Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Connor listened to her tell him that, no one had thin that before "I don't know what love is" he says "But my heart races when I'm near you, i think about you allot, i smile when you do, is that it?" he asked her after a moment

Savannah said "So, what are we now?" she aksed him resting her head in the cook of his neck
Maddy smiled and nodded in his chest. "Yes Connor, that is love..."

Azaria was bewildered by that question. "Do you mean like boyfriend and girlfriend or..." he trailed off. "Hey where'd Connor go?"
Azaria smiled, "Then we're boyfriend and girlfriend..."

Maddy blushed the deepest shade of red you could possibly imagine. She pecked up on the lips.
Connor sighed and said "We should go back" he didn't want to but he knew they had too

Savanah shivered and snuggled into him
Maddy nodded. "But only on one condition!!" she looked down onto the ground.

Azaria turned around and hugged Savannah. "You are so beautiful Savannah, I'm lucky to have you..." he whispered into her ear.
Connor looked at her and said "Sure, whatever it is sure"

Savannah blushed bright red and hid her face "So are you, I'm lucky to have you too" she says shivering still
Azaria smirked, "I'm beautiful?"

Maddy put on puppy dog eyes and looked into Connor's eyes. "Carry me there? I think my leg is still hurting..." she smiling cheekily.
Savannah pouted and said 'Strike one, no kiss" she said walking away towards the fire swaying her hips

Connor kissed her forehead and kept walking
Azaria rolled his eyes. He ran towards her and dipped her low, carefully avoiding the fire. "How's this for strike one?" he planted his lips down on hers.

Maddy smiled and dreamt of Connor.
Connor was walking and about to walk into the camp site when he saw Savannah and Azarira making out, He knew Maddy would want to see this and he shoot her awake

She kissed him back and gasped her arms went aroung him for support
Maddy shot up and covered her mouth at the site, I knew it would happen!! she thought to herself. I just knew it! she smiled.

Azaria rubbed her back and smiled, all without stopping kissing her.
Connor laughed quietly at her expresion and kept walking, just to see if they would notice

Savannah tangled her hands in his hair and bit his lip and laughed
((Ooc:Then Reply to me! i said "Savannah chuckled "Ok, so we both broke the rules, whats my punishment" she says"))

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