Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

Swift ordered the abombinatios to go back from whence they came, and then he transformed back. He then swung his scythe through four of them, collecting souls as the blade passed through their liquid bodies.

Foes left: 4 Letters
Cash fired two more rounds before deciding that was enough messing with magical energy. She had destroyed plenty of the monsters with them. Switching back to her armor-piercing bullets, and peppered another monster to blood droplets. That left one remaining for her mysterious partner on the ground.


River gave a start, his horn glowing turquoise color as he used the water in the blood to clean the area around him. He floated the red liquid away from his position and that of the pony opposite him. When he had finished, he had created a large circle of dry dirt for him and his new friend to stand without getting soaked. Finally, River used his magic to siphon the blood off his coat and the other pony's sweater. "There," he said as the glow from his horn died down, "all clean."
Swift Reaper swung his scythe against the last one, only to find...


Wrathful Mage had finished her scrying. Idiotic rogue, messing with royal business. She called in two Blood Knights (Knights that have armor made of enchanted blood) and teleported to the scene, along with her Knights


Swift Reaper was lying on the ground, his neck bleeding rapidly, his horn shattered. He would die in 20 seconds without medical care. The last monster was a decoy, a trigger for a Soul Rip, a particularly nasty spell that he thought only he knew. Until now. He was still completely awake, gasping for air from his slit throat. Standing over him was a Blood Knight, and he looked extremely pissed.


Wrath looked around the scene. Spotting the rogue pegasus in the sky, she formed wings from blood on the Earth pony knight. He flew up, bloody scimitar at the ready. Wrath herself focused on constantly healing her knights.
Cash spun around to see that freaky unicorn mage had sent something flying with wings made of blood. She didn't move, didn't fire. She merely waited. Closer, closer, come on... She thought anxiously, praying it wasn't very smart. Once the knight had gotten within range of his weapon, Cash folded her wings and dropped like a stone toward the ground. As she plummeted, and twisted around far enough to pull out her bandages laced with healing spells. She hit the ground with a thump and got up, firing her armor-piercing bullets into the knight standing over her rescuer. She had approximately sixteen seconds before the flying knight would be on top of her again. Moving as quickly as she could, she bandaged the throat of the unicorn lying on the ground with her magic-laced bandages. Thank the Princesses I thought to steal so much from that Appleloosa stockpile. It was filled with magic items.
Wrathful Mage animated the blood in the dead knight's body, and he came back to life as something of a zombie. His armor melted off, along with his eyes, leaving bleeding eye sockets.

The flying Knight had no flying experience. He had to carefully descend. He did have an advantage, however. He pulled out a small hand crossbow and took aim. He fired, attempting to hit the rogue's wing
Cash yelled out, feeling something rip into her wing. S**t, now I can't fly! She hastily finished tying the healing bandages and pushed the injured unicorn out of the way. Carefully folding her pierced wing, Cash saw an arrow planted into the dirt. In a fit of rage, the pegasus mare spun around and bucked the zombie knight as hard as she could, sending him flying away from her. She spun back around, taking aim on the flying knight and firing round after round of armor-piercing bullets. Her anger blurred her vision, and she ended up wasting several rounds firing at a lifeless knight.
Wrath attempted to continue to fight, but was teleported back to Canterlot. as it turns out, she had lost to much blood. She sighed as she prepared for another blood transplant.
Cash felt her knees buckle with exhaustion. She lay on her side, panting and bleeding from her wing. The dirt was still soaked in blood, but Cash's nice blue-grey coat was already beyond soaked in red. So much for bartering for something to eat, I can't even get up. She grunted and grumbled incoherently, heaving her aching body to its hooves. She had used the last of her healing bandages on the unicorn that had first rescued her. She accepted that as fair and limped over to where she had pushed him. Maybe he had survived.
Swift was barely alive. He had 3 liters of blood left, but there was a more important problem. He had no powers whatsoever anymore. Everything felt so silent, he heard no voices. No more incessent chatter. No more anything. The silence was deafening, he had never felt so alone.
Cash let herself fall to the ground next to the struggling unicorn. She tucked her hooves under her body and found some plain bandages to wrap her injured wing and bind it to her body. She she worked, she shot glances at the unicorn, noticing his horn had been broken. She tied her bandages off and looked at him fully. He didn't look very alive. "Let me see if I have a healing spell or a potion or something. I might have one, but that would be lucky." Cash began sifting through her saddlebags. In a stroke of luck, she found a half-emptied healing potion. "It's only half of one, but it'll speed up your healing a little bit. It's the least I can do, right? I'm not a great medical pony, but it's something."
Swift stared straight ahead, breathung heavily. The color drained from his face. He lost the will to live, and began dying. He pushed away any kind of help
Cash frowned when the unicorn refused her potion. "Well, if you insist. I won't get in the way," she said softly, mildly confused. She drank the rest of the potion herself, hoping it would help her wing some. "If you don't want any help, I think I'll go see if anypony here has anything to eat. I'm starved." Cash got to her hooves again, giving the unicorn a sad look.
Swift Reaper has died.

