Bayview High School Role Play!

The next day at school was an exciting one. Everyone was excited for the big game. There was also a pep rally today during the last class of the day.

Riley came to school wearing jean shorts and a jersey. She had her hair up with a bow in it that matched the schools colors. As usual she waited at her locker for Nicole to show up.
Riley looked at her watch and noticed that she was a little earlier than normal. Instead of just standing and waiting for Nicole to get here, she walked over to Zaya. She didn't know her real well, but since they have gone to school together she knew her well enough to walk up to her and start a conversation.

"Hey. What's up? Excited for the game?" RIley asked Zaya.
walks past Riley and Zaya wearing a red floral hawaiin shirt, khaki shorts, brown sandals, and the normal sunglasses no school colors at all
Nicole giggled and twirled around once, showing her outfit. She wore a jersey, jean shorts, and high pig tails. Her eye make up matched the school colors. "Good for you." She responded with a wink.
([MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] reply to other private Rp)

Tom didn't wear school colors, nobody even told her about the pep rally. She would probaly leave anyways, peps wern't her thing.
"Of course! I can't wait either." Riley responded to Zaya.

"Hey. Awesome outfit!" Riley said to Nicole winking back at her.

Really? Riley thought to herself. How could Makaha seriously not even recognize her. Oh well she said to herself.

Riley smiled and waved to Tom as she saw her walk by. She felt bad for kind of leaving her at the beach yesterday. I will apologize to her later Riley thought to herself.
Zaya smiled "At my old school, we didn't have pep rallies, the games were announced over the intercoms" she chuckled
"Not too original, but appropriate." Nicole said with a shrug. Lucky for her, her locker was close to Riley's. She took out her things, and slammed Her locker shut. "I gotta head to home room in a little bit."
This is Zaya:

She chuckled "Yeah, I better go to" she grabbed her things and headed to her homeroom
Logan was just walking into the school when he spotted Riley and Nicole. "Hey! Hold on, wait a second." He yelled to them. He walked over to them. "I wanted to tell you guys you look awesome today. Great outfits." he said with a wink. "Have you seen Bryce around?"
Zaya smiled and put a little of her hair behind her ear, she walked into her homeroom and looked for a seat
"What's up?" He asked Zaya. "

"I cannot believe you and I are going to the formal with the two cutest, most popular guys in school! This is so awesome." Riley said to Nicole as they walked into class.

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