Bayview High School Role Play!

Bryce chuckled. "You like to get to the point, don't you? I think I'll wait now. To keep you in suspense."
Aria sat under the shade of a nearby tree as she waited for her friends to return. she happened to have brought her sketchbook so she pulled it out and drew thelandscape while she waited.
Nicole continued to kiss him, resting her wrists on his shoulders. She clasped her hands together, interlocking her fingers. She herself was shocked that she just kissed Logan, but instead of feeling shy, Nicole had never felt happier.
"Well, at the school I'm currently going to, there is a dance. Can you be my date for it?" she asked confidently.
Logan forced himself to stop for a moment. "So I take it your answer is yes?" he laughed.

"I will have whatever you are having." Riley said with a sweet little smile.

How sweet Riley thought to herself when he held the door for he. He is a gentlemen she said to herself.
"Two rocky road, please." he said to the cashier. He got te ice cream and led Riley to a table by the window.
Nicole giggled and nodded quickly. She then pulled him back in to a kiss, her hands on the back of his neck.
Bryce Nodded and licked his. "So, Riley." he said after a minute or two of silence. "How would you like to go with me to formal?"
Riley blushed and smiled really big. "Well Bryce, I would like it a lot." She said very sweetly. "You are a really sweet guy. Whoever you ask is one lucky girl." she said while she winked.
"Yeah I guess I am." Riley said and then finished the last bite of her ice cream.

"Wait a minute, you and your girlfriend did break up right? Just making sure that wasn't just a rumor I heard." Riley laughed.

Logan put his arms around Nicole and hugged her real tight.

(( I apologize for the long waits I have been having in between posts, and for having to leave off an on throughout the night. My fiance is over tonight, so I can't just sit in front of the computer the whole time. lol))

Bryce laughed. "Yeah, we broke up. But she probably thinks I'm still taking her to formal." he frowned. "I'll just text her later."

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