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Fandom Batman: A Year In Blood OOC (CLOSED)

I'm pretty sure the roleplay will always be open for appropriate characters.

Also, I have three powersets i'm considering for my OC, and I was wondering which ones would be the most interesting and balanced to the other characters (given that we have Vampire!Batman here, I'm assuming the power level (or at least skill level) is pretty high).

The power level at this point ranges from non-powered street level (Penguine, Catwoman, Dick Grayson, ect) to mid level (vampire Bats & android). Your proposed power builds would put you well above any other accepted character.
I'm pretty sure the roleplay will always be open for appropriate characters.

The power level at this point ranges from non-powered street level (Penguine, Catwoman, Dick Grayson, ect) to mid level (vampire Bats & android). Your proposed power builds would put you well above any other accepted character.

The reason I made them so powerful was because, while Batman's whole shtick is that he has no powers, Batman is one of the most cunning (and therefore dangerous) members of the Justice League (remember, he came up with plans to take out all the other members, in various canons to boot). The man has regularly teamed up with Superman and held his own, despite having no powers. And this roleplay just gave him goddamn superpowers on top of his already insane combat ability, resources, intelligence, and planning. I'd argue that he is at least a high-powered character because of that.

I'd argue that Vampire Bats easily crushes all three of my powersets, purely because he can plan ahead. The portal user can be defeated by simply forcing him to retreat into his pocket dimension and building a trap for him when he inevitably returns. He can only create portals to two locations: his pocket dimension and the place he entered the pocket dimension from. Setting up a trap would be trivially easy for pretty much any moderately-intelligent DC character.

The magical craftsman can be stomped by any half-decent magic nullification device/power/technique, of which there's at least one that I know of in the DC Universe: Nth metal, which Deathstroke already uses and Batman can probably get access to pretty easily, what with his bottomless bank account and all.

And the water user? His weakness is the most crippling and easy-to-exploit of all, not to mention seriously embarrassing: Toss a bar of soap at him. No, seriously. The soap, when he's in water form, will cause a chemical reaction, resulting in pain and debilitation roughly equivalent to getting a bottle of sulfuric acid tossed in your face.
The reason I made them so powerful was because, while Batman's whole shtick is that he has no powers, Batman is one of the most cunning (and therefore dangerous) members of the Justice League (remember, he came up with plans to take out all the other members, in various canons to boot). The man has regularly teamed up with Superman and held his own, despite having no powers. And this roleplay just gave him goddamn superpowers on top of his already insane combat ability, resources, intelligence, and planning. I'd argue that he is at least a high-powered character because of that.

Batman can't hold his own with Superman without plot induced stupidity. They're completely different tiers, with an entire tier of space in-between them. Bats is street level (though high end), Hawkman is mid level, and Superman (how he's typically written) is peek high level—though not quite cosmic, which is final tier.

The planning/prep feats are cool for Bats but they're mostly there to justify his League status. They all but vanish in his own series where he faces off (and struggles) against the likes of Two Face and The Ventriloquist. Again, the prep is interesting, but Bats (and most of Gotham for that matter) will always be street level.

Having said that his vampire status should bump him up to middle tier with the likes of Spiderman or his DC equivalent. At least that's how I see it.
Genon Genon Yes, we're still open. I personally like the second powerset the best, I feel it works on it's own but also allows for interaction with others (so somebody like Deathstroke The Omen of Death The Omen of Death could ask you to make him a weapon or something along those lines.) The third one is also good though considering that Scarecrow DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712 has set his eyes on the Gotham City water supply.
Genon Genon Yes, we're still open. I personally like the second powerset the best, I feel it works on it's own but also allows for interaction with others (so somebody like Deathstroke The Omen of Death The Omen of Death could ask you to make him a weapon or something along those lines.) The third one is also good though considering that Scarecrow DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712 has set his eyes on the Gotham City water supply.
Yup! I'm currently waiting for things to settle down so that I can start enacting Scarecrow's plans.
DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712 Thanks for your patience. I know you've been waiting a while.

For some reason when I checked this originally, I didn't have the conversation between Genon Genon and Bone2pick Bone2pick available to me so I would like to make some points clear.

As Bone2pick Bone2pick says, I see the Batman in this RP as only really mid tier in power level. This is for a few reasons.
  • In regards to his combat ability, I can understand where you're coming from Genon Genon but in the context of this RP, he has been active for less than a year so his skill is nowhere near as much as it will be; he is still fundamentally learning the ropes. Think of it more along the lines of Batman: Year One. Even with the new powers available to him, he is still only on par strength wise with the likes of Killer Croc and Mr. Freeze.
  • He doesn't have any of the vehicles or the range of gadgets afforded to him in the comics. There is no reason for them considering what his new powers allow him to do, flying for example.
  • In regards to prep/planning, since has previously mentioned this is early days for the Batman, there is little of it he can actually do considering most of this is new for him and this will be the first time he encounters many of his foes.
  • He also has the relatively obvious weaknesses once you realise what he is. Even someone like Killer Croc would know what to do without the need for research.
Basically for everything his new powers bring, there is something to counter balance it or vice versa.

Batman - Skill vs Vamp Bats - Raw power.
Batman - Technology vs Vamp Bats - Supernatural abilities.
Batman - Prep/planning vs Vamp Bats - Inexperience​

Where standard Bats would apply one, vamp Bats would apply the other. So he ends up being no better off really.

