Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

Rose sinks down into the chair with a groan "This is gonna be a disaster" she says and she looks at everyone "And none of you is allowed to cook, last thing we need is a fire in the kitchen" she adds.
Lily frown asking:"hey! Why cant i?"
Dick says "Uhhhhhh I can drive mitch to go get those things"

Mitch asks "I thought you were hurt-" Dick yanks him up and hurries out the door with Mitch
bruce put finger between his bridge of nose and looked at them:"dick mitch, get back here!"

He look at rose and lily:"rose you will cook but let the others prove if they can as well since we will need two cooks especially if you go patroling...dick tried to make a roast and it caught on fire a few years back"

Lily asked:"what will i do?"

He looked at lily:"well since you have abilities but its still dangerous to go anywhere, i want you to help with the cleaning..."

She pout muttering to herself:"stupid rules...."
"Alright fine, but one fire and I'm kicking everyone out" she says "Who's in charge of the laundry?"
"Alright fine, but one fire and I'm kicking everyone out" she says "Who's in charge of the laundry?"
Bruce looked at lily:"lily will be in charge of laundry and cleaning around like making beds, rose you will be cooking and divde the cleaning chores with lily and mitch, if dick is better which clearly he must be if he is walking then give him as many chores as needed....."

Lily asked:"do we have any clothing to wear?"

He mentions:"any old clothing would work if you have to clean the fireplace.."
Rose nods slightly "Alright" she says and she hears someone walk down the stairs "Please tell me that's not Jason".

Jason walks over "Cold" he mumbles sitting down in front of the fireplace.
Rose nods slightly "Alright" she says and she hears someone walk down the stairs "Please tell me that's not Jason".

Jason walks over "Cold" he mumbles sitting down in front of the fireplace.
Bruce look over at jason:"how are you feeling?"

Lily watch as jason walk over to the fireplace, she walk up beside him, putting gloved left hand very close to the fire
"Cold" Jason says "What's with Al? Is he going in vacation without us?" he asks.

"He's going to visit family for a week" Rose says "That doesn't mean you're allowed to help around the house"
"Cold" Jason says "What's with Al? Is he going in vacation without us?" he asks.

"He's going to visit family for a week" Rose says "That doesn't mean you're allowed to help around the house"
Bruce brings a blanket to jason and hands it to him

Lily watch as dick and mitch walk back in:"we could make it a competition....."
Bruce brings a blanket to jason and hands it to him

Lily watch as dick and mitch walk back in:"we could make it a competition....."
"What do you mean?" Rose says looking at Lily.

Jason takes the blanket and wraps it around himself.
"What do you mean?" Rose says looking at Lily.

Jason takes the blanket and wraps it around himself.
Lily tells them suggesting:"the chores, we could do a competition to see who can get the most done and there could be a winning prize or even what happens to the person that loses..."
Lily tells them suggesting:"the chores, we could do a competition to see who can get the most done and there could be a winning prize or even what happens to the person that loses..."
"Yeah I don't see how that is fair" Rose admits "Considering we'd have to patrol as well, maybe we should do do a new competition each day?"
"Yeah I don't see how that is fair" Rose admits "Considering we'd have to patrol as well, maybe we should do do a new competition each day?"
Lily thinks about it:"maybe....though i wont be patroling"
"True" Rose says and she sighs
Bruce look at them:"you may be dismissed..."

Lily heads upstairs to her room and close the door sitting on bed feeling like a prisoner and mentally plans about sneaking out
Alfred knocks on Lily's door and he says "Miss Lily, perhaps you and master Mitch could go grocery shopping in my absence"
Alfred knocks on Lily's door and he says "Miss Lily, perhaps you and master Mitch could go grocery shopping in my absence"
Lily says laying there on her bed:"would that mean we have to be babysitted?"
"As long as master Mitch promises to protect you both I don't see why you need to babysit" Alfred says opening the door "Now I made a list of chores for everyone, since Master Bruce and Rose have their normal job I'm afraid you will have to give those two less chores, but do not let Master Bruce cook, he ones set fire to the kitchen while cooking an egg" he says showing a list of chores.
"As long as master Mitch promises to protect you both I don't see why you need to babysit" Alfred says opening the door "Now I made a list of chores for everyone, since Master Bruce and Rose have their normal job I'm afraid you will have to give those two less chores, but do not let Master Bruce cook, he ones set fire to the kitchen while cooking an egg" he says showing a list of chores.
Lily look over at alfred:"me and rose will take turns cooking, i'll take bed making and laundry for now will mitch and rose choose...i promise i wont let bruce cook"

She coughs a bit feeling the robot in her back causing bit of bleeding making her feel bit warm
"Are you alright miss Lily?" Alfred asks putting the list on the desk "Do you want me to look at your back before I leave?"
"Are you alright miss Lily?" Alfred asks putting the list on the desk "Do you want me to look at your back before I leave?"
Lily sit up and nod rolling shirt up:"
Yes please, the robot in my back must be causing some bleeding..thats why i feel bit warm"
Lily sit up and nod rolling shirt up:"
Yes please, the robot in my back must be causing some bleeding..thats why i feel bit warm"
"Because miss Lily" Alfred says "As Rose explained, it's supposed to help from the inside of the injury"
"Because miss Lily" Alfred says "As Rose explained, it's supposed to help from the inside of the injury"
Lily explain:"i know but i need an ice pack or something to keep me cool down till its done...."
"I shall get you one, let's go downstairs so you can make a list of stuff you have to buy tomorrow" Alfred says holding the door for her open.
"I shall get you one, let's go downstairs so you can make a list of stuff you have to buy tomorrow" Alfred says holding the door for her open.
Lily goes with alfred downstairs trying to ignore some of the pain but glad to feel some warmth

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