Bayview High School Role Play!

sits down beside you "well from what ive seen so far you are the most out going i just wanted to tell you there are some real jerks here if any of you guys need help just call me" hands you three pieces of paper with my number on it "k now get out of here"
Arias cheeks were tinted pink once she noticed the blush that painted Coles face. "lets go sit on the bench for now."
yells "hey if you guys want to come to the beach later ill be there so come on over" walks home to change and get a surf board
"sure. i dont mind the beach." Aria wondered why he was leaving during lunch. "you should come too Cole, Zaya" She smiled at her new friends.
Zaya smiled "Ok!" she told him. She smiled at Aria, then at Cole "I'm Zaya" she kind of liked Him "If you'd like to, you can come to the beach later"
"it looks like lunch is over. what class do you have right now Cole?" Aria felt excited.she had made another friend and even met Cole, whom she hoped to get to know better.

(sorry to cut the tour but lunch was going on forever)
Zaya smirked a little "Sorry Cole, I never got to show you around. Aria do you know the class rooms well enough?" she wanted her friend to possibly get a chance with this guy "if not, I'll be right behind you to tell you where to go"
"i know the classes pretty well. and actually, it looks like your in the same math as me Cole. its over this way" Aria led the way towards class.
Zaya put her hand on Aria's shoulder and whispered "Good luck" then winked she hoped Aria knew what she meant.
Zaya grabbed her gym bags, she had to go to the gym; Coach wanted her. Coach wanted Zaya to be on their Gymnastics team, of course she said yes. She grabbed her science books and headed to Physics
once they reached class, Aria pointed at the seat near the window. "i usually sit over there" her sketchbook was left open on her desk, showing a finished sketch of the ocean.
Zaya say down in a seat, she liked physics, but she would like a guy too. Zaya was fairly good at physics, she learned very easily

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