Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

"Miss Lily, breakfast is ready" Alfred says and he goes in "Master Mitchel, it is quite rude to look through someone's belongings" he says closing the window.
Lily sleeps in the bed unaware someone was reading the g book

The book glows revealing words of page, it was a story but it was still in writing....

'Lily 7 walks outside with her backpack on, using the crowd as a way to be unseen, she quickly walks away from the crowd over to the tree behind the large gym.....'

'Unable to seek her out, Terry decided he'd depart. "Dana, I'll be leaving. Do you want to come with? I just have a letter to deliver." Dana nodded understandably, as she, too, sometimes attended his brief visits to the juvenile detention centre.

'Terry made his way around the crowd, having to head an unusual way if he was to make it on time. He'd have to pass the tree near the gym, and in doing so pass by Lily.

However it was not Terry who spotted him, but rather Dana. She nudged Terry, whispering, "Isn't that the new girl? She's so...quiet." Dana gave a little frown, nudging close to Terry.

Terry waved, his eyes sparkling with relief.

Lily looked a little messy, as was to be expected if she had to hide from those men. It was good to see they didn't catch her, thanks to the police. For all he knew, the White Archer was after her as well.''

Lily did not notice terry there, but did hear a snipper shot with her wolf hearing thankfully the shooter missed but it was a tranquilizer now stuck in the tree
She runs off getting on her motorcycle and driving off not wanting to attract more attention...'
Mitch keeps reading "wait is this a journal?" He puts it down quietly and goes and closes the window

Mitch says to Alfred "I thought she was just reading a random book" Flame Demon Flame Demon
Lily sleeps softly in the bed putting pillow over her head

She stretch then look around realizing the book isnt there
Mitch keeps reading "wait is this a journal?" He puts it down quietly and goes and closes the window

Mitch says to Alfred "I thought she was just reading a random book" Flame Demon Flame Demon
'Terry seemed confused as to why Lily didn't respond to his wave.

A hard "thock" was heard when something struck the tree. It caused Dana to jump, squealing in a start. She clung to her ex, his warm body comforting her.

He watched as Lily drove off, taking note of the item that landed in the bark. He'd have to get it tonight. Even if he took it now, he'd never be able to bring it to the juvenile hall. In fact, the gun he had on him now would have been suspicious to carry itself. He sighed, his plans would have to change for the night. He apologized to his acquaintance in his head.

"Dana, I think I'll deliver the note another day. I'm...a little shaken." Telling a white lie, it got Dana to leave. He needed to collect that dart-like item before anyone saw. There was work to do.

Lily went home to her old appartment in old gotham street

Later that night....
He glid above the skies, looking down at the buildings. A single flap of his "wings", he spiralled gracefully down toward the school.

He landed, his feet making almost no sound. His eyes widened as he caught glimpse of the dart, still tucked right where it landed.

He plucked it, giving it a quick examination. He tucked it in his belt, lifting his arms up before flying off.

He flew through the city, having a brief scan of the poorer part. He'd tell Bruce that as an excuse, when he had decided to take a detour. Visiting hours were long up; but as the new Dark Knight, that mattered little.

He made his way to the detention hall, landing perfectly on the one window he was eager to be.'

before mitch could read anymore lily snatch it from his hand, asking:"how long did you read this?!...."[/QUOTE]
Lily sleeps softly in the bed putting pillow over her head

She stretch then look around realizing the book isnt there

'Terry seemed confused as to why Lily didn't respond to his wave.

A hard "thock" was heard when something struck the tree. It caused Dana to jump, squealing in a start. She clung to her ex, his warm body comforting her.

He watched as Lily drove off, taking note of the item that landed in the bark. He'd have to get it tonight. Even if he took it now, he'd never be able to bring it to the juvenile hall. In fact, the gun he had on him now would have been suspicious to carry itself. He sighed, his plans would have to change for the night. He apologized to his acquaintance in his head.

"Dana, I think I'll deliver the note another day. I'm...a little shaken." Telling a white lie, it got Dana to leave. He needed to collect that dart-like item before anyone saw. There was work to do.

Lily went home to her old appartment in old gotham street

Later that night....
He glid above the skies, looking down at the buildings. A single flap of his "wings", he spiralled gracefully down toward the school.

He landed, his feet making almost no sound. His eyes widened as he caught glimpse of the dart, still tucked right where it landed.

He plucked it, giving it a quick examination. He tucked it in his belt, lifting his arms up before flying off.

He flew through the city, having a brief scan of the poorer part. He'd tell Bruce that as an excuse, when he had decided to take a detour. Visiting hours were long up; but as the new Dark Knight, that mattered little.

