Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

"Gross..." he joked. "What about hunting down animals? Having hamburgers can make you puke too... y'know?" he side glanced at her.

Maddy got up and got dressed behind a tree so Connor wouldn't see. She came out from 'hiding'. "Anyway, we gonna actually go out and find food?" she asked him.
Lily said "Or, we could have she chocolate I brought" she said walking out of the tent with Azaria

Connor nodded "I was thinking me and you could look for food while Savannah and Azaria could make a shelter?" he told her
Maddy nodded and blushed. Why do I keep blushing? she thought to herself, she forced it away.

Azaria overheard, "Yeah, we could eat chocolate and make a proper shelter, if a storm comes, this tent'll be blown away."
Connor smiled and said "Here come the love birds" as he see's Savannah and Azaria

Savannah nodded "Cool, i can do that" she took out he chocolate
"We really can't talk Connor..." she shook her head and grinned, "Anyway, let's go. Now don't hurt yourself like I did."

Azaria munche don some chocolate and gathered wood.
He nodded "I wont" and "Anna and Azaria didn't notice when we walked in, they are wipped" he said laughing

Savannah started making vines and singing to herself
"I don't know that, but if you hurt yourself I will know...." she smiled.

Azaria laughed at Savannah before mouthing to Connor, 'If she gets hurt, you'll get hurt worse...'
Savannah blushed and then frowned she couldn't do anything in these clothes! "I'll be back" she says going into the tent and chaning into a pair of high waist shorts and a tank top

Connor Nodded at Azaria
Connor said "Your brother, come on" he said

Savannah blushed "Are you ok Az?" she asked "I am just more comfortable in this"
In the morning Kiara had disappered into the tree-tops catching food for herself.

She hopped down gracefully and threw food into the tent.

Kiara began gobbling up a robin.
Azaria nodded with a grim expression, "Would you prefer this expression...?" he asked with no smile or anything.

Maddy searched the ground, "What'd he say?" she was still getting used to the idea of everyone calling Az her brother.
"he said to look after you" Connor sugar coated it

Savannah frowned 'No" she walked up to him and hugged him "Smile please" she said looking at him
Azaria smiled slightly and went on tying up the logs.

Maddy rolled her eyes and mumbled. "He found out he was my bro yesterday and he's already taking charge of my life..."

Meanwhile, in the city.

"Mayor, we must plan an attack, they are settling in to easily." Caeser explained.

"Yes..." Lok said, "Plan it and carry out the plan..."
Savannah smiled and wondered what was bugging him, she starte to make a roof

Conor smiled, "he just wants you safe"
Azaria nodded silently, thinking about the possibility of Maddy getting hurt. "Yup," he pushes up a log.

Maddy shrugged, "I'll try, I'm not pushy unless I'm mad, and I'm not mad unless someone is big headed..."

(([MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION], if Maddy keeps hurting Connor like slapping and stuff, and Connor can't take his masochistic side, just say *fades to black*, KK?))

Savannah frowned "Azaria, whats wrong?" she knew somthing was up and shw wanted to know what

Connor nodded "You have to admit he is a little bigheaded"
"I'm just worried about Maddy, what if she hurts herself?" he looked down at his hands a fastened a knot.

"That's obvious..." she looked at the ground. "But if he makes me mad... I get pushy and I might hurt Savannah or you or even Azaria himself, maybe even me. I don't want the to happen."

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