Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

"You didn't miss anyone who wasn't here" Jason says while hiding a yawn.

Rose sighs entering the living room "Alright then, grocery list is made" she says.
"You didn't miss anyone who wasn't here" Jason says while hiding a yawn.

Rose sighs entering the living room "Alright then, grocery list is made" she says.
Lily lays there not moving:"hey rose could you bring me another ice pack this one melted..."
Rose gets another ice pack and she sighs taking the other one "I'll put this back in the freezer, but can't you freeze it over?"
Rose gets another ice pack and she sighs taking the other one "I'll put this back in the freezer, but can't you freeze it over?"
Lily tried to create a snowflake but it melts:"no not when my body is like this...."
Lily look confused laying there:"they should get cleaned....."

She look over at the living room entrance hearing mitch with her wolf hearing:"hey guys! In here!..."
CaptainTaurusVA CaptainTaurusVA
Mitch walks in "I told my sister a friend needed somethings for a cosplay contest, she bought it easy" Dick says "Mitch....don't dodge around the other thing" Mitch hears him and looks down
Mitch walks in "I told my sister a friend needed somethings for a cosplay contest, she bought it easy" Dick says "Mitch....don't dodge around the other thing" Mitch hears him and looks down
Lily look at them confused but still lay there:"what does dick mean by that?"
A man in white spoke through the phone to andy:"now is that how you should talk to your second in command?"
Mitch says "My brother knew about you Lily....he didn't see you or get a name.....but he knew and now he's pissed at the batfamily for making him lose his position of power.....I'm gonna keep an on him" Flame Demon Flame Demon @Miasmith17

Dick says to Rose "so in a way that's sorta of illegal, Andy wanted to be the new Vlad'
Mitch says "My brother knew about you Lily....he didn't see you or get a name.....but he knew and now he's pissed at the batfamily for making him lose his position of power.....I'm gonna keep an on him" Flame Demon Flame Demon @Miasmith17

Dick says to Rose "so in a way that's sorta of illegal, Andy wanted to be the new Vlad'
Lily frown and angry, but sigh:"yes keep watching him, he might be still working for one of the men or find something left from the explosion....he could become vlad though not same powers....if he had a device or something...."
Lily frown and angry, but sigh:"yes keep watching him, he might be still working for one of the men or find something left from the explosion....he could become vlad though not same powers....if he had a device or something...."
Mitch nods "I'll make sure of it......" He is clearly down about how his brother has and is heading down a darker path
"Why would anyone want to be the new Vlad?" Rose asks and she leans against the wall mumbling "Probably someone out of their minds", she thinks for a while though "The second your brother does something illegal and you have proof you call" she says looking at Mitch.
Mitch nods "I'll make sure of it......" He is clearly down about how his brother has and is heading down a darker path
Lily look at mitch:"hey dont be down...your not the only one who has someone you know go down a dark path"
Lily look at mitch:"hey dont be down...your not the only one who has someone you know go down a dark path"
Mitch says "yeah but is my first time.....doesn't make it easy....I'm uh gonna get ready for your celebration" he goes to his room in the house as he said before they would go and play video games at an arcade

Dick says "Rose, can we talk?" he heads into the kitchen and leans on the island in the kitchen Flame Demon Flame Demon
Rose sighs and follows Dick to the kitchen and she sighs "If this is about what I said about his brother" she says "I still work at the police station and who knows what would happen if it wasn't solved 'normally'" she says, the normal everyone was used to, like go to the cops, say what's going on etc was long gone, cops couldn't help her find who killed her family "Besides, I wouldn't know... how else to help out..."
Rose sighs and follows Dick to the kitchen and she sighs "If this is about what I said about his brother" she says "I still work at the police station and who knows what would happen if it wasn't solved 'normally'" she says, the normal everyone was used to, like go to the cops, say what's going on etc was long gone, cops couldn't help her find who killed her family "Besides, I wouldn't know... how else to help out..."
Dick says "It's not that, but you're making it sound like he just needs to suck it up and act like all those years he spend with his brother never happened, you think Bruce was able to do that when he found out about Jason coming back as the killer red hood?"
"Bruce never told anyone so I guess he didn't think about all the years you spend with Jason" Rose comments dryly "And I've never had much family, I never had to learn how to be... subtle since I was living with me grandparents and I was too young to be actually taught it by my parents" she says "I've been taught to just deal with it, so I don't know how else to go about it" she mumbles.

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