Bayview High School Role Play!

Nicole opened one eye, took to notice it was sunset, and that she saw almost no one. She was dying to stay at the beach house, but it was Tuesday. She'd just go home soon. Nicole pulled herself closer until her chest touched Logan's, and continued to kiss him.
aria finishes her drawing as the sun is setting. being the patient person she is she continues to wait for her friends. if i leave now i will get lost on the way and my bad sense of direction.
"Haha yeah. You're telling me." Riley laughed. "YOu know we should probably go back to the beach now. I have to ride back with Nicole, and it's getting late."

Logan kissed Nicole a little longer before stopping and taking her hands. "Hey it's getting late. Do you have to go? I mean I have no problem staying out all night with you." He joked. "I just don't want Riley waiting on you." he said.
Yay! Riley thought to herself. Riley looked up at Bryce, and then rested her head on his shoulder as they walked back to the beach. She couldn't be more happier right now.
Nicole looked at him, and grinned. "I had a lot of fun today. I let loose and learned to not be as shy. Thanks." She said, grabbing his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. "You excited for the big game tomorrow?" Nicole asked, keeping an eye out for Riley.
"Hey so did I, and I'm glad you did. Your welcome. You will have more fun this way." he smiled. Logan held Nicole's hand tight. "Of course i'm excited! I'm even more pumped that you are gonna be there watching me." he laughed as he winked at her.

Riley spotted Nicole. She flashed her a huge smile.
"Yeah she did we left them where we all were sitting" puts down shades so you can't see my eyes and smiles " we cam back and they were gone
perhaps i should go home. i dont want to interrupt them. but i also dont want to leave there stuff here.Aria glanced at the beach bags and boards strewn around the beach
Nicole smiled. "Hey, people." She mumbled. She wasn't as brave as Logan was, so if any explaining were to be done, it would be from him.
Logan high fived him back. "Well I guess we should be getting home. You two need your rest for the big game." Riley laughed. "I had a lot of fun though." she said.

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