Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

Mitch says leaning on the wall "1861 to be exact, he was president from March 4, 1861 through April 15, 1865......"
Fungirl tells him:"correct, who attempted to kill lily several times?"

"Yeah" Rose says and she sighs, how far someone is willing to go to control people shouldn't surprise her, and it doesn't, that much, it only disgusts her.
Bruce look at rose:"analyze the chip then bring it back, we might have to replace it"
Fungirl tells him:"correct, who attempted to kill lily several times?"

Bruce look at rose:"analyze the chip then bring it back, we might have to replace it"
Mitch says "Oh that's fair ask me a question I wasn't here for......before I answer that, what if I get more right then wrong?......say I get this wrong and get the rest I still win?"
"Yeah, but what about the ghost?" Rose asks and she looks at the chip "How long can Mitch keep it talking?"
Mitch says "Oh that's fair ask me a question I wasn't here for......before I answer that, what if I get more right then wrong?......say I get this wrong and get the rest I still win?"
Fungirl tells him:"yes" she felt a shock from the collar "i mean no you would lose if you didnt get all of them right...,"
"Yeah, but what about the ghost?" Rose asks and she looks at the chip "How long can Mitch keep it talking?"
Bruce tells her:"an hour or two atleast...."
"At least?" Rose asks "Well I can scan it with my laptop" she says and she runs off to grab her laptop, coming back within a minute "Okay, so..." she mumbles "We actually need the batcomputer for this"
"At least?" Rose asks "Well I can scan it with my laptop" she says and she runs off to grab her laptop, coming back within a minute "Okay, so..." she mumbles "We actually need the batcomputer for this"
Bruce tells her:"take my room entrance, just pull the raven book and it will open an elevator to the of us needs to stay to keep the ghost away if dick and mitch cant"
Fungirl tells him:"yes" she felt a shock from the collar "i mean no you would lose if you didnt get all of them right...,"

Bruce tells her:"an hour or two atleast...."
Mitch says "Great....." he thinks and he wasn't there when she was put in this state and Dick can't tell him cause that's cheating but Vlad is all he knows at the moment who has been doing this....but DAMN IT! "......The one trying to kill Vlad Masters"
"Right" Rose says and she takes her laptop and chip "Although... the ghost is in the batcave" she points out "So how are we going to do that?"
"Right" Rose says and she takes her laptop and chip "Although... the ghost is in the batcave" she points out "So how are we going to do that?"
Bruce thinks about it:"i'll lead the ghost away with mitch and dick to upstairs you get down there and analyze it...."

Mitch says "Great....." he thinks and he wasn't there when she was put in this state and Dick can't tell him cause that's cheating but Vlad is all he knows at the moment who has been doing this....but DAMN IT! "......The one trying to kill Vlad Masters"
Fungirl giggles:"wrong....."
Rose heads to another entrance and waits until the ghost is gone, so she can use the batcomputer.
Fungirl sigh:"how about something easier, a game of tag?"
Mitch says "Two things before so, one how do I tag a ghost? and 2 undo the mist....." he says still weak from the first hit he got plus he can see Rose knows not to make it known he sees her, she must need the computer
Mitch says "Two things before so, one how do I tag a ghost? and 2 undo the mist....." he says still weak from the first hit he got plus he can see Rose knows not to make it known he sees her, she must need the computer
Fungirl tells him:"you have to avoid being tag by me, easy just touch my shoulder...." she snap her fingers undoing the mist
Rose watched from a hidden spot and she resists the urge to facepalm, really? Tag? At least that'd get the ghost out of the cave, but for how long?
Mitch and Dick take this to the large garden and Mitch yells "Who has to tag you?"
Fungirl appear out of bush wall behins mitch:"i tag you and then you tag me, if i tag you both you lose.....the only way to win is to exit the maze without getting tagged"

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