Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

Mitch was a little confused why he asked Mitch, does he trust Mitch? is he leading this or? nevermind he can ask later "That'll work"
Batman hands mitch a batnet:"when i give the signal we will both throw a batnet and capture on the right and i will be on the left that way they cant get too far..."
Rose stretches when she finishes with her robot and she leans back in the chair, she could close her eyes for a few minutes, so she does, but she ends up falling asleep.

Jason heads to the cave carrying Lily "Why was she in my room?" he asks "And where's Rose?" he adds, Alfred told him they were both in the cave.
Red X comes out and throws his net to the right
The men struggled but two escape, batman followed the two but they lead them to the library

Vlad heard the ruckus, he looked at the fire in fireplace and spoke:"i see we have guests...."
Rose stretches when she finishes with her robot and she leans back in the chair, she could close her eyes for a few minutes, so she does, but she ends up falling asleep.

Jason heads to the cave carrying Lily "Why was she in my room?" he asks "And where's Rose?" he adds, Alfred told him they were both in the cave.
Lily lay unconsious in jason arms, her shirt still rolled up to chest
Batman peak from corner and nod as the men were looking the other way, he rush out and toss the net to the left side
Red X comes out and throws his net to the rid
The men struggled but two escape, batman followed the two but they lead them to the library

Vlad heard the ruckus, he looked at the fire in fireplace and spoke:"i see we have guests...."
Mitch follows Batman and uses his teleport function to catch one.
Red X comes out and throws his net to the rid

Mitch follows Batman and uses his teleport function to catch one.
The second man struggle but the first one pulls out his blaster gun

Batman looked at vlad:"vlad master, what you have done is a five year sentance to prison and your plan will make it much longer..."

Vlad doesnt look at him:"what do you know batman? I doubt anyone would believe you..."
Jason puts Lily down carefully before moving to Rose her laptop and he grins "Hey Bats, guess who's hobby is hacking, Rose replaced all of Oliver's information with Vlad's, police will probably be on the way" he says into his comm "But I suggest you make whatever business you have quick-" "That's my laptop" Rose cuts him off "Also, I got everything from the chip, all the data, so even if he somehow manages to escape prison, I got some dirt on him". She sits down in the chair and hides a yawn "Tell me how it goes when you get back will you? I'm gonna take a nap, I'm too tired to head to bed".

@Miasmith17 CaptainTaurusVA CaptainTaurusVA
Jason puts Lily down carefully before moving to Rose her laptop and he grins "Hey Bats, guess who's hobby is hacking, Rose replaced all of Oliver's information with Vlad's, police will probably be on the way" he says into his comm "But I suggest you make whatever business you have quick-" "That's my laptop" Rose cuts him off "Also, I got everything from the chip, all the data, so even if he somehow manages to escape prison, I got some dirt on him". She sits down in the chair and hides a yawn "Tell me how it goes when you get back will you? I'm gonna take a nap, I'm too tired to head to bed".

@Miasmith17 CaptainTaurusVA CaptainTaurusVA
Batman listened and tells vlad:"we have everything needed to put you away.....give yourself up"

Vlad chuckle:"now why would i do that....when its already too late? You may have lily but who said i needed her to be here physically...?"

The ice ray deep in the liar has been powering up and just finished as one of the men in white press the trigger

The blast ray from the satelight dish on the manor extends hitting the lake, causing it to freeze up and spread
Batman listened and tells vlad:"we have everything needed to put you away.....give yourself up"

Vlad chuckle:"now why would i do that....when its already too late? You may have lily but who said i needed her to be here physically...?"

The ice ray deep in the liar has been powering up and just finished as one of the men in white press the trigger

The blast ray from the satelight dish on the manor extends hitting the lake, causing it to freeze up and spread
Dick contacts them "Guys the lake has been frozen and is spreading fast"

Red X says "Stop this now masters! you know your finished your not taking down innocent people with you? what do you get from freezing the city anyway?"
Dick contacts them "Guys the lake has been frozen and is spreading fast"

Red X says "Stop this now masters! you know your finished your not taking down innocent people with you? what do you get from freezing the city anyway?"
Vlad look at them while peting his cat:"you see not everyone in this city is innocent as they claim to be, when the mayor sees what his city is becoming it will force him to lose his place as the people slowly must fight for food and warmth but then i come in as the new mayor of the city and change it for better..."

