Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

Cash chuckled slightly at Joran's hasty explanation before slinging the amulet around her neck. All the dirt and grime and blood covering every inch of her body seemed to melt away, disappearing into the tiny gem. Cash shook her clean coat, feeling much better. "Wow, that's pretty nifty. Even polished my sniper rifle," she grinned. Her blue-grey coat shone in the dwindling light, and her navy-and-yellow mane looked fresh and full. "I haven't been this clean in years," she murmured, examining herself. Looking back at Joran, she gave a goofy grin. "Awesome. So, camping? You got some other fancy little gadget that sets up a campsite for you in that soldier pack of yours?" cash purposefully skipped over the bit about the funeral. No reason to dwell on it.
"Yes, I do. We'll have to spruce it up a bit, because it's meant to merely be functional. I think we'll be alright." Joran said, stuttering slightly. He just couldn't get over that smile... That beatiful, cheery smile. He snapped back into reality and lead the way towards the outside of town.
Cash swished her tail. "Well then. Lead the way, Officer," she said in a mockingly masculine voice, trotting after the buck. She didn't care much that her hooves were getting dirty again. The gizmo around her neck would have her clean again as soon as she wanted.
**About 10 minutes of walking later**

"Well, this seems as good a spot as any." He nodded, trying not to look at her. He really didn't trust that feeling, even though it felt really good. He dropped down a small cube, which quickly summoned two basic tents with thin sleeping bags and a fire pit with a nice, warm fire. Touching the cube, Joran said clearly "Two large logs near fire, flat top. Two pillows in tents, soft. Illusion screen around camp, type 7. Sound canceller around camp and inside illusion screen, full cancellation. Doorway in illusion screen and sound canceller, concealed metal. five locks on door, randomized. Lock password key in my tent." The cube beeped and everything was set up.
"D**n, that is nifty. Where does all the stuff go when you take it down?" Cash grinned wide, admiring the object. Being a pegasus, she didn't have much knowledge of magic unless it was weapon-grade. "You military ponies sure get the cool stuff, don't ya? Wish I could've enlisted."
"Trust me, you don't want to. You can buy this stuff at any military surplus store around, nothing special. But enlisting? That's far too dangerous for almost everyone. I went because of my athletic ability, everyone else I've seen so far was either there out of desperation, or they were drafted."

Joran wanted to say so many things he knew he couldn't. Things like 'I need you' or 'I couldn't bear losing you' or even 'you're too beautiful to be tarnished by war.' He hated himself for not saying those things, but knew in his heart that he could not.
"I was going to, you know. Some recruitment pegasus buck came up to me during my days bartending. Took me outta there and trained me so I could enlist before he was shot and killed. After that I didn't really have the will or the resources to enlist, I guess," Cash admitted, hiding behind the bit of her mane that fell over her forehead. She didn't like to talk about her time in The Pit, but before that wasn't unbearable.
Joran nodded and packed up his armor and his weapons, and put them aside. He sat by the fire, warming his hooves. Looking back at Cashmere, he was sent into an emotional tailspin. The light of the fire dancing off the walls and reflecting back onto her was awe-inspiring to him. He had no clue what to stay, though he resurfaced for long enough to turn back to the fire before continuing to drown in the sea that was what he just saw. He had always been rather poetic, so he sort of automatically thought of it like that. At this point, he could tell he was in love. He had no idea what to do with the fact, though.
Cash shimmied out of her saddlebags, not taking them off the usual way because of her injured wing. She lay them next to her when she went to sit by the fire as well. It was warm and felt good, clean, and healthy. Cash enjoyed the smell of real wood smoke, not smoke tainted with foul magic and gunpowder. The blue-grey pegasus mare extended her good wing and gave it a good shake, feeling stiff and sore. "So... Would you know anything about a unicorn mage that uses blood for magic? She was in Ponyville before you showed up and tried to kill me. And this other buck, but he ended up dying. I wasted the last of my healing bandages on him. He killed this bloody monster thing while I was stuck, so I guess he sorta saved my life. You have any idea what those were?"
"The blood mage was Archwizard Wrath. She has the position for the war effort, but I have a feeling the insane crook won't give it up easily.

As for the other one, I bet that was Swift Reaper, Deathwish's brother. He never knew her, he didn't even know he had a sister. He had the power to capture and talk to souls. They were apparently his only friends. He's absolutely neutral, he just gathers the souls of the dead. We occasionally hire him for questioning the dead. It's a sad day to know he is dead, he was a good pony, though he was not well-understood."

