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Fandom Batman: A Year In Blood OOC (CLOSED)

The old feats here of him fighting with GL and Aquaman made me laugh. GL is so far outside Deathstroke's weight class... It's an instant win for Hal. Pretty much a curb stomp for Arthur too.

The trick is to find his average range. Keep in mind, other characters have feats taking down Deathstroke too, and they directly contradict some of the strength, speed, & durability feats shown above. So the question is - whose feats are valid, because they all can't be.
The old feats here of him fighting with GL and Aquaman made me laugh. GL is so far outside Deathstroke's weight class... It's an instant win for Hal. Pretty much a curb stomp for Arthur too.

The trick is to find his average range. Keep in mind, other characters have feats taking down Deathstroke too, and they directly contradict some of the strength, speed, & durability feats shown above. So the question is - whose feats are valid, because they all can't be.
Yeah, it all depends on the writers or what is needed for the plot, but realistically I think the wikia gave a fair explanation into averages, I will admit speed can be disputable, strength is usually based on destroying stuff or something of similar nature which can be disputed, I think the rest though is a bit less disputable in nature.

Nonetheless, it brings up the point that probably only Batman can truly stand up to Deathstroke in this RP, in individual characters I'd say Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze and Jenga then follow.

But Killer Croc is absolutely a moron, but he does have strength, durability, some speed, and a rough fighting style behind him

Mr. Freeze is obviously brilliant but not as intelligent as Deathstroke, but he also packs ice as other things that could slow or hinder him in some form, also his suit provides him extra strength, and durability, as well as punching ability again.

Jenga is more durable than most, and obviously because he is an android his metal endoskeleton helps enhance his punches and obviously makes an average joe trying to punch him painful, and he has strength but not much else

The rest individually would be easy curbstomps overall I believe.
Nonetheless, it brings up the point that probably only Batman can truly stand up to Deathstroke in this RP...

More often than not Deathstroke squares off against non-powered to low powered street levelers. Usually he wins those fights, sometimes he doesn't. Any character around Green Arrow or Nightwing's level, while not favored, is capable of dropping Desthstroke.

He's cool, but he isn't a powerhouse or team buster in the DCU. And I've seen the Deathstroke versus the Justice League scans, and it's an utter embarrassment in the annals of comic book history.
More often than not Deathstroke squares off against non-powered to low powered street levelers. Usually he wins those fights, sometimes he doesn't. Any character around Green Arrow or Nightwing's level, while not favored, is capable of dropping Desthstroke.

He's cool, but he isn't a powerhouse or team buster in the DCU. And I've seen the Deathstroke versus the Justice League scans, and it's an utter embarrassment in the annals of comic book history.
True technically the Justice League thing is considered by some to be one of the worst cases of PIS.

Green Arrow is one of those cases where Green Arrow needs to win just to go out and spite Deathstroke, but with Nightwing it's like most of the time Deathstroke kicks him to the curb with relative ease. I don't think I have ever seen Nightwing beat Deathstroke unless it's stated that Deathstroke was holding back, or he allowed Nightwing to beat him. Although that's because I haven't seen it before, so I am probably wrong in some regard.

But for all intents and purposes based squarely on what is stated in abilities I'd say Batman and Deathstroke are the strongest characters in this RP and they are honestly too equal in strength (partly because the vampiric powers part for Batman is vague) but I think Deathstroke would win only on the basis of how intelligent he is and the fact that since this is a Year One type scenario, Batman is still a force to be reckoned with but not as experienced overall.
But for all intents and purposes based squarely on what is stated in abilities I'd say Batman and Deathstroke are the strongest characters in this RP and they are honestly too equal in strength (partly because the vampiric powers part for Batman is vague) but I think Deathstroke would win only on the basis of how intelligent he is...[/QUOTE]

See I don't have Deathstroke in the same intellectual class as guys like Bruce Wayne, Lex, or Mr. Terrific.
But for all intents and purposes based squarely on what is stated in abilities I'd say Batman and Deathstroke are the strongest characters in this RP and they are honestly too equal in strength (partly because the vampiric powers part for Batman is vague) but I think Deathstroke would win only on the basis of how intelligent he is...

