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Fandom Batman: A Year In Blood OOC (CLOSED)

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Just wanted to say that I really like the issue summary posts. It's narrative and comic bookish, and I imagine it'll be a nice feature to ease in new recruits.

FYI, I'll probably steal it whenever I create my own superhero RP. :coolshades:
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Just wanted to say that I really like the issue summary posts. It's narrative and comic bookish, and I imagine it'll be a nice feature to ease in new recruits.

FYI, I'll probably steal it whenever I create my own superhero RP. :coolshades:


(Don't tell anyone but... )
(I got the idea from someone else myself. I did add some of my own personal touches though.)
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
I edited my CS by the way. There was some stuff I left out by mistake.

EDIT: Did you ever get around to reading it?

Apologies Genon Genon , I have read it and I'm happy with most of it but I have some questions in regards to your powers. When it comes to your gear which have active enchantments and which have passive?
Apologies Genon Genon , I have read it and I'm happy with most of it but I have some questions in regards to your powers. When it comes to your gear which have active enchantments and which have passive?

The T-shirt, boots, gun, baton, switchblade, and balaclava are all active. Everything else is passive.
Genon Genon Also would he be carrying around all of his gear at the same time?

Actually, yes. I specifically chose gear that would fit with the picture shown. He has extra stuff that he's working on in his workshop, and most likely additional gear in his stash, but I haven't nailed down anything but his "general-purpose" loadout.
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Do you want me to show Penguin proof of batman being 'killed' by taking his body and presenting him to the Penguin or would you rather his body stay where it is and get like a picture, or a part of his body to present?
The Omen of Death The Omen of Death I would prefer you leave the body where it is so a picture or video will probably be best.

So, do you have any other questions? Is Vulcan approved or do I have to make any changes?

Also, I was wondering how vampirism works in this RP. Vulcan's glasses can track people by the unique properties of their soul, and since vampirism is a supernatural disease I was wondering if a vampire's soul looks different than a normal person's, because
If so, Vulcan will probably be able to easily track Batman down by his souls's appearance, something that could be vital for the rendevous I'm planning between the two.
okay I am back! Been putting out fires all day! any ideas on how to jump back in?
You should continue your conversation with FireMaiden FireMaiden since I think she is waiting on you, also you could maybe have heard the sniper shot that 'killed' Batman, and go to investigate and maybe do something about it since Deathstroke is leaving the scene of the assassination.
like character was put in conversation with an innactive character and cannot get out of conversation without some godmodding
I just did some looking in, and I realized what you mean... I flipped the roles FireMaiden FireMaiden has not replied at all. Ok then. Maybe though following the noise would be realistic, since I mean if I understand correctly Jenga would be the type to be curious about something like that, and (maybe?) do something about it.

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