Bayview High School Role Play!

Aria listens happily. for some reason her shyness had completely faded. Cole made her feel very comfortable and was easy to talk to. "i hope its not this hot at the game later. other wise it will uncomfortable to watch." she said turning to Cole.
((g2g wont be back for a few hours. [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] if the game starts before i get back just say that Aria is with Cole for the game. :) see you all later))
Riley smiled when she saw Bryce go up to the podium. She cheered with the rest of the students, and had a huge smile on her face.

Logan waved and smiled when coach announced his name.
shakes head trying to keep self up watching all the foot ball players looks over to the one girl that waved of him that morning
When coach finished, everyone was dismissed. It was total chaos, so Bryce hung out in the back and waited for everyone to clear out.
When everyone finally clears, Bryce exits through the left wing. He wanted to find Riley before the game, but didn't know where she'd be.
"Hey i'm going to see Nicole. I will catch up with you in a bit." Logan said to Bryce.

"Do you want me to wait for you, or what? I know you are staying to meet Logan." Riley asked Nicole.
Zaya chuckled "Yes, the pep rally was fun!" she paused "Yes! I will be there the whole game; wouldn't miss it fore the world" she nodded slightly at what Makaha said
"Awesome! Yeah I wouldn't miss it for the world either." He joked.

Logan gave a weird look to Makaha feeling like Makaha was talking about him. "If you don't mind me asking, what did that guy tell you yesterday?" Logan laughed.
Zaya laughed, "Youre funny" she paused and thought "Umh, it was aboutI was a really out going girl, and that if some were to be mean or I needed ssomeone to talk to, I could call him" she pull her hair behind her ear and smirked softly

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