See I don't have Deathstroke in the same intellectual class as guys like Bruce Wayne, Lex, or Mr. Terrific.[/QUOTE]
Then where do you put him?
Below them, in terms of general intelligence. Above Lex and Mr. T in combat prep and tactics, and on par with Bats there.
Hey I expressed interest in a previous thread but circumstances prevented me from creating a character before now. Anyways I posted my character sheet for Jason Todd.

I remember. Glad to have you on board. Jason's been accepted so feel free to start posting.

Bone2pick Bone2pick Just looking over the character sheets again and I have a quick question in regards to Mr. Freeze's appearance. In the video, it shows three different outfits so shall I assume the bulky suit is for combat, the one without the suit is for when he is in his lab/hideout and the other one (the more form fitting one for lack of a better term) is kind of the standard all purpose outfit?
Just looking over the character sheets again and I have a quick question in regards to Mr. Freeze's appearance. In the video, it shows three different outfits so shall I assume the bulky suit is for combat, the one without the suit is for when he is in his lab/hideout and the other one (the more form fitting one for lack of a better term) is kind of the standard all purpose outfit?

Good observation. Those are his three primary looks, and you're correct about two of them. The bulky suit (which I call his cryo-suit/armor) is for combat and general villain stuff, and his suitless look is only for his frozen laboratory. The slimmer cryo-suit is really only used as a back up in case his armor is damaged, otherwise he always rolls out in full wargear.

Btw, I'll have my next post up today.
Good observation. Those are his three primary looks, and you're correct about two of them. The bulky suit (which I call his cryo-suit/armor) is for combat and general villain stuff, and his suitless look is only for his frozen laboratory. The slimmer cryo-suit is really only used as a back up in case his armor is damaged, otherwise he always rolls out in full wargear.
Cheers for the explanation.

Btw, I'll have my next post up today.
Looking forward to it.
Demonhunter Demonhunter Sorry if this seems rude, but I am reminding you that you should try to reply since I am waiting on you and the RP has hit some sort of a standstill and I'd much rather not see this die now.
Demonhunter Demonhunter Sorry if this seems rude, but I am reminding you that you should try to reply since I am waiting on you and the RP has hit some sort of a standstill and I'd much rather not see this die now.

Since I haven't heard back from Demonhunter Demonhunter I'm giving you permission to end the fight just so we can hopefully get things back on track. Please don't do anything drastic though just enough so you can make your escape or something.
I'm not sure where to jump in at this point, my idea would have been for Joker to plan out his revenge on
Deathstroke ( since he took his chance of killing the Batman and all) Maybe he and Harley could team with some of the others as well.
Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this one before I start to post. The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
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so is batman dead or not dead I'm very confused
Well, he took a bullet to the head, which I would think is basically like getting knocked unconscious for him, and due to the fact that he is a vampire, he is already technically "dead" so he had no pulse, but since it wasn't a weapon that can kill a vampire he is not actually dead.
I'm not sure where to jump in at this point, my idea would have been for Joker to plan out his revenge on
Deathstroke ( since he took his change of killing the Batman and all) Maybe he and Harley could team with some of the others as well.
Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this one before I start to post. The Omen of Death The Omen of Death Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
Well, the "killing" of Batman only happened about I'd say a couple minutes ago in the RP, so unless info like that would travel in a matter of seconds he wouldn't already know that Batman was "killed" I would give it some more time before going with having Joker plot his revenge against Deathstroke.
Well, he took a bullet to the head, which I would think is basically like getting knocked unconscious for him, and due to the fact that he is a vampire, he is already technically "dead" so he had no pulse, but since it wasn't a weapon that can kill a vampire he is not actually dead.

I'm thinking that extensive damage (like said shot to the head) may put Batman into an animalistic/feral state until he feeds enough to recuperate from the injury. It's a bit up in the air at the moment so don't hold me to it.

Well, the "killing" of Batman only happened about I'd say a couple minutes ago in the RP, so unless info like that would travel in a matter of seconds he wouldn't already know that Batman was "killed" I would give it some more time before going with having Joker plot his revenge against Deathstroke.

I agree.
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Btw guys, I need to say that I am going to be inactive this weekend and to not anticipate any posts from me until about Monday or Tuesday.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause!

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