The parks become frozen and its heading to the streets..
Vlad look at them while peting his cat:"you see not everyone in this city is innocent as they claim to be, when the mayor sees what his city is becoming it will force him to lose his place as the people slowly must fight for food and warmth but then i come in as the new mayor of the city and change it for better..."

The parks become frozen and its heading to the streets..
Dick says "it's almost in the streets:

Red X asks Batman "What do we do?"
Dick says "it's almost in the streets:

Red X asks Batman "What do we do?"
Batman tells him:"your plan will kill innocent people, and the police are already coming vlad...."

Vlad chuckle:"you dont realize yet do you? Even protecting lily, i stopped her from finding out the truth and that father of hers is probably in prison because even if oliver escapes he will be taken away no matter what...i may get taken down but so will he! And lily will probably be put up as a immigrant as she never had a birth certificate..."

The cat jump down off vlad lap, hissing lightly at them
He stands up with a smirk:"so batman cant you see i already won..."

Batman look at red x:"find the ray and we take vlad down...."
Flame Demon Flame Demon CaptainTaurusVA CaptainTaurusVA
Red X nods and and puts the sd card with map in his watch and finds where the ray is and kicks the door down and heads down the stairs and sees a guy and leaps and kicks the guy in the face "out of my way" Mitch starts messing with the ray "Maybe I can hack in and shut it off....." he watches the screen to see how fair the ice is getting

Dick heard Vlad from Batman's earpiece "Bruce he's can we protect her and help Oli?"
Red X nods and and puts the sd card with map in his watch and finds where the ray is and kicks the door down and heads down the stairs and sees a guy and leaps and kicks the guy in the face "out of my way" Mitch starts messing with the ray "Maybe I can hack in and shut it off....." he watches the screen to see how fair the ice is getting

Dick heard Vlad from Batman's earpiece "Bruce he's can we protect her and help Oli?"
The ice was now in the streets, citizens running in fear, several frozen, as its heading towards buildings and bridges

Vlad move back towards the fireplace:"i bid you farwell, good luck catching me..."
He turn invisible and goes into the fireplace heading down the stairs that lead into his lair as the only way in is through the fireplace if one were to turn a head of one of vlads ben franklin head statues it will reveal the entrance

Batman listened and looked angry, he start to search around for a way in. He pull the statue head and the fireplace opens revealing a staircase:"we need to split up, you and jason search for anyway we can get oliver out. Then either rose or i will search for ways to keep lily safe..."
CaptainTaurusVA CaptainTaurusVA
"Yeah, that might be a problem" Jason says "Considering Rose is sleeping, but since she hacked into the system for the force field I can use her laptop to try and self destruct the ray" he says "So you focus on finding Vlad, don't you have heat vision?" he asks.

"Yeah, that might be a problem" Jason says "Considering Rose is sleeping, but since she hacked into the system for the force field I can use her laptop to try and self destruct the ray" he says "So you focus on finding Vlad, don't you have heat vision?" he asks.

Red X asks Jason "Where did you get that idea?!"
"Yeah, that might be a problem" Jason says "Considering Rose is sleeping, but since she hacked into the system for the force field I can use her laptop to try and self destruct the ray" he says "So you focus on finding Vlad, don't you have heat vision?" he asks.

Batman checks his heat vision mode:"i do, but i dont see him yet..."

He reach the bottom and looked around...a long standing up experiment table with straps and the back of it is open

A few beakers and chemical bottles, books and blaster weapons

The ray was on the far left of the room

Vlad appeared behind batman and was about to punch him until

Batman heard red x coming down the stairs and turn around throwing a punch at vlad

Vlad shot a blast at him
Batman checks his heat vision mode:"i do, but i dont see him yet..."

He reach the bottom and looked around...a long standing up experiment table with straps and the back of it is open

A few beakers and chemical bottles, books and blaster weapons

The ray was on the far left of the room

Vlad appeared behind batman and was about to punch him until

Batman heard red x coming down the stairs and turn around throwing a punch at vlad

Vlad shot a blast at him
Red X uses his cape to glide down the rest and kick Vlad

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