Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

Though weak, he was still one of the strongest ponies around. He shoved past her, uncaring of the magic. This wasn't anger or excitement, this was the strength of a broken heart putting itself back together. He continued going, unstoppable as he darted past the city guards.
angelic galloped after him but soon gave up with a sad expression. she was tired and walked the clearing where a lake was. angelic drank some water and a tear slid down her cheek. "i couldnt stop him..."she covered her face with her hooves crying.
Psych Ward had eventually been sold to an old mare out of pity. Over the two years of ownership, her anxiety had grown increasingly worse. She did not remember mst of the events from the years before.
angelic sang a tune to herself to calm down. it was a lullaby celestia would sing to luna. "~fate has been cruel and order unkind. how can i have sent you away? the blame was my own the punishment yours. the harmonys silent today. into the stillness i'll bring you a song. and i will your company keep. til your tired eyes and my lullabys have carried you softly to sleep~" her beautiful voice carried through the forest.
((Very well.))

Cash bit back a shout of pain as the buck driver her wagon lashed her hide yet again. "If you're going to behave like an animal, you're going to work like an animal!" he shouted down at her. Cash bared her teeth and strained against the harness, sinking knee-deep in mud and manure. Pulling a wagon full of stolen gold through a muddy field to earn her master a couple bits was not her idea of a good time, but she had been doing the very same thing for two years. The young pegasus was no longer as young as she used to be, nor as bright and spirited. She had not broken, however, and still fought the slave masters violently every chance she got. Her years of work had made her very strong and hardy, and the ship rarely sliced her flesh anymore.

River galloped over sharp rocks and spines, his hooves cracked and aching. He had just escaped his master after an alicorn had swung by to distract him. River was exhausted and disturbed after having spent two years performing difficult and taxing spells for resale. He had finally escaped, and he was free, galloping over the earth for the first time in ages.
Joran spotted Cash, and charged the wagon. He rammed into it, breaking the entire thing in two. It felt good to break something. He then stepped on the heads of the dazed slave drivers, killing them instanly. He broke Cash's chains, letting her free.

He kissed her. It felt amazing, as the whole world seemed to flood with color for the first time in years. He let go and smiled before fainting from overtaxing himself.
angelic finished the lullaby then gallopped from the lake after filling her canteen. she didnt want to fly at the moment. angelic used her magic to light her way as she ran through the forest. she had to find somepony to help. angelic already freed the other two she just had to help more.
Psych Ward frowned at her master confused. Was the elderly mare letting her go. This wasn't right. She hook her head. "Don't make me leave," she whispered. She had worked hard in these two years, but she was unfamiliar with the world. Without her weekly medicine, her mental illness had advanced.

"Go!" the mare said sternly. She flipped a saddle bag over Psych's back. It held plenty of provisions. She hadn't gone that day for a slave, she had gone for a companion. She had grown lonely over the years and she knew no one else would take he poor mare. She knew she wouldn't be around much longer to make work or the young filly. "You have done all that you can for me."

Psych Ward nodded, before turning and walking out of the small cottage for the first time in two years. In her time, the old woman had insisted she get rid of the sweaters. She was now fitted in a simple black gown. Her black hair was no longer ragged but was still cut at odd angles, the streaks vibrant. Her eyes however were blank. She could still see, she just couldn't remember.
Cash was startled straight into the air, flapping her damaged and tattered wings madly after the buck had released her. She had nearly forgotten about Joran in the two years since she had last seen him. She was too focused on fighting and surviving. Now, he had freed her and murdered her captors quite violently. He lay in the mud, collapsed from exhaustion. The blue-grey pegasus smothered in mud and dried blood (much like when she first met Joran) had no idea what to do, but it was nice to see a familiar face.

River galloped straight out of his master's town and into the next one, damaged hooves thundering across the dirt and pitifully cracked cobblestone with weeds growing between the crevices. He galloped straight through the second adjacent town and out into the country to pass a small cottage. There was a mare walking out in a nice black dress that he swore he recognized. Skidding to an ungrateful stop, River turned tail and trotted up to her. "Hello. I think I've seen you somewhere before," he greeted curiously.
Psych Ward frowned as the stallion approached her. "Have you?" she asked. Did she know him? She couldn't remember. "M-My name's Psych Ward," she said, tilting her head a bit. "I don't recall yours however. I've gone through a great trouble remembering anything."
angelic stood up weakly and panted. she took some breaths then galloped once more looking for a town or somewhere to rest. it maybe a great place to hide but the forest wasnt safe.
Nightshade smiled at a young colt. She handed him the blue potion. It was supposed to be a healing potion for his sick mother, but she had laced it with a bit of nightshade root. It would finish them both off soon enough. She listened to the satisfying clink of bits in her saddle bag. The colt had payed a hefty price for it, 30 bits. It was more than she had received since selling to a zebra. She always sold them quality potions though.
angelic stopped and panted. "oh celestia!"tired. she sighed and took to the air and flew through the night.(if i got the timing wrong sorry >.<) angelic winced as she flapped her left wing but continued on.
*Joran wakes up a little bit later*

Joran opened his eyes and saw the most friendly sight he had seen in ages. Cashmere was standing over him, muddy and filthy. He didn't mind, he was so happy to see her. He slowly got to his feet, but fell again in the mud, ribs showing as he took several ragged deep breaths. He succeeded in standing up the third time, and kept his balance fairly well. "Oh Cash... How I've missed you!" His voice was remarkably clear for having spoken in a monotone for two years straight. "Oh no, your wings!" He cried, suddenly realising that this pony may not be the Cashmere he once knew. He fell again, "Er... could we get out of this mud?" He smiled.
angelic soon found a small town. she landed and trotted to a hotel spending the night. angelic laid in her bed thinking."what if i?"she rubbed her temples taking off her glasses. the alicorn was beet! angelic soon drifted off to sleep.
Cash cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. "If you want," she said dryly, hovering down on her battered and damaged wings and grabbing Joran's mane in her teeth, lifting his underweight body up out of the mud and into the air and carrying him to where the cracked and dilapidated stone road began.

River nodded vigorously. "Roarin' River! Remember me? We met in Ponyville," he explained, tail swishing happily along with the smile on his face.
angelic soon well rested, left the hotel. she trotted around the town and saw most of the ponies staring at her. it made her uncomfortable. angelic kept her head low and sighed starting to gallop from the town.
Psych Ward frowned. "I'm sorry," she said, shaking her head. "The name sounds familiar, but I don't remember anything since the slave trade." She picked at the dirt with her hoof. "You seem like a very nice pony though."
Joran stood up rather easily on the solid ground, though his legs wobbled slightly. "Y- you remember me, right?" Joran asked, obviously deeply concerned. Did she not remember how she laughed, how she used to smile? "I swear, the thought that we'd be together again was the only thing that kept me going!" Said Joran, trying to make her remember the good times they had together.
angelic looked out on the edge of the town and trotted out. she heard a twig snap and jumped turning. it was just her.... angelic shook her head."calm down."
River's ears drooped and he lowered his head. "That's okay. It was a long time ago," he admitted, a little disheartened. "Well, is there anything I can help you with or something?" he asked.

Cash gave him a weird look. "Yeah, sorta. That was a long while ago, though, wasn't it?" The pegasus landed on the ground, folding her tattered-looking wings. She no longer wore her bandana or hoop earring, and she looked duller.
Psych Ward shook her head. "It couldn't have been that long ago," she said. "Maybe I'll remember eventually. You see, the mare I worked for just kicked me out, said I had done all I could. Maybe we could be traveling companions."

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