." She told him. She pecked his cheek and hugged him.

((Husky mix.))
((awww cute))

Logan leaned over and kissed Nicole on the lips. "Gotta run now, but thanks. See you after." he said and gave her smile.

((now I have to go for a few hours :( sorry guys. I will definitely be back on for a long time tonight though, so yay!))
((Lol, I'll probably be on until 3 in the morning xD I took a nap, as childish as it sounds, so I'll be up for some time :P ))

Nicole waved, and started to skip back over to Riley. She took her seat next to Riley, and squirmed in anticipation.
Zaya ran to the bleachers, she sat almost in the middle of the bleachers, she was overfilled with anticipation
NebulaSkies said:
((Lol, I'll probably be on until 3 in the morning xD I took a nap, as childish as it sounds, so I'll be up for some time :P ))
Nicole waved, and started to skip back over to Riley. She took her seat next to Riley, and squirmed in anticipation.
xD I was prepared for this so I just took a 30 min nap c:
yawns taking in a quick breath of air filled with the scent of the ocean gets up and goes home to drop off board and walks down the way to see what he can find at the shops
Hey, it's Zaya, are you coming to the game? She wanted to make sure he didn't forget about it

She texted Makaha hey, it's Zaya, are you coming to the game? She wanted to make sure he didn't forget about it

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