Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

"Even if he is the arrow" Bruce says "Vlad will not be believed, I recorded the entire conversation with him, so he just told me his plan for the freeze ray and how he planned to become mayor once everyone was struggling to survive" he explains "So we will clear Oliver's name"
Lily smile lightly then asks:"what if he cant accept me?"
"If he can't I will put you as one of Rose her cousins, with her permission of course" Bruce says "However you should get some sleep, we will deal with your back tomorrow".
"If he can't I will put you as one of Rose her cousins, with her permission of course" Bruce says "However you should get some sleep, we will deal with your back tomorrow".
Lily frown:"i dont want to, those dreams they scare me....."
"If you prefer to have that removed we can miss Lily" Alfred says "It appears Vlad put a chip in your headvwgich he used to control you"
"If you prefer to have that removed we can miss Lily" Alfred says "It appears Vlad put a chip in your headvwgich he used to control you"
Lily frown:"so thats why i couldnt remember....the nightmares too. I dont know if theres any other option to replace it"
Lily frown:"so thats why i couldnt remember....the nightmares too. I dont know if theres any other option to replace it"
"Unless we find a way to fix your brain and remove it completely I'm afraid there isn't" Bruce says "But everyone needs some sleep, Jason will be fine".
"Unless we find a way to fix your brain and remove it completely I'm afraid there isn't" Bruce says "But everyone needs some sleep, Jason will be fine".
Lily nod and eats the food mitch brought her:"i'll head to sleep then..."
Dick says "Least she is doing better" Mitch nods "She seems nice too" Dick says "Yeah she's a good kid, you seemed to make friends quick with her" he says smirking and Mitch says "Can we focus on the dying man in front of us?" he says motioning to Jason on the table in front of them
"I'll be fine" Jason mumbles, obviously trying to stay awake "Besides, if I die you'll bring me back so can kill me again, probably$
Dick says "Least she is doing better" Mitch nods "She seems nice too" Dick says "Yeah she's a good kid, you seemed to make friends quick with her" he says smirking and Mitch says "Can we focus on the dying man in front of us?" he says motioning to Jason on the table in front of them
Lily goes to her room and reads a book in her bag
Flame Demon Flame Demon
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Rose enters her work and she raises an eyebrow "Batman left him for us to find" someone says, so Rose walks over to take a closer look and she tilts her head "Anything else?" she asks.

Jason is in his bed, waking up slightly thanks to the sunlight.
Alfred walked over to jason with some eggs and medication

Lily sleeps unaware her window is open
Alfred walked over to jason with some eggs and medication

Lily sleeps unaware her window is open
Dick had just woken up

Mitch finds Lilly's room and sees her asleep book on her face and window open "she must have slept well" he walks over and takes the book off and looks at what she is reading
Jason looks at Alfred "Morning" he says "I'm not hungry, sorry" he mumbles, he really wasn't, to be honest, he felt crap.

Rose walks to Vlad since everyone else is too scared to approach, since he had a power dampening collar "So" she says "Vlad Master" she adds "What brings you to our small police department?" she asks, keeping a safe enough distance.
Dick had just woken up

Mitch finds Lilly's room and sees her asleep book on her face and window open "she must have slept well" he walks over and takes the book off and looks at what she is reading
Lily sleeps in the bed unaware someone was reading the g book

The book glows revealing words of page, it was a story but it was still in writing....

'Lily 7 walks outside with her backpack on, using the crowd as a way to be unseen, she quickly walks away from the crowd over to the tree behind the large gym.....'

'Unable to seek her out, Terry decided he'd depart. "Dana, I'll be leaving. Do you want to come with? I just have a letter to deliver." Dana nodded understandably, as she, too, sometimes attended his brief visits to the juvenile detention centre.

'Terry made his way around the crowd, having to head an unusual way if he was to make it on time. He'd have to pass the tree near the gym, and in doing so pass by Lily.

However it was not Terry who spotted him, but rather Dana. She nudged Terry, whispering, "Isn't that the new girl? She's so...quiet." Dana gave a little frown, nudging close to Terry.

Terry waved, his eyes sparkling with relief.

Lily looked a little messy, as was to be expected if she had to hide from those men. It was good to see they didn't catch her, thanks to the police. For all he knew, the White Archer was after her as well.''

Lily did not notice terry there, but did hear a snipper shot with her wolf hearing thankfully the shooter missed but it was a tranquilizer now stuck in the tree
She runs off getting on her motorcycle and driving off not wanting to attract more attention...'

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