Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

Rose rolls her eyes as she rushes to the computer and she starts scanning the chip, luckily it takes under five minutes since it's the batcomputer and she pulls up the data "Shit" she says so she calls Bruce "Bruce, take Mitch and heas towards the following coordinates, Vlad's planning to freeze the city"
Rose rolls her eyes as she rushes to the computer and she starts scanning the chip, luckily it takes under five minutes since it's the batcomputer and she pulls up the data "Shit" she says so she calls Bruce "Bruce, take Mitch and heas towards the following coordinates, Vlad's planning to freeze the city"
Bruce frown:"on my way, fix the chip or find a solution to use for lily dream mechanism...."

He look out window and notice mitch and dick, quickly heading downstairs after slipping on cowl. Shoutting:"mitch lets go!"

He press a button on his phone and the batmobile drives up opening the doors
"Wipe the chip? I haven't even downloaded everything" Rose says and she sighs "And I'm an inventor, not a miracle doctor" she says and she groans "I need a few more minutes at max"
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"Wipe the chip? I haven't even downloaded everything" Rose says and she sighs "And I'm an inventor, not a miracle doctor" she says and she groans "I need a few more minutes at max"
Mitch heard bruce and uses his teleportation and appears by Bruce "What's going on?"

Dick says "Great...." he keeps running
Mitch heard bruce and uses his teleportation and appears by Bruce "What's going on?"

Dick says "Great...." he keeps running
Bruce look at mitch:"we need to go stop vlad he is gonna freeze the city...."

Fungirl appear infront of dick
Mitch says "Mister freeze is gonna sue him for that"

Dick jumps over another bush and keeps going "Come on rose I can't do this forever...." he says to himself Flame Demon Flame Demon
Batman ignored that and gets in driver seat

Fungirl stop feeling ill, she start to disappear:"no no....." the collar breaks
Mitch says "Mister freeze is gonna sue him for that"

Dick stops and sees her vanishing "Oh thank god"

Mitch gets in the passenger
Fungirl glance at dick:"goodbye..i wont have purpose now, i'll just be a going dimension to dimension floating amlessly...."
Batman:"we need to focus mitch...." he drives the batmobile to the forest near the docks
Fungirl glance at dick:"goodbye..i wont have purpose now, i'll just be a going dimension to dimension floating amlessly...."
Batman:"we need to focus mitch...." he drives the batmobile to the forest near the docks
Mitch says "I am, I am, I promise bruce" he mutters to himself "Just picked up a few jokes from dick.."

Dick says "no offense but I feel it's better that way"
Mitch says "I am, I am, I promise bruce" he mutters to himself "Just picked up a few jokes from dick.."

Dick says "no offense but I feel it's better that way"
Batman stops the car at fallen tree noticing two men in white nearby guarding a hidden forcefield manor

Fungirl disappears
Mitch says "What the hell?"

Dick hurries back inside
Batman makes a phone call to dick:"i need you or someone at the batcomputer to be our eyes..."

He look at the two men while hidding behind a large pine oak tree
Rose finishes with the chip and she sighs sitting down, tired as hell "I'm skipping more eventful stuff today" she mumbles.
Rose finishes with the chip and she sighs sitting down, tired as hell "I'm skipping more eventful stuff today" she mumbles.
Batman voice comes through the batcomputer:" We need someone to be our eyes at the batcomputer, the manor has a forcefield hidding itself...."
"There might be something on the data I pulled from the chip" Rose says as she starts looking through it "But I could use some help"
"There might be something on the data I pulled from the chip" Rose says as she starts looking through it "But I could use some help"
Batman talk through batcomputer:"get dick or jason to help, what else did u find..."
"Well I might have some codes that I can try to manually override the force field" Rose says "And Jason is still sleeping, so I'm letting him sleep"

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