"So..." he asked shyly, attempting to change the subject, "What are some of your interests?"
"I dunno if aerial combat counts as an interest..." Cash said sheepishly, looking at the fire to avoid eye contact. Mares were supposed to be nice and sweet and polite and ladylike. Cash was none of those things. She wondered if Joran cared. He was soldier, so probably not much.
Joran's thoughts went round and round like a whirlwind. Finally they stopped, and he made his decision. He had no clue if he'd ever see her again, he had to. He leaned over and kissed her before quickly pulling away, his face bright red. He covered his face with his hooves, hoping she wouldn't notice how embarrassed he was.
((I'm on mobile now, so I can't use text colors or italics or anything now, sorry.))

Cash felt her eyes widen to twice their normal size, and she jumped to her hooves in surprise. She shuffled backwards, tripping over saddlebags that lay forgotten on the ground. She landed on her rump on the ground, still in a state of shock. Sure, Cash had plenty of experience with bucks. Working at a bar in Cloudsdale as a young mare would earn you that, and The Pit was even worse. The thing she was startled by was the feeling behind the kiss. There was no ulterior motive, no fevered attempt at getting the attractive filly into bed, nothing. Just genuine care. It was...refreshing, at least for a mare like Cash. She smiled without realizing it.
Joran managed to whisper "I'm sorry." before hunching over. He couldn't believe it, but for the first time in five years, he felt a tear run down his cheek, followed by more and more. He was sobbing at this point, occasionally saying I'm sorry. He was almost ashamed at himself, if it were not for the amazing feeling he felt within him as he sat there. It was undescribable for him, and completely jumbled, yet it made perfect sense.
(Can I get a quick little summary of what happened? My alerts went down AGAIN!!!)

Psych smiled. "Thank you very much," she said. "I don't think I would have found enough yarn to make a new sweater."
((I'll PM you in a minute.))

Cash began to giggle. It was a bubbly, cheery sound, brightening the entire vicinity. The pegasus giggled uncontrollably, rolling onto her back and kicking her hooves in the air. She didn't giggle very often, but it was a melodious and sweet thing to hear when she did. Finally regaining control of her laughter, she looked at Joran. "You don't have anything to be sorry for," she said between silent fits of mirth. "You just scared me, that's all. Hey, don't be upset, it's okay. Officer Joran?"

River nodded gentlemanly. "It's no trouble. I do believe it's getting dark. Would you like to camp with me tonight,mor do you prefer your current shelter? I understand if you don't want to spend the night with a stranger."
((Giant battle took place, and Swift Reaper died. Cash wandered off until a very young alicorn approached her. The young alicorn was infact a dangerous sociopath, and was shot by this guy, Joran. Joran fell in love with Cash, and nw they're currently camping in the wilderness together.))
"Sure," Psych Ward smiled, glad for the company. It had been awhile since she hadn't been alone. "Where would we camp?" 
(Fun, interesting. Okay.)

Nightshade decided it was time to find a place to mix the potion so it could be sent to the client.
Joran looked up, his tears almost instantly dried. He smiled, and felt a feeling of ecstacy that he had never felt before. "Sorry, I thought you were upset, but I was apparently wrong." Joran had never been so happy to be wrong in his entire life. He'd never been this happy at all, really. To hear her laugh was enough to overflow his capacity to be overjoyed. "Also, please call me Joran. No need for the officer thing, I'm not on the job." He laughed.
River looked behind him. "I'd say just outside the town. This place is dangerous enough by day, I'd hate to imagine what it's like at night. I've got two tents in my saddlebags we can set up in the field over there." The unicorn buck pointed his horn off the the east.

Cash shook her head. "No, I'm not upset at all. Just a little surprised. Why'd you do that?" she asked, pulling herself back to her hooves and returning to her spot by the fire. It was delightfully warm, and Cash felt light and gleeful. She couldn't remember a time she had last felt so at ease.
"Okay," Psych Ward nodded, standing up. "It does get pretty bad at night. There's a gang on the north side of down and a bar on the west side. The east side is pretty safe but the south side is overrun with monsters and stuff." 
(I think I'm off to bed. It's 12:28 and I have library duty in the morning.)
"To put it bluntly, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and even though we just met today, I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. Knowing my job, I'd need a really good reason to be with you. I couldn't bear losing you, and I needed you to at least know how I felt if you did leave. Do- do you feel the same feeling for me?" He replied and asked timidly, though still overjoyed. He scooted up next to Cash, happy to be near her.
River nodded once or twice, trotting off in the eastern direction. His horn glowed as he made a path through the blood soaked dirt for the two ponies to tread without getting dirty.

Cash looked at him, unsure of how to reply. "I dunno, I feel like I don't really know you well enough to tell. Maybe. But I have trust issues, so don't worry about it too much, okay? We can stick together if you want. I just hope you don't mind nomadic thievery," the mare chuckled to herself.

((I should get some sleep, too. See you guys!))

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