Casualty count: 1

Wrathful Mage finished her transplnt, and posted a 2000-bit reward for te rogue pegasus' head. She then returned to studying her new spell: Soul Rip


((My new character:))

Name: Rachel Darkling

Age: 1

Gender: Filly

Species: Alicorn

Cutie Mark: Skull with horns

Special Talent: Eating Souls to gain power

Mane/Tail Color(s): Black

Mane/Tail Style: Straight, long

Coat Color: Grey

Eye Color: Pure Black

Brief Personality Description: Happy and carefree, innocent-looking, incredibly sadistic, sociopath, mass-murderer, has no social skills whatsoever

Brief History: The brother of Swift Reaper, Rachel was taken to Canterlot the day she was born, for Wrathful Mage had taken an interest in her powers. She killed her parents with a bolt of dark energy as soon as she was born, and she was taken to Canterlot and made into an Alicorn by Wrathful Mage herself. Rachel was the student of Wrath for 1 month before Wrath cast her out into the wilds, for she was far too powerful. Wrath assumd the young child would die. She did not, and she lives to this day, leaving death in her path as she wanders Equestria.

Accessories/Other Information: She wears a blindfold, put on by Wrathful Mage and bound to her skin. She doesn't mind, her souls she eats give her the power to see just fine, among other things. She has just wandered into Ponyville.
((Sounds good to me.))

Cash left the corpse of the unicorn pony, unsure what to do with it in her state. She dragged herself along the street, searching for anypony who would barter with her for food and medical supplies. There was no stockpile to steal from in Ponyville. Cash was on her own here, and she wanted out as soon as she was well enough.
Rachel was walking along an old animal trail. The earth crumbled beneath her feet, the plant life withering and dying everywhere she stepped. Eventually, she arrived at the dge of the woods, beyond which she saw a Zebra camp, and off in the distance, a town known as Ponyville. She skipped happily through the undergrowth towards the camp, giggling.

Upon her arrival, she giggled at the spears pointed towards her by the two zebra guards. They both stepped forward, and experienced complete body failure as soon as their feet hit the ground. They immediately fell over, not knowing hot to breath, stand, or pump blood through their bodies. Every single one of the 1000 zebras planning an attack on ponyville fell to the same fate. The little girl ate all their souls and, with the power, conjured a portable dimensional gate in which to store items.

The gate was dark and ominous, and screams could be heard from the other side. It was just big enough for a young filly to fit through easily, while being impossible for anyone over the age of 4.

She stuffed all of the zebras' belongings in the portal and shrunk it down to a small marble. She stuffed it in her pocket (she was wearing some nice-looking conjured clothes) and teleported to Ponyville, and found herself hovering directly above the ground in front of a blood-drenched pegasus 
((Also, I need a character who isn't completely evil. Here they are:))

Name: Joran Crusher

Age: 10

Gender: Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: Hammer

Special Talent: Really strong, good at breaking things

Mane/Tail Color(s): dark brown

Mane/Tail Style: Short military cut

Coat Color: Grey with patches of darker grey

Eye Color: Dark Green

Brief Personality Description: Loyal, intelligent, somewhat arrogant. Tends to make good impressions on people, short temper if someone he is allied with is in danger.

Brief History: A strong pony born in ponyville, Joran was always breaking things when he was young. When the war started, he immediately enlisted and beganranking up quickly. He is now a highly-trained officer of Canterlot, but he occassionally visits his parents back in Ponyville. As it just so happens, they were eaten by Gluttons in a recent incident. All he was told was that they were dead, and that he should come to their funeral and will reading.

Accessories/Other Information: Full enchanted steel armor, Dual Miniguns firing heavy shells, 1000 heavy shells, 50 enchanted magic shells, Horns on his helmet (for charging).
((All that works great! I was planning on having Cash wander up to Psych Ward and River after she interacts with Rachel. Maybe forming a little nomadic team with Cash, River, Psych is she wants, and Joran?))

Cash was too exhausted to scream or jump upon seeing the dark alicorn filly appearing before her. She was only capable of being surprised she had just come across a real alicorn. Only the greatest unicorns were made into alicorns. Cash stammed upon speaking. "H-hello, Your Highness, can I... Can I be of service?" she dipped her head in an elegant but shaky bow due to her injuries.
((Sounds like a plan!))

