Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

"Well yes, but you haven't seen her back, this should help her heal, although this will be the first prototype ever made" Rose says "So I am making this to help her".
Mitch sneaks around and past the guards and opens the door for Batman and motions him in.

Dick asks Rose "What about Lily aren't we gonna help her with the chip?" Flame Demon Flame Demon
batman sees mitch motion but threw batrangs at the first two guards and knock them out, the others run towards batman
Rose thinks for a while "Best not" she says "Although you could..." she trails off and sighs "Okay yeah I could use some help, since I'm working with whatever materials I have here".
"Besides, it is tiny" Rose says showing the mini robot "If I had my companies tools then maybe this would go a lot quicker" she mumbles.
Mitch flips over and shoots to shoot X's from his palms grabing 3 each and pinning them to the wall
Three of the men attack batman while two attack mitch

Shooting their blaster guns

Batman dodges and threw explosive batarangs destroying the three men guns before fighting them and eventually knocking them out
Three of the men attack batman while two attack mitch

Shooting their blaster guns

Batman dodges and threw explosive batarangs destroying the three men guns before fighting them and eventually knocking them out
Mitch leaps kicks one and then throws some of his explosive red x shrunken that explode into a sticky and quick drying gel
Mitch leaps kicks one and then throws some of his explosive red x shrunken that explode into a sticky and quick drying gel
The remaining get stuck and struggle

Batman look back at mitch:"how many men are inside..."

Vlad was sitting in his library room in a chair near the fireplace peting his cat
The remaining get stuck and struggle

Batman look back at mitch:"how many men are inside..."

Vlad was sitting in his library room in a chair near the fireplace peting his cat
Mitch says "taking away the ones we beat, another 24, all in groups of 2-3, armed but I did get this" he tosses him a sd card "it was from one of the guards it's a map of the manor and any hidden areas it may have, Vlad must have given it to them when he hired them"
Rose gets up and sighs "Alright" she says, maybe she'd get it finished a lot quicker.
Dick shows her a table full of things, scopes for looking at extra small things, and items for grabbing little wires and cords "He uses this table for his belt all the time, I think it'd be good to help your robot" he turns the chair to her and pats it "Get to it" he says smiling
Mitch says "taking away the ones we beat, another 24, all in groups of 2-3, armed but I did get this" he tosses him a sd card "it was from one of the guards it's a map of the manor and any hidden areas it may have, Vlad must have given it to them when he hired them"
Batman look at the sd card:"we will need open it then and look at the map"
"He won't mind if I use this?" Rose asks sitting down, he did tell her to make it as quick as possible though "And why didn't he tell me this is here?"
"I was pretty busy with getting every bit of important data on the chip" Rose says "Besides, once I get the company up and running I'll be able to help more people"

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