He made his way to the detention hall, landing perfectly on the one window he was eager to be.'

before mitch could read anymore lily snatch it from his hand, asking:"how long did you read this?!...."
Mitch says "I-I only read a bit but I thought it was just some book I had no idea it was something personal....I'm sorry" he says feeling bad
"And it's still rude to take it without permission" Alfred says "Breakfast is ready, I expect you both downstairs in five minutes" he says.
Mitch says "I-I only read a bit but I thought it was just some book I had no idea it was something personal....I'm sorry" he says feeling bad
Lily close the book and the book stop glowing:"you werent suppose to read it! God if someone finds out im doomed...i'll never make it to the leagues...."
Mitch says "I-I only read a bit but I thought it was just some book I had no idea it was something personal....I'm sorry" he says feeling bad
Lily close the book and the book stop glowing:"you werent suppose to read it! God if someone finds out im doomed...i'll never make it to the leagues...."
Mitch looks down "I really didn't mean to invade your personal space I was coming to check on you......I'm sorry" he turns and leaves but before he does he says "I'm not gonna tell anyone...." He leaves the room and heads to his not really hungry
Lily close the book and the book stop glowing:"you werent suppose to read it! God if someone finds out im doomed...i'll never make it to the leagues...."
Mitch looks down "I really didn't mean to invade your personal space I was coming to check on you......I'm sorry" he turns and leaves but before he does he says "I'm not gonna tell anyone...." He leaves the room and heads to his not really hungry
Lily frown and gets up wanting to appologize:"mitch wait...."
Mitch looks down "I really didn't mean to invade your personal space I was coming to check on you......I'm sorry" he turns and leaves but before he does he says "I'm not gonna tell anyone...." He leaves the room and heads to his not really hungry
Lily frown and gets up wanting to appologize:"mitch wait...."
Mitch thinks she is really mad and turns to her "look I know we just met but I promise I won't say anything...."
Lily frown and gets up wanting to appologize:"mitch wait...."
Mitch thinks she is really mad and turns to her "look I know we just met but I promise I won't say anything...."
Lily look at mitch:"i forgive you, as long as you wont tell the others it should be fine....."
Mitch thinks she is really mad and turns to her "look I know we just met but I promise I won't say anything...."
Lily look at mitch:"i forgive you, as long as you wont tell the others it should be fine....."
Mitch nods and also says "I would like to get to know you sometime, if you'd be down to hang out"
Lily look at mitch:"i forgive you, as long as you wont tell the others it should be fine....."
Mitch nods and also says "I would like to get to know you sometime, if you'd be down to hang out"
Lily thinks about it:"im usually shy about it but i have time currently if you like to eat with me in the kitchen?"
Mitch nods and also says "I would like to get to know you sometime, if you'd be down to hang out"
Lily thinks about it:"im usually shy about it but i have time currently if you like to eat with me in the kitchen?"
Mitch nods "Sure" he nods with a smile
Lily heads downstairs to the kitchen wearing glooves and pajamas, she gets a plate of eggs and pancakes then sits at the small table
Jason looks at Alfred "Morning" he says "I'm not hungry, sorry" he mumbles, he really wasn't, to be honest, he felt crap.
Rose walks to Vlad since everyone else is too scared to approach, since he had a power dampening collar "So" she says "Vlad Master" she adds "What brings you to our small police department?" she asks, keeping a safe enough distance.
The breakfest plate was left near jason

Vlad looked at rose:"just being framed is all i can get out of here in no time......"
Rose smiles "You think you're being framed? Why's that?" she asks leaning against the wall, she knows he's far from innocent, but hey he doesn't need to know that, for now she will play the rookie cop and have a normal conversation with him.

Alfred looks at the two as he puts some tea down "There is coffee too if either of you prefer that" he says.
Rose smiles "You think you're being framed? Why's that?" she asks leaning against the wall, she knows he's far from innocent, but hey he doesn't need to know that, for now she will play the rookie cop and have a normal conversation with him.

Alfred looks at the two as he puts some tea down "There is coffee too if either of you prefer that" he says.
Lily look at him:"thanks..."
Vlad tells her:"my daughter has been trying to steal my money for years...."
He nods "only if you want, if not I can just ask normal things like what kind of music you like?"
Lily tells him about the last part where he stop around mentioning a new dark knight:"
"It's you."
Willie spoke looking up from his bed, the metal visor bolted around his head obstructing some of his upper view.

Terry kept a straight face. He knew Willie was not the best person to engage with as Batman, but Terry felt it was much better this way for tonight.

Without a word, he slipped the wrinkled envelope down the bars and into the prisoner's cell.
Willie eyes followed it, a confused look on his face.

"There was an incident at the school. I...found this at the site." Terry wasn't going to bring up Nelson in this. If he had to make it seem as though it was damaged from something else, that was better. If Willie was to be released soon, Terry wanted the boy to feel somewhat happier.

Willie opened it. "This is from my mom. Terry delivers them for me." Willie paused, then looked up slowly but spoke swiftly. "He's okay, right? Dana too?"

