Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Name: Estelle Clowes

Nickname (if any): [none]

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Creature or human: Creature

If creature, what?: (Does this even count?) Estelle has an electricaly charged body, giving her the ability to send waves of electricity through the air at will. She can conjour up large amounts of electricity, and she often shocks people when she touches them(mostly by accident).

Personality: Most poeple's first impression of Estelle is very hyper and only concerned with her own needs, but she's actually very nice. When she cares about someone, it's very obvious, and the littlest things embarass her. She almost always has her Ipod in her back pocket and headphones on, but she can read lips fairly well, so it's no problem.

Appearance ( Pic preffered ):
View attachment 5115

Fighting?: Estelle usually uses quick, less-powerful attacks when fighting, but most of the time she's on the defensive side. She'll more likely run away from an enemy than kill them, but if she has to, she's quite capable. Estelle's weakest point is her legs; If she can be caught, there's a good chance that she'll lose the fight.

Maddy joined Connor on the ground. She giggled slightly at the remark about the 'transformation spasm'... Good times, I'll remember it for when they take us back to the city... If that ever happens.

Azaria started pitching the tent, not paying attention to anything else but this.
Savannah giggled as she saw connor and Maddy on the ground and wolf whistled "oi Romeo Juliet name a fire please!" she said to them

Connor blushed damn, she figured him out he though he had like the girl siting with them for like two minutes not even knowing her!
Maddy glared, "Shuddup..." she got up and started to kindle, "C'mon, make a damn-ass spark!" she was starting to get frustrated, "YOU LITTLE PINE CONE!!!" which, was the good way of saying the thing she was thining about...

Azaria walked over, "You need Mister MLP's help. doncha?" he smirked, "A' course ya do..." Azaria put on a fake cockney accent. He was being glared at by Maddy...
Kiara had watched them like a hawk.

What the heck are they talking about?

She stayed in the little bush and watched quietly.
Savannah raised her eyebrows "Come om Mister MLP, leave maddy alone before she exploads" she pulls Azaria away and says "Now help me move these logs to sit on!" she says

Connor said "Maddy, please don't feel like an idiot but i have a lighter . . ." he trailed of
Maddy shook her head and a spark flew onto Azaria's jeans and it lit up, she quickly ripped it off and placed it in the wood pile. "You ended up helping anyway..." It just occured to her what Savannah had said earlier, Azaria and Maddy fought like siblings. Azaria didn't know this, nor did anyone else but her mother and her. Azaria was really her brother from another mother...

Azaria rolled his eyes, "always glad to help..." he walked off, slightly burnt from the fire touching his ankle.
Savannah frowned "Is your ankle OK?" she said rummaging through her bag

Connor stared at Maddy and thought I've seen her before this
"Yeah, it's fine, just a burn..." he didn't look up. Azaria was to caught up in moving logs... whilst limping.

Maddy dusted off her palms and sat beside the fire. "I'm gonna go fish and gather food, maybe hunt, who wants to come?" after that question though, she walked off, not waiting for anyone to respond, if they wanted to come, they'd follow her.

((Ooc: Is someone gonna post? P.S. Can Connor be the only that follows her, y'know to find out more about her ))
"I don't beleive you" she said pushing him down on the log "Here" she said taking it some badages and burn cream
Azaria winced when the burn cream touched it. "Why don't you believe me?" he allowed his ankle to be cared for...

Maddy smiled to herself, It seemed no one was gonna follow her. (Ooc: Hello? Connor? Where are you? Frowny face) She raced ahead to find a vine, a long stick, bait and something pointy. It was time to fish...
She raised her eyebrows "Because limping is not very subtle" she giggled carefully wraping the bandage around his ankle.

Connor kept the fire going while thinking of maddy
Azaria smiled slightly, it wasn't a smirk, it was a genuine smile. Was Azaria falling for Savannnah? OF course he was. He thought about the couple of hour he'd known her. She was incredible.

Maddy sat on the sea side, waiting for Connor to come. "I'll call out his name" she smirked to herself, "Then he's gotta come, but I'll have to hurt myself," she grabbed a sharp rock and created a gash in her leg, it really hurt. "CONNOR, CONNOR HELP!!" she wasn't exactly sure she was acting or not.
Connor shot up allarmed and ran towards where he heard maddy's voice. "Maddy, whats wrong?" he said finding her there on the floor he blushed and picked her up "What happened?" she asked carring her bridal style

Savannah looked up at Azaria and smiled. He was cute, she admitted and seemed to care even though he acted like he didn't, did she like him? she asked herself, a little. she admitted to herself
Maddy hyperventilated, she couldn't talk. She was actually in great pain. She pointed to her leg as blood rushed out. "H-help me..." she whimpered weakly before she passed out.

"Well, it seems we're alone now..." Azaria smirked and put his arm around Savannah,

((OOC: Trollololololololololol Is anybody on?))
Connor grabed suply's and fixed her up before picking her up and cradleing her

Savannah nodded blushing and hid her face in his sholder
Azaria turned her face towards him. "There wouldn't be a better situation..." he slowly bent his head down and kissed her. Gently, yet sensually.

Maddy, slowly regained consciousness and opened her eyes, she saw who she was with and smiled. She held him around the hips.
(Ooc: You charictars ate naughty ;) )

Connor blushed but started to hum he picked her up so her feet were dangling down just above the ground and started dancing looking only in her eyes

Savannah went red adn kissed him back. Do i like him? she asked again "Yeah" she thought she smiled against his lips
((OOC: No they not ;D))

Maddy blushed. "This is a way to greet me back into the conscious world..." she got back on her feet and started dancing with Connor. "Just a question, what are we dancing to, exactly?"

Azaria opened his eyes, "Yeah what?" he raised his eyes confusedly.


((OOC: When I said "She grabbed him around the hips" I meant like a hug, or are you talkin' 'bout the Azaria bit?))
Connor frowned and pick her up again "We are dancing to Airplanes" he said humming it

Savannah reasted her head on his sholder and said "Do you like me?, answe that and i'll tell you what" she said
Connor laughed "Cause i like holding you" he says smliling at her

"I wanted to hear it." she said "I said yes to liking you too" she said pecking him on the lips
Maddy smiled and blushed, "I think I can live with that reasoning..." she put her head in his chest. She felt a feeling she hadn't felt in years... Love. Both given to her or her giving to others. She felt safe in Connors arms, whether she had just met him or not...

Azaria smirked, "I knew that, I can read minds too..." he picked her up and held her. "I don't only turn into a cartoon dragon to make you laugh..."
Connor laughed and spun them around, he rested his head on top of hers

When Azaria didn't respond she turned around so that she could out her arms aroung his neck
Maddy whispered something, probably incomprehensible to Connor, but meant to much to her. "I-I love you, Connor..."

Azaria blushed when Savannah put her arms around him.

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