Rachel smiled rather cheerily and said "It looks like you need help! I'll help!" She then gave the pegasus some healing potions and food. She always loved killing them while they were happy.


Joran entered the blood-soaked town. His exquisite armor enchanted to be ever-shining and extremely strong, he slowly walked down the road. He knew at this point that Archwizard Wrath killed his parents, but he cleared the thought from his mind for the time-being. He had just recieved word of the alicorn Rachel Darkling, codename Deathwish. Apparently, she was in the area. He had no time for preparations, he had to take her on his own. No easy task, indeed.

He spotted the alicorn, who he quickly shot with magic rounds. She disintigrated. Of course, she would reincarnate, as was normal with Deathwish. Luckily, she only had 9 lives, and that was the 6th he just took.
This time, Cash found the strength to jump backwards. Here was some sweet little alicorn who gave her free food and medical supplies, and then some big buck shows up and blows her head off. "Hey! What was that for?She was being kind!" the filthy pegasus yelled hoarsely, tucking her gifts into her saddlebags and shooting a glance at the magic-tainted ash now in front of her.
"That 'kind' alicorn is a phychopathic mass-murderer. She's called Deathwish by most, her real name is confidential. Here's a report on the little killer." Joran said rather bluntly as he pulled out a file folder and handed it to the pegasus.

Casualties: 2.6
Cash raised her eyebrow for the second time, flipping the file open with a filthy, bloody hoof. She ended up getting the paper stained, but she managed to read most of it. "So... She was gonna kill me. Great. Is there anything in this town that doesn't want to kill me?" the mare groaned, giving the file back.
"I certainly don't. I'm Officer Joran, and you are...?" 
((whoops, didn't post all of it. gimme a sec)) 
Joran smiled as he looked the mare up and down. She was filthy, of course, but she looked very nice. She seemed to stand out from all of the doom and gloom around the area, someone who was actually determined to keep on trying. He handed her a towel, "Here, you look like you need this."
"Cashmere Sky. So you're an officer...any news on the war? I'm afraid I've been a little 'out of the loop', so to speak." Cash rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof, only adding to the matted, dried blood and filth already caked into her mane. She gave a crooked and painful smile when she was given a towel. "Thanks," she muttered.
"The actual war is doing just fine. We've had several excellent victories recently. However, we're getting too much interference from the inside. Deathwish is a perfect example of this."

He smiled again as he said this. It was very nice to see someone so... well, he wasn't really sure how to describe it. Though he didn't know it at the time, this was love, which he had no experience in whatsoever.

"Say, are you going to use that towel? It's a shame to see anyone with their mane that filthy."

((Just trying to add a little character depth here. If you don't want your character to be involved in such a thing, let me know))
((It's great! I was hoping that she'd be the subject of some love interest at some point. I'm usually stuck playing the male in those situations, so it's nice to play my own gender and be in a situation like that.))

Cash nodded. "Oh, yeah, yeah. But I think I'll need more than a towel to get myself even remotely clean. And I thought I was dirty before I came here," the pegasus threw the towel over her head and rubbed viciously, pulling it off to reveal that she had gotten at least the wet and loose dirt and blood out of her mane and off her face. She blinked, happy to be able to feel her face again. She then tossed the towel onto her back, then her hind legs, rump, and tail. She emerged from the fabric looking more herself, but still stained and covered in matted dirt. "So, since you're not fighting, you've been assigned to taking out rouges who're screwing with stuff within our borders?" Cash asked, rubbing her forehooves on the towel before offering it back to Joran.
Joran tried not to stare, her face looked very pretty. He snapped out of it and thanked her for returning the towel. Only then did he remember that he had a cleaning amulet. All soldiers carry one, it's a lot quicker than a shower. And, as an added bonus, it keeps the dirt out of your eyes.

"I just realised that I had this thing," He stammered, holding up the amulet. "Put it on, most soldiers use it as an alternative to showers. As for your question, I came here to attend my parents' funeral. Looks like it's not going to happen, though." He sighed, but quickly stopped himself. No need to look upset in front of her. He smiled sadly instead.

"We should probably set up camp, it's getting dark. I know just the place. Trust me, you don't want to sleep in this town. Stuff like ghosts and souls come out at night, who have lost their way. I've learned never to mess with them from an early age. We're better off in the fields nearby, after we're outside the 'red zone' here." He chuckled, mainly because a red zone is a soldier term for a nasty fight. Realising she didn't know, he quickly stammered out the jokes explanation.

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