Genon Genon Please don't be put off or take things the wrong way, I would still love for you to join. All it means is some of your abilities may need a few small tweaks here and there.
Yeah, and I currently have to sit around patiently waiting for Literally Batman Literally Batman to try to post again, since he hasn't said anything for a while and now Deathstroke is just sitting around doing nothing in particular. So I guess I will still be hobbled up in my little corner until then.
Yeah, and I currently have to sit around patiently waiting for Literally Batman Literally Batman to try to post again, since he hasn't said anything for a while and now Deathstroke is just sitting around doing nothing in particular. So I guess I will still be hobbled up in my little corner until then.

If there was a hugs rating in this version of RPN, I would give you one. Wizard should probably get on that.

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
I see. I'm probably going to go for the craftsman then. What's the maximum power level an enchantment, like strength-boosting gloves, speed-enhancing boots, a force-field-producing jacket, or a utility item like an unhackable or always-connected smartphone can have and still fit within the PL of this RP?
If there was a hugs rating in this version of RPN, I would give you one. Wizard should probably get on that.
Haha thanks, how can a mercenary hired to kill a vampire batman if he is sitting around frozen in time? Honestly actually, that sounds like something Deathstroke could figure out and do lol.
Genon Genon It depends I suppose. I'd argue that the more enchanted equipment you have, the less powerful each one can be. After all they has to be a limit on how much magical energy your guy would have? He can't have infinite reserves of magic to call upon. It would help though if I could get a bit of background of how it's done exactly.

The Omen of Death The Omen of Death I appreciate you hanging in there as well. I assume that Literally Batman Literally Batman is still fighting his allergies. Have you tried sending him a message?
Literally Batman Literally Batman The Omen of Death The Omen of Death FireMaiden FireMaiden @I n t e l l i g e n c e Bone2pick Bone2pick Demonhunter Demonhunter DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712 Genon Genon

Just as a heads up to everyone, I think we've got to a nice spot to end Issue 1 (The Batman's in Deathstroke's sights, Scarecrow and Mr. Freeze are putting plans into motions etc.) so I will do one last post to wraps things up a little, before starting work on a summary of Issue 1's events as we go into Issue 2. So I ask until the summary is up, please can nobody post anything else.
Literally Batman Literally Batman The Omen of Death The Omen of Death FireMaiden FireMaiden @I n t e l l i g e n c e Bone2pick Bone2pick Demonhunter Demonhunter DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712 Genon Genon

Just as a heads up to everyone, I think we've got to a nice spot to end Issue 1 (The Batman's in Deathstroke's sights, Scarecrow and Mr. Freeze are putting plans into motions etc.) so I will do one last post to wraps things up a little, before starting work on a summary of Issue 1's events as we go into Issue 2. So I ask until the summary is up, please can nobody post anything else.
Sounds good!
Literally Batman Literally Batman The Omen of Death The Omen of Death FireMaiden FireMaiden @I n t e l l i g e n c e Bone2pick Bone2pick Demonhunter Demonhunter DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712 Genon Genon

Just as a heads up to everyone, I think we've got to a nice spot to end Issue 1 (The Batman's in Deathstroke's sights, Scarecrow and Mr. Freeze are putting plans into motions etc.) so I will do one last post to wraps things up a little, before starting work on a summary of Issue 1's events as we go into Issue 2. So I ask until the summary is up, please can nobody post anything else.
Fine with me.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Don't worry not too much, I'm just planning on starting Issue 2 now. It will be the same RP, I'm just trying to do it in kind of like chapters with handy summary's at the beginning so people can easily catch up if they miss something or people can join in without having to read everything.
Just posted so I'm going to make a start on a summary now. With any luck it will be up later today if not it will hopefully be tomorrow.
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Perfect opportunity for me to get back into the loop. Though, I have a question that needs a bit of answering. Trivial but it's been bugging me:

Who do you think would better suit this RP? Man-bat, Black Mask, or Clayface?
Elephantom Elephantom Great to have you on board again. I think all three bring something different to the table. I know you probably have your own ideas but here's a few that sprung to my mind.

With Man-Bat we could almost end up doing a role reversal as things progress. As Batman descends into vampirism, Man-Bat steps up to fill the heroic void.

With Black Mask, we could end up having two criminal masterminds (yourself and the Penguin Literally Batman Literally Batman ) both vying for control of the Gotham Underworld.

Clayface also has lots of potential but I have to ask one thing first, which one are we talking about?
With Man-Bat we could almost end up doing a role reversal as things progress. As Batman descends into vampirism, Man-Bat steps up to fill the heroic void.

I like that potential. Man-Bat could be mistaken for vampire Bats alternate form. The two could even team up and form a monstrous crime fighting team.
With Man-Bat we could almost end up doing a role reversal as things progress. As Batman descends into vampirism, Man-Bat steps up to fill the heroic void.

Exactly. This was the concept I had planned for the manbat, in case I choose to play him. Briefly, his development is supposed to mirror batman's, except on a polar opposite spectrum — batman is losing his humanity, manbat is regaining it. In a way, he fills up the heroic void, but I intend for him to play an anti-heroic role, albeit in a somewhat distorted manner, gradually progressing to a lawful-neutral state.

Thinking about it, I think I'll just choose him, and though Black Mask isn't a bad idea, there's already penguin for the organized crime situation.

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