Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Savannah grinned, She finally had a family she jumped of Azaria's back to distract him \

Connor looked at him deadly serious "I wont, scouts honor"
Savannah burst out laughing and said "What? do i have another Strike" through her giggles

Connor smiled and went back to hugging Maddy "Nothing is a mistake, just a surprise and you are a wonderful one" she said kissing her nose
"No... you don't get anymore strikes... you enjoy them to much." Azaria glared again. "Stop kissing my little sister..."

Maddy turned around at Azaria. "Stop defending me, if I need defending I'll do it myself!! Why don't you go repopulate with Savannah?"
Savannah kept laughing she could't stop this was just to funny "Maddy, i'm not a whore" she joked "And Azaria if you don't back of them I swear to god . . ."

Connor said "I'm trying to make her feel better OK?"
"Addy calm down" Connor said picking her up and turning her away from Azaria

Savannah smiled at him "Come on we will sort it out in the morning, she will be calmer then"
Azaria flinched and went into the tent with Savannah. "C'mon, your punishment..." he held out his hands.

Maddy kicked him. "Stop picking me up! IT's annoying!!"

((OOC: remember, he's masochistic...))
Kiara thought it was the right time to 'pretend' to take a little camp in the forest.

She walked out whistling like she didn't notice the people there keeping her sword at ready.
Connor grinned "But i like picking you up" he loved the pain, but he didn't tell her that

Savannah nodded and acted like she was being hung she slowly took his hands
Azaria was startled by the whistling, "Anna stay here..." he grabbed a hamburger and walked out of the tent, "Who are you?"

"Not right now!" she slapped him then covered her mouth, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me..."
Kiara stood still. She didn't know what to say.

"A passerby" she randomly blurted out then covering her mouth.

"Yeah just a old passerby in the Banished forest of Nivisa!" she said sarcasticly.
Anna Rolled her eyes and walked over to Azaria "Hey, did you really expect me to stay?" she said casually she looked at the girl "Hey, you been banished too?" she asked
"Oh yeah, you caught me." she smirked. "Assassin of former mayor, of course I should have been killed, but I got away."
Anna looked at Azaria "Your welcome to stay, but don't kill us" she said "I'n Savannah, leader of the rebellion, got kicked out" she said
Azaria nodded approvingly. "Nice, an assassin, a rebel, a dragon, a sphinx shapeshifter that is my sister and, what's Connor?"

Maddy hyperventilated, she didn't know what she'd done.
Connor looked her in the eye and cupped her face in his hands "I'm fine Addy, you were mad" he smiled at her

Savannah rolled her eyes "You didn't seem to mind us before" she said
((OOC: Isn't Connor supposed to gain pleasure or somethin else I don't wanna put cause kids are on here too?))

Maddy's breathing slowed. "You're not hurt?"
((yeah, but beacaus of the kids i'm not putting it i'll be back on in bout 2 hours)

He shook his head "No i'm fine"
Maddy was so relieved. "Well," she wiggled out of his grasp, "I'm really sorry, I'll go to bed, I might be less mad in the morning. But I really am sorry, I didn't mean to slap you..."

Azaria sat next to Savannah. "You need extra explaining, eh?"
Connor smiled at her "Sure, sleep wel" he kised her forehead and made his way to the tent

Savannah rolled her eyes "No duh, but can it wait till morning? your ankle wont get better if you don't sleep" she said

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