Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

Joran sprinted to the battle in about 1 minute, finding the scene as was described above. He screamed "FREEZE!!!" at the slavers, who looked at him in shock before attempting to shoot him. He dodged quickly and mowed down a few with his dual machine guns before charging directly at their leader, the horns on his helmet ready to impale the scum. It was then that he was caught by a bola, breaking his front legs and severely injuring his back ones. The slave trader had him dragged away, though he was still attempting to shoot them. Eventually, he managed to shoot both of his captors, only to find that more and more came and shoved him into a cage. The force field went up, and he laid there, groaning in pain.
Cash loaded her battle saddle and fired into the fray, shooting down slaver after slaver. Her she was careful to make sure nopony got at her wings this time. It took several minutes for the slavers to realize Cash was in the air above them, but as soon as they did, they began firing at her.

River charged in with his magic, pulling gallons of water from the moisture in the soil and flooding the area, washing away a wave of slaver ponies. Bullets sparked off his armor, barely making dents as they were not of the armor-piercing grade.
Psych Ward stayed back, cowering. She had no fighting experience whatsoever. She hid behind a bush, unaware of the slaver quietly sneaking up behind her.
((would anyone mind if we all got captured? I think it would advance the story a lot.))
((Sounds good.))

*About an hour of fighting later*

Joran sighed. There they were, in a slave cart. They were all shackled the a wall, their legs shackled together. All of their belongings were taken, Joran's legs were broken, and Psyche Ward was likely to start having a panick attack. They were on their way to a Manehattan, where they'd be sold to the highest bidder. "Cash, are you okay?" He managed to say, obviously in extreme pain. It was all he cared about right now. He attempted to not black out to make sure Cash was alright. If she wasn't, he would try to help her. There was a null magic field in the cart, so River couldn't help.
((They can all be. It will be quite interesting.))

Cash nodded. "Just shot in the leg once or twice and covered in bruises," she snarled angrily, bitter at having been defeated. She had lost her saddlebags full of bits and weapons and healing potions and rations. She had lost her battle saddle and was left with only her modified pegasus armor and her bandana and hoop earring.

"I'm alright too, if anypony wanted to know," River said under his breath in a dark mutter, pissed to hell his magic was disabled. "What about you, little filly? I never did get your name." The unicorn buck looked at Psych Ward.
Psych Ward hesitantly looked over. She hadn't shared her name. That was odd. "Psych Ward," she whispered, breathing heavily.
Cash nodded to Psych Ward. "That's an interesting name," she said, looking for something to say. Joran had fallen unconscious, and River was busy muttering to himself. Cash just ached all over, and her leg was still leaking blood.

River glared at the floor of the wagon, his shackles rubbing his ankles painfully. As if he didn't have enough pain to deal with, plus not being able to use his magic.
*Several hours of pain and hyperventilation later*

Joran was awake at this point, and was dragged to the block. His legs hurt so much, it was insane. He was propped up on the block to look like he could stand, and was sold to the shopkeeper of a general store. He was unshackled, and had a collar put around his neck. He didn't care, but he hoped the shopkeeper would choose to buy Cashmere.
angelic was trotting through manehattan looking for anypony to help. she looked at all the damage with a hurt expression and decided to get a birds eye view. angelic spread her wings and flew up a few feet looking over the city with dispare. hopefully she could help somepony. her left wing started to ache once more its hurt ever since the attack so she flew back down with a sad sigh.
Cash struggled against her shackles hard, thrashing and bucking and flapping her wings against the power of the six slavers dragging her to the block. Her foreleg screamed in pain, but the rouge pegasus refused to go down without a fight. She managed to kick several of the slavers trying to hold her down before she was roughly and violently chained to the auction block. Many of the ponies were hesitant to bid on a wild pegasus, but eventually the owner of a wagon-hauling company bought her for a measly eight bits.

River stood fuming and seething on the block, overwhelmed as ponies nearly disemboweled each other to get their hooves on a unicorn. He was eventually sold to a spell-monger for a hefty 600 bits.
angelic trotted around manehattan once more her head low. her mane was being held in place by a head band. she bit her lip hoping no one noticed she was an alicorn. her horn was covered by her bang as well.
Joran suddenly felt reality buck him in the face, hard. He would never see Cash again. The world seemed to lose its color, the constant galloping of passerby fading into the distance as he saw Cash round a corner. Lost forever. Lost. Lost. Joran obediantly walked back to the store, not even realising that they were walking.

Rachel clopped happily through Manehattan. So many sights to see, so many people to kill! The 1-year-old filly alicorn giggled happily as a businesspony's heart exploded from bumping into her. Whispers of 'Deathwish' were abound on the streets, as they gave the tiny alicorn a huge berth, absolutely terrified. She saw a candy shop and squealed with delight, killing most ponies within 100 feet. She rushed into the shop and ate all of the candy, only to get a stomach ache. She started sobbing, her tears corrupting the earth beneath her
angelic trotted to a store to stock up on supplies. she got some food and first aid supplies. angelic trotted to a nice quiet place to think over a plan to help. she used her magic raising an apple to her lips then cleaned it first. angelic took a bite and thought as she chewed her first plan of action.
((I had an idea for a while, maybe we fast forward til we all escape and meet eachother, and say that angelic helped us? The main reason why I had considered this plot arc was for character development. That's my idea))

It had been two years since Joran was first sold to Gold Counter, a general store owner. He had never stopped thinking of Cashmere. His leg had finally healed a week ago, but the store owner had been very cruel to him. He was barely allowed to eat or sleep, though there was plenty of water. Every single thought had been devoted to Cash, every second of his sleepless nights thinking of how beautiful she was. His dull work had been sometimes bright, but more often greyer than ever before. As the days went on, he was eventually released after an alicorn had spoken with the store owner. He immediately ran outside to try and find Cashmere, his thin and gangly frame working as hard as it could to search for the only thing he cared about.
angelic said"please becareful!"her voice barely above a whisper as she galloped after him. she said"s-stop your going to pass out.."worried for his health.
Joran didn't listen, instead sprinting out of the city to find the wagon company that bought Cash.
angelic had no choice but to fly after him. she caught up to him and stood in front of him. "please stop! you will only hurt yourself! if you do that yoy wont be able to help anyone.CALM DOWN!"her horn frizzing as she tried to calm him down. angelic's voice was hoarse.

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