Bayview High School Role Play!

"See ya." She said. She waved to Bryce and Logan too.

Logan kissed Nicole on the lips. Everyone being around them and seeing didn't bother him at all. "See ya tomorrow he said and winked again at Nicole.
Nicole stretched out her arms and yawned. "I'm soo tired. We should go right about now, Riley." She said, climbing in to the drivers seat.
"So it's official! I'm going with Bryce to the dance. You going with Logan?" Riley asked Nicole excitedly.

"I'm taking it by the smile on your face you asked her didn't you?" Logan said to Bryce. "This dance is gonna be awesome." he said.

((me too soon as well.))
"Yeah, and we kissed. By the fact that you kissed her before we left, I'm guessing you asked her?"

Bryce chuckled.

((me three))
"Haha yeah totally. Surprisingly she kissed me first before I got the chance to make my move." Logan laughed.

"Way to go man!" Logan joked about Bryce kissing Nicole.
"Thanks. An letting the girl take control?" Bryce pretended to tsk. "what's happening to you, Howell?"
Name: Elle

Age: 17

Grade: Junior I guess

Personality: Smart, but doesn't like to boast about it, some people are jealous, but she doesn't understand the meaning of jealousy unlike other things. She thinks it's a waste of aggression being jealous, thus is hatred as it's only effecting you. The envy-ee and hatee have no idea you envy and/or 'hate' them, and that thing you may envy in other people, are qualities you already have and you haven't realised, so if you think of it that way, it could make you try just the little bit harder at being yourself. Is also very quiet and shy at first. Soem people think she's a musical prodigy because she can play guitar, drums and keyboard all at the same time, but she doesn't think so.

Bio: She'll fight to the ends of the earth for someone she cares about, and she'll fight to the edge of the universe for someone she loves. She doesn't care what other people say about her, to her face or behind her back. It doesn't have any effect on her whatsoever. On the other hand, if someone is saying something about someone she care about, she slap the bang-smack in the face and set them straight.


Relationship status (single/or not, enemies, crushes, etc.): Single, Her only 'enemies' are people who see her as one, not vice a versa.

Mind if I join guys?
Nicole nodded quickly, and swung her head to the side to move her side bangs out of her eyes.

"Now I truly feel rebellious." She said with a huge grin on her face. "He didn't kiss me, I kissed him." She said as if she had won a gold medal.
Tom watched Makaha walk home with blood on his face. She just stood at the shore and watched him leave.
Once home goes to the bathroom and washes face. As he looks in the mirror remembers Tom is stil at the beach puts on his jacket runs to the garage and gets on his motorcycle revs it up and makes way to the beach again.
(([MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] of course you may join. :) go ahead and start whenever you want to.))

With an extremely surprised look on her face, Riley started laughing. "No way! You did not! Did you?" She said to Nicole about her kissing Logan first. "You seriously kissed Logan Howell, the most popular guy in school, first? Way to go!." Riley laughed.

((I must have missed something. Can someone tell me my Makaha is bleeding?))
"And?" Nicole asked, starting up the car. "What about you and Bryce? You guys took off somewhere." She said as she backed up out of the parking lot.
Finally gets to the beach walks over to Tom "sorry i left you here i was angry i couldnt find our boards and went home but if you want a ride home ill take you"
"Are you sure mahena?" cocks head to the side "but if you really want to walk home i will let you ,however, im not going to let you walk alone."

ooc: i will be gone for a proximate time of 3 hours so im just gonna go to the time skip and later forks can you tell me what happened
Name: Zaya


Grade: Junior

Personality: Smart, pretty, loves music, and sporty

Bio: A sweet down to earth girl, who loves to play sports. She adores music and is smart. She despises guys that think their all that.

Appearance: I'll get the link soon

Relationship status (single/or not, enemies, crushes, etc.): Single, hopefully I see a guy that I can talk with, no enemies
"Yeah, we walked to Dairy Queen. He held my hand, and kissed me once on the way back to the beach." Riley said with a smile.

((coedy go ahead and join in whenever :) ))
Zaya walked around school, she was wearing a blue tank top, brown flip flops, her hair was braided, jean shorts, black and aqua nail polish, and a small anklet

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