Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

Joran chuckled. "As long as you don't steal from me, I'm fine with it." He was somewhat disappointed, but when he thought back, he thought he might've been too fast. Most people don't believe in the whole 'love at first sight' thing, but they had not experienced what Joran felt.

"Well, I had better get a bit of sleep. Thank you." He got up and went over to his tent, and proptly fell to sleep, dreaming of Cashmere.


Wrath grinned as she tried Soul Rip again. All of her test subjects were instantly dead, and she felt their souls grant her even more power. She had very much enjoyed the past hour. However, she decided it would be a good idea to sleep. She fell into a dreamless sleep almost instantly, not knowing that someone had poisoned the air.

Wrathful Mage is dead.

Casualty Count: 3


Rachel walked the castle grounds. Poison had always been one of her favorites, and it was really fun killing the Archwizard. Anyone who came within 10 feet of her was killed instantly, their souls siphoned into Rachel. Everyone in Canterlot felt dizzy. Eventually, a bomb was set off in the castle, killing her. The victory came at the cost of many lives, and a solid chunk of the castle.

Rachel Darkling is dead (again).

Casualty Count: 4
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Cash nodded, staying next to the fire for a few minutes and watching the flames lick the air. When she yawned wide enough to pop her jaw, she decided it was time for her to sleep. She may have felt at ease, but she was still leery of every sound and shadow. She gently hoofed at the ground, getting up and trotting into her tent.

River stopped trotting when he saw a strange camp-like setup ahead. "Wonder what that is? Would you like to check it out?" the unicorn asked, looking at his companion.
Joran awoke later that night. He sensed soomething was wrong immediately, and rolled out of bed silently, taking a combat knife in his teeth, and sneaking over to some nearby bushes. He waited to ambush the two ponies if they meant some kind of harm to Cashmere or their camp.
"Sure," Psych Ward said uneasily. She could adapt easily to one pony, but to possibly more. She kept quite though.
Cash perked her ears, instantly awakened by the sound of somepony moving. Probably Joran, but it would be better to make sure. She loaded her battle saddle and slid it on, careful to be gentle with her wing. She poked her head out of her tent and looked around before trotting out to find the source of the noise.

River trotted forward, bravely but cautiously approaching the campsite. "Hello? Friends here!" he called softly, hoping not to startle or alarm anypony. "Please don't be zebras..." he muttered.
Joran jumped as the ponies entered the camp, a long knife in his teeth. Its blade shone in the firelight.

"What's your business here?!" he barked, putting himself between the intruders and Cashmere. There was an unnerving ferocity in his eyes.
Cash gave Joran a weird look and stepped out from behind him. She refused to feel like she was being protected by anypony. Her sniper battle saddle was loaded and her teeth rested on the trigger, ready to squeeze if there was trouble.

River backed up, his horn glowing. "Whoa there, friend. I just came to see who else was out here. We need to camp for the night too, and we just wanted to be sure it was safe over here. Please, but the blade down. We're not going to hurt anypony."
Joran reluctantly put down the combat knife, leaving it in his pack. He put on his armor, just in case they were trying to trick him. His machine gun was trained on them at all times. "Very well, you may rest here. Cash, do you trust these people?" He asked roughly, though it would be obvious to Cash that he was putting on a show.
Psych Ward frowned, not relaxing. She could feel her hear beating faster. She really didn't need an anxiety attack now.
((Guys, we SERIOUSLY need at least a few more people. If anyone wants to try recruiting, please do, because I suck at it))
((I'm fairly awful too. I've already tried Tumblr, several groups on this site, and asking people one-on-one. Good luck, though.))

Cash raised her eyebrow at Joran. "I don't trust you, you expect me to trust somepony who just trotted up to me? I don't trust anypony. But they look friendly enough, we can let them stay and keep an eye on them," she explained, stepping forward so she was slightly ahead of Joran.

River dipped his head, the glow from his horn tapering and fading out. "Thank you. We'll be out of your manes by sunrise, I can promise that," he said politely, shooting a glance at his new companion to see if she agreed.
"Very well, I will take watch for the night. All of you should get some rest, I'm trained to go without it." Said Joran, as he loaded up his dual minigun war-saddle. He then went over to the cube and ordered two more tents with stuff in them. He sat by the fire, looking outwards towards the slowly-setting moon
Psych nodded eagerly. She was ready to agree to anything. Her hooves were trembling and she just needed a chance to get calmed down.
Cash shrugged her shoulders and turned tail, walking slowly and heavily back to her tent. She was still sore and exhausted from the events of the day, and she remembered that crazy alicorn had given her healing potions and rations. Cash sniffed one to be sure they were safe before tossing a healing potion back. The liquid spread a warm tingle through her belly and to her limbs. She could feel her wing healing as she drifted to a light, uneasy sleep.

River dipped his head once more. "Thanks again," he said, trotting gratefully into the last empty tent. He circled and lay down, but it took him a long time to fall asleep. He kept watching the solider buck by the fire, thinking about whatever his mind wandered to before he was tired enough to sleep.
*Several hours of sleep later*

It was 8 in the morning when Joran woke the two intruders up roughly, then kindly waking up Cash. Of course, if Cash wanted to sleep more, he'd let her, and he'd tell the intruders to be quiet. He heard fighting several miles away, but he didn't care. He was with Cashmere.

He would tell the intruders to scout the road ahead, and make sure it was safe.
River grunted and glared at his rude awakening, but got to his hooves anyway. He strapped his saddlebags back on and went to fetch his new friend, as they should probably scout ahead to be sure it was safe.

Cash groaned it got up, rubbing her eyes. She was really hoping for a couple more hours, but the sound of battle not too far away told her they had to get moving. She unwrapped her wing and extended it gently, checking to see if the healing potion had done its job. The wing was fully healed and strong, if a little stiff. She smiled and flapped both happily, hovering above the dirt.
Psych Ward was in her tent, wiping the sleep out of her eyes. She hadn't much appreciated the rude awakening.
"Alright, lets get moving. Cash, we're going to have to go through that battle up there to get out of here. Do you mind coming with me to try to find a way around?" He said quietly as he ate some rations while the intruders scouted ahead. He noticably didn't offer them any food, or information about the battle. "I know what this is," he suddenly realised, "There was a slave caravan coming this way a while back, I bet a few slaves are escaping. C'mon, let's go help them out." He did not specify which side to help, seemingly indicating that they'd decide when they got there. The intruders heard none of this as they were scouting.
Cash nodded eagerly and swished her tail. "Yeah. Slavers make me sick," she said, excited. The pegasus snapped her wings open and leaped into the air, circling overheard to spot what she could. Her skilled pegasus eyes could make out more than other ponies. She could distinguish several wagons full of slaves revolting, pounding their hooves on the bars and breaking locks. There was all manner of pony in those wagons, some unicorns, some powerful earth ponies, and the rare pegasus here and there. The slavers struggled to hold the enraged ponies. "Those ponies need help. Come on!"

River lifted his head, hearing the pegasus yell something about ponies needing help. He turned around sharply and galloped off in the direction she was flying. "This way! Ponies in trouble!" he called to his female companion.

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