Bayview High School Role Play!

Knowing that he had a few minutes of spare time before the pep rally began, Logan went over to Nicole and Riley sitting in the stands. "Hey ladies." he said. "Nicole you should meet my right outside the gym after the rally. I want to see you before the game." He said smiling before he had to run back to the team because coach was calling him.
When Tom felt better, she got out of bed and got dressed. She wanted to watch the football game. Tom walked to school and sat in the bleachers.
Nicole noticed Tom walk in. Quickly, she shot her arm up and waved like a dork. Then came the screaming.


Cole nodded once. "No problem. So, Zaya, how long have you been going to Bayview?" He asked.
Zaya smiled "Thank you, I do too." she stood up and walked over to where Cole was sitting "Easier to talk this way"
"i wish they would start. its really hot. besides, i skipped lunch cuz i didnt want to eat cafeteria food." Aria remembered she had food in her bag. "i almost forgot about this. do you two like gummy bears?"
Bryce noticed everyone in the crowd shifting uncomfortably.

"Show time," he muttered. He walked up to the podium and tapped on the mic. "Hey, can I have your attention please?" Once everyone had quieted down, he said "Hey, and welcome to the first 2012 pep rally at Bayview High! I'm Bryce Henderson, co-captain of the football team. And tonight we have our first game against Sun Valley High! Let's make some noise!"
Tomoyo ran out of the field as fast as she could when she heard Bryce say, "Let's make some noise". Tom hated noise,
Bryce grinned at his classmates. When they quieted again, he said, "To kick things off is our coach, Mr Tyson."

Bryce stepped away from the podium as coach stepped up. The coach said "Let's hear it for the team. Our captains, Bryce and Logan."

He then names the rest of players.

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