Terry nodded at Willie's frown, providing some relief. He couldn't stay long, but as Batman that was alright.

Before he could leave, Willie placed a hand on his head. While the metal gear on his head blocked his active abilities, his passive ones were intact. "What's on you?" He asked, moaning. "Something has a strong electromagnetic...feeling. It's piercing my brain!"

Terry's eyes widened, and he quickly jumped off the window. Hopefully this wouldn't ruin any rapport with Willie.

He glid toward the school, ignoring a call from Bruce. He was not going to be nagged at right now. Something about this item was off. He had to search for more evidence.

He landed, stopping at the entrance. Unaware that someone else was archer from earlier who was melting the ice off of one of the men from an earlier attack.....he grab the dart from the tree but was startled seeing a portal appear only for the archer to walk out with the unmelted man in white...."

She stop noticing someone else listening while taking a sip of tea
Lily look at him:"thanks..."
Vlad tells her:"my daughter has been trying to steal my money for years...."

Lily tells him about the last part where he stop around mentioning a new dark knight:"
"It's you."
Willie spoke looking up from his bed, the metal visor bolted around his head obstructing some of his upper view.

Terry kept a straight face. He knew Willie was not the best person to engage with as Batman, but Terry felt it was much better this way for tonight.

Without a word, he slipped the wrinkled envelope down the bars and into the prisoner's cell.
Willie eyes followed it, a confused look on his face.

"There was an incident at the school. I...found this at the site." Terry wasn't going to bring up Nelson in this. If he had to make it seem as though it was damaged from something else, that was better. If Willie was to be released soon, Terry wanted the boy to feel somewhat happier.

Willie opened it. "This is from my mom. Terry delivers them for me." Willie paused, then looked up slowly but spoke swiftly. "He's okay, right? Dana too?"

Terry nodded at Willie's frown, providing some relief. He couldn't stay long, but as Batman that was alright.

Before he could leave, Willie placed a hand on his head. While the metal gear on his head blocked his active abilities, his passive ones were intact. "What's on you?" He asked, moaning. "Something has a strong electromagnetic...feeling. It's piercing my brain!"

Terry's eyes widened, and he quickly jumped off the window. Hopefully this wouldn't ruin any rapport with Willie.

He glid toward the school, ignoring a call from Bruce. He was not going to be nagged at right now. Something about this item was off. He had to search for more evidence.

He landed, stopping at the entrance. Unaware that someone else was archer from earlier who was melting the ice off of one of the men from an earlier attack.....he grab the dart from the tree but was startled seeing a portal appear only for the archer to walk out with the unmelted man in white...."

She stop noticing someone else listening while taking a sip of tea
Mitch doesn't ask anything about the story as he knows someone is listening and asks "So what kind of Music do you like?" He asks making it seem like they were having a normal talk from the person watching
Lily look at him:"thanks..."
Vlad tells her:"my daughter has been trying to steal my money for years...."
"I see, but Vlad, according to records you don't have a daughter" Rose says pulling up the file and she shows it to him, still out of his reach and she smiles at him, it's not a kind smile, not it's a smile that usually indicates she knows way more then she lets on. She had been awake for too long and had quite frankly send Bruce to bed to finish the birth certificate, then this morning she had gone to see Ivy and Ollie, Oliver signed it after the explanation, told him what was to happen and that was that "However" she says quietly making sure only Vlad hears "Using a person for mind control can get you into serious trouble", she straightens out and gives him one last smile "Have fun in prison" she says "Commissioner" she says "He's convinced his daughter is trying to steal his money, but he has no daughter" she explains earning a smile "Great job, take the rest of the day off, we don't need people to work while injured, unless it's an emergency" he says.

Rose heads back home and she enters the kitchen when she does "Good news and bad news. Which do you want first?" she asks
"I see, but Vlad, according to records you don't have a daughter" Rose says pulling up the file and she shows it to him, still out of his reach and she smiles at him, it's not a kind smile, not it's a smile that usually indicates she knows way more then she lets on. She had been awake for too long and had quite frankly send Bruce to bed to finish the birth certificate, then this morning she had gone to see Ivy and Ollie, Oliver signed it after the explanation, told him what was to happen and that was that "However" she says quietly making sure only Vlad hears "Using a person for mind control can get you into serious trouble", she straightens out and gives him one last smile "Have fun in prison" she says "Commissioner" she says "He's convinced his daughter is trying to steal his money, but he has no daughter" she explains earning a smile "Great job, take the rest of the day off, we don't need people to work while injured, unless it's an emergency" he says.

Rose heads back home and she enters the kitchen when she does "Good news and bad news. Which do you want first?" she asks
lily tells mitch:"pretty much any except country"
she look back at rose:"whats the bad news?"

vlad glared:"yes because she ran off before i could get records made.....but i will say this wont be the last time you see me"

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