Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

"Bruce never told anyone so I guess he didn't think about all the years you spend with Jason" Rose comments dryly "And I've never had much family, I never had to learn how to be... subtle since I was living with me grandparents and I was too young to be actually taught it by my parents" she says "I've been taught to just deal with it, so I don't know how else to go about it" she mumbles.
Dick says "Well stick around long enough and maybe you'll understand, plus I'm still hurt so your going with Lily and Mitch to watch over them, yes I drove mitch just a bit a go but I feel we should take turns for escorts, cool with you? ok thanks BYYYYYYYEEEE!" he says saying all that in one quick sentence and leaves
Rose grabs his arm and she glares at him "You can't just leave with that and you know it" she says narrowing her eyes "And clearly you're good enough to go because you leave in such a hurry"
Mitch says "yeah but is my first time.....doesn't make it easy....I'm uh gonna get ready for your celebration" he goes to his room in the house as he said before they would go and play video games at an arcade

Dick says "Rose, can we talk?" he heads into the kitchen and leans on the island in the kitchen Flame Demon Flame Demon
Lily look at mitch with a frown:"mitch i have bad news...."
"Officer who got send home because she got shot yesterday by her uncle" Rose deadpans "Since you already drove a car you can surely drive again, also I never got my driver's license, so...", she had a license for riding a motorcycle, but she never actually saw the use of a car.
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Mitch looks at her "And that is?..."

Dick says "true but wouldn't they be safer with a official non secret identity needed officer?" he says using her police state on her Flame Demon Flame Demon
lily tells him with a frown:"i cant walk...i have to lay here overnight for the robot to finish fixing my back....."
lily tells him with a frown:"i cant walk...i have to lay here overnight for the robot to finish fixing my back....."
Mitch shrugs "Well that's fine i got some games I can bring to your room and we can order pizza" he says trying to lighten the mood for both of them
Mitch shrugs "Well that's fine i got some games I can bring to your room and we can order pizza" he says trying to lighten the mood for both of them
Lily smile:"that sounds fun, lets do that....."
Crystal mentally spoke to her:'make sure to feed me again later....he seems cute'
Rose grins slightly "Just don't eat too much pizza, also Mitch, you're paying it" she says "Also you two are kinda cute together" she adds as she heads to the library.
Rose grins slightly "Just don't eat too much pizza, also Mitch, you're paying it" she says "Also you two are kinda cute together" she adds as she heads to the library.
Lily glared at rose and grin:"shut up we arent together, says the lady hanging out with dick alot look like a married couple"
"I take offense at that" Rose points out "Besides, guys like him are not my type, no offense though", with that she disappears from sight.
"I take offense at that" Rose points out "Besides, guys like him are not my type, no offense though", with that she disappears from sight.
Mitch stayed quiet but ended up laughing as he walked with lily "oh that was funny, i needed that"

Dick heard what Rose said but isn't hurt he says "Challenge accepted"

Mitch hears him "Dick is that you?" all they are are him running away "yup it was"
"I take offense at that" Rose points out "Besides, guys like him are not my type, no offense though", with that she disappears from sight.
Lily rolled her eyes
Mitch stayed quiet but ended up laughing as he walked with lily "oh that was funny, i needed that"

Dick heard what Rose said but isn't hurt he says "Challenge accepted"

Mitch hears him "Dick is that you?" all they are are him running away "yup it was"
lily was walking with mitch up the stairs and giggle as dick said that;"what was funny mitch?..."
Jason gets up and he sits back down on the couch after getting a bottle of water.

Rose is in the library reading a book, sitting in a chair in front of the fireplace.

lily walk with mitch up the stairs holding on his arm:"look mitch i dont want love ok? Im focused on trying to find family love..."
Mitch is rather confused and then says while blushing "W-wait where is this coming from? did you think i was trying something?"
During the afternoon while everyone was calmly relaxing, at the explosion site in the was cover with police tape but the cops werent there as a portal appeared

In white cloak the young female stepped out with a young boy, she looked at him:"search the area....we have to find that flashdrive"

He nod searching around in the crater noticing a scortch mark on the ground:'someone must have stayed inside during the explosion...theres also a small red fragement it looks like a heavy plastic like a helmet or armor meaning it wasnt only vlad inside but who was this other person?'

The cloak female look around and noticed a box, she look inside:"shit....its gone"
Mitch is rather confused and then says while blushing "W-wait where is this coming from? did you think i was trying something?"
Lily frown:"possibly just what rose said made me feel that way..."
During the afternoon while everyone was calmly relaxing, at the explosion site in the was cover with police tape but the cops werent there as a portal appeared

In white cloak the young female stepped out with a young boy, she looked at him:"search the area....we have to find that flashdrive"

He nod searching around in the crater noticing a scortch mark on the ground:'someone must have stayed inside during the explosion...theres also a small red fragement it looks like a heavy plastic like a helmet or armor meaning it wasnt only vlad inside but who was this other person?'

The cloak female look around and noticed a box, she look inside:"shit....its gone"

Lily frown:"possibly just what rose said made me feel that way..."
Mitch sees her frown "I mean don't get me wrong, you are a very pretty girl, but as you said your not looking for love like that and b-besides we just met, I'd like to know more about you before I ask you on a date, not that I'm going to right away i respect your wishes' he says trying to not make her feel bad and explain himself
Mitch sees her frown "I mean don't get me wrong, you are a very pretty girl, but as you said your not looking for love like that and b-besides we just met, I'd like to know more about you before I ask you on a date, not that I'm going to right away i respect your wishes' he says trying to not make her feel bad and explain himself
Lily nod blushing a bit:"i understand i just dont know how to let go of my ex death yet....i dont know how to"
Lily nod blushing a bit:"i understand i just dont know how to let go of my ex death yet....i dont know how to"
Mitch hearing this tells her "Well everyone grevies in their own way and it takes time, not sure how much but it's hard when your that close with someone, but here's the thing you need to ask yourself" he stops and looks at her "are you ready to move on? or are you scared the same thing is gonna happen to the next person you care for in that way" he asks looking in her eyes
Jason stretches and he sighs, he had to fix his helmet too, but he had spares, probably, but he still had to fix it "I'll worry about it later"
Mitch hearing this tells her "Well everyone grevies in their own way and it takes time, not sure how much but it's hard when your that close with someone, but here's the thing you need to ask yourself" he stops and looks at her "are you ready to move on? or are you scared the same thing is gonna happen to the next person you care for in that way" he asks looking in her eyes
Lily reach the top of the stairway looking at him:"im scared to be honest.....i was controlled to kill him, even though im no longer under control i still think the next person will die by my enemies or because of me....i can still feel his ghost near me sometimes so i dont think i was able to let go"

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