Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

Dick drove Mitch to his house so he can get somethings from his sister and as he enters he hears yelling

"Low down no good monstrous freaks!" that sounds like his brother Andy and Mitch enters the living room and sees his folks and his brother and sister Rachel and Mitch's dad says "Andy I know it's hard but your boss was a psycho, I understand lying to you is hard you were set up for his place in the company but he was hurting a poor werewolf girl" Andy turns to his father "you think I care about some hair covered girl? I WANTED THAT SPOT I WOULD HAVE MADE A NAME FOR MYSELF!".

Rachel says "Andy your talking about a girl with amazing species never before seen being treated like a rat, your cool with that?" Andy yells "YES! I knew about it!!!!" Mitch and his whole family look shocked when he said freaks he meant the bat family then, Andy sees his younger brother "Mitch you heard right? your on my side right?" he says as all 3 siblings were close but the brothers bonded more as kids, but Micth steps back "I'm not.....power has gone to your head man....." Andy growls "To hell with you all!!!" Andy storms out. Mitch's mom starts crying hating to see her oldest being so heartless.
Andys phone rings in his pocket, someone was calling him
Alfred grabs an ice pack as he heads to the living room "Master Jason, you're supposedvto be resting".

Jason nods slightly "But I'm cold"
Alfred grabs an ice pack as he heads to the living room "Master Jason, you're supposedvto be resting".

Jason nods slightly "But I'm cold"
Lily followed behind and brings jason a heating blanket with cord;"drink water and use this..."
"What's the cord for?" Jason asks slightly confused.

"If you could lay down on the couch miss Lily" Alfred says
Lily tells him informing:"to turn it on, its a heating blanket, you can select the number of heat you want"

She lays down on couch on stomach
Lily tells him informing:"to turn it on, its a heating blanket, you can select the number of heat you want"

She lays down on couch on stomach
Alfred puts the ice pack on Lily's back bedore helping Jason with the blanket "Master Jason it would be better if you sit on a couch or chair".

Jason sighs and limps to a chair after getting up "How did I survive that explosion anyway?"
Alfred puts the ice pack on Lily's back bedore helping Jason with the blanket "Master Jason it would be better if you sit on a couch or chair".

Jason sighs and limps to a chair after getting up "How did I survive that explosion anyway?"
Lily lays there on the couch on stomach and says:"unless you used a pool of immortality or something like that you probably wouldnt, wait if vlad used his invisibality it would have also affected you if you were holding him down...which caused you to be able to survive"
"He didn't become invisible" Jason points out "And if the Lazarus pit counts as pool of immortality then that explains it, but why did Vlad survive?"
"He didn't become invisible" Jason points out "And if the Lazarus pit counts as pool of immortality then that explains it, but why did Vlad survive?"
lily explained:"he turned invisible im sure he wouldnt have survived any other way unless his lab was bomb proofed....."
"To be fair, supervillains like making their labs explosionproof" Jason points out "Because we were still injured by the blast"
"To be fair, supervillains like making their labs explosionproof" Jason points out "Because we were still injured by the blast"
Lily nod laying there on couch with ice pack on her back:"they do, vlad was a fruitloop..."
"A what?" Jason asks looking at Lily "And I'll be fine before the end of the week" he adds "So I can do chores too".

Rose is going through the fridge and she frowns "Bruce, can you take someone grocery shopping tomorrow?" she asks.

Alfred smiles "I see you will be fine without me, I will be back next week" he says and he heads off, he has a plane to catch, well it's Bruce's private plane, but that didn't matter.
"A what?" Jason asks looking at Lily "And I'll be fine before the end of the week" he adds "So I can do chores too".

Rose is going through the fridge and she frowns "Bruce, can you take someone grocery shopping tomorrow?" she asks.

Alfred smiles "I see you will be fine without me, I will be back next week" he says and he heads off, he has a plane to catch, well it's Bruce's private plane, but that didn't matter.
Bruce looked at rose:"mitch and lily will go get the groceries..."

Lily tells jason:"its a word for friend and i we used to use it alot......." she felt silent

Then ask:"um what chore do you want?"
"Not with that robot working she won't" Rose points out "It needs time since there's some dead skin" she explains as she she making a list of groceries they need.

Jason thinks for a while "Well I could do the garden" he says "Someone has to take care of the plants"
"Not with that robot working she won't" Rose points out "It needs time since there's some dead skin" she explains as she she making a list of groceries they need.

Jason thinks for a while "Well I could do the garden" he says "Someone has to take care of the plants"
Bruce felt concern:"so she cant move? Ok then you and dick will go get groceries..."

Lily laying there on couch:"alright which other chore as well?"
Jason thinks for a while "Do you know how to maintain the vehicles?" he asks "I can do that".

Rose sighs "It works fastest when she's asleep, should be done tomorrow evening if she stays as still as possible".
Jason thinks for a while "Do you know how to maintain the vehicles?" he asks "I can do that".

Rose sighs "It works fastest when she's asleep, should be done tomorrow evening if she stays as still as possible".
Bruce frown:"that might be difficult, especially since she isnt used to dreams..."

Lily lays there:"ok so gardening, vehicles...what else?"
"I can't think of anything else" Jason mumbles and he yawns.

"Well she's laying still right now isn't she?" Rose asks and she puts the list on the fridge "Shopping will have to wait until tomorrow"
"I can't think of anything else" Jason mumbles and he yawns.

"Well she's laying still right now isn't she?" Rose asks and she puts the list on the fridge "Shopping will have to wait until tomorrow"
Lily makes a list with paper and pencil:"that leaves vaccuming, dishes and sweeping"
Mitch soon gets back with Dick and once the door closes "I got the things for the arrow suit" he says not really knowing where everyone went in this big place since he left.
"Dickie bird can sweep the manor" Jason points out and he adds "And I'm sure Mitch can vacuum. I think we should switch with who does the dishes"
"Dickie bird can sweep the manor" Jason points out and he adds "And I'm sure Mitch can vacuum. I think we should switch with who does the dishes"
Lily writes on the paper:"i think we have the chores sorted out now, except for cleaning the suits...."
Mitch soon gets back with Dick and once the door closes "I got the things for the arrow suit" he says not really knowing where everyone went in this big place since he left.
Rose and bruce are in kitchen
Alfred left)
Lily and jason are in living room)

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