Bayview High School Role Play!

Aria sighs. if i think about it, theres no way a new girl will get a date to the dance. maybe there will be someone there without a date too?
smiles and laughs "close enough but here i got this for you" hands you a brand new surf board "dont worry about money i have plenty because of my fathers company"

smiles at Bryce "I dont see why not" goes over
"Look, sorry for being such a ****. I just thought you were hitting on the girl I like." Bryce gives him an apologetic look.
"I dont think you realize the Hawaiin way hang lose man it dosnt bother me and please not an whatever you said"pats you on your back
"Thanks... are you sure I can keep it...?" she said. She stood up and looked at the pretty surfboard.
Nicole sighed, and wiggled her fingers around in the water. All of her friends had other friends now. And she was bored.
As Aria gets out of the water and spots Nicole sitting by herself. "whats up Nicole? getting lonely? or just waiting for your knight in shining armor to come ask you to the dance?" Aria gave Nicole a playful nudge. "which one is he by the way?"
"Thanks dude. I need to hangout with my friend I'll surf with you later." she put down the surf board and began swimming quickly to Nicole.
She laughed. "I can swim faster." she swam super fast, in five minutes she had disappeared, in another five, she was back!
smiles "seems your very adept at swiming" swims under you and lifts you up on shoulders "but are you a good balance"

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