Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

Azaria glared at Savannah, "Shut up, I have involluntary transforming spasms...." he giggled when he saw Maddy. What was her deal with big cats? Seriously? First a leopard, now a jaguar? What the hell?

Maddy: She mocked his giggle, "At least I don't look like a freaking cartoon Mister Purple and Green dragon..." she glared and transformed back into a human. "See, I can control my transformations, probably because I'm more evolved when it comes to transforming I guess..." Maddy smirked....

(Ooc: Yeah let's bring him into the equation! Okay to Savannah times Azaria, add Connor and divide Maddy xp)

In. ^^ Just join in when ever you feel like it!

(Ooc: Another one? Savannah time Azaria and Connor and Sabrina, divide Maddy, take away Mary and Caeser and Lok, equals AWESOME)
(thanks! ^^)

Sabrina walked through the forest, sniffing around for some prey. She unsheathed her claws and looked around with slitted eyes.
Not being stalkish, but I saw this RP and I know you giys already... care if I join in?

Name: Kiara Latame (Lat-aim)

Age: 17


Personality: Quiet and agile


She can do anything a trained warrior could do.

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(Ooc: Lol i didn't understand that equation at all)

Savannah pokes her tongue out at him and said "I'm sorry that you looked like a dragon of a kid's TV show!" she teased him still giggling.

Connor looked out of the cave and saw two girls and a guy the girls were laughing at the guy. He noticed one was human . . . .

Kiara walks through the forest...

Atlas, I did what the demons wanted... to kill the mayor's wife....

Now they banish me. What fools those demons are...

Kiara hears voices...


She hides in the bushes.

(She's also a follower of the demons.)
Sabrina's cat ears pricked when she heard a rustling noise in a bush, she hid behind a tree and waited. A rabbit darted out from behind it and bounded towards the tree. She waited for a moment, muscles tensed, until it was close enough and she pounced down on it with a growl. She slit it's throat quickly and neatly then picked it up and threw it in her pack after she wrapped it up in a cloth.
Sabrina continued on her trek, tail swishing and ears flat. She pulled the hood of her sweatshirt over her head and then realized one of her fangs were sticking out. "Ugh, stupid tooth!" she said as she tucked it back under her pink lips.
Azaria was getting annoyed and transformed into human. "Firstly, someone is watching us, secondly, SHUDDUP!" he yelled into the distance.

"Come on dude, come outta your hiding..." Azaria said, rolling his eyes. "This group can't get much weirder, you might as well join us..."

Maddy shot an annoyed glace at Azaria, could he get more annoying? Really? "I'm Maddy, this is Azaria, that's Savannah, you are?" she questioned, tiredly.
Savannah raised her eyebrows and laughed "Hey, i'm having fun arn't you" she said innocently thinking he wouln't do anything too bad. she watched the shadows for the person to come out

Connor heard himself being adressed but didn't move, they could hurt him he thought.
Maddy took a step towards him, "We're not gonna bite you know..." she held out her hand as a gesture to come out. We don't even know this dude, she thought. She took a step back, still gesturing.

Azaria death stared at Savannah, "Yes a grand time, it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious...."
(Ooc: what did u mean by the equasion before?)

She grinned and laughed "That's the spirit" she said detecting his sarcasm and priding herself on it she spun around in circles.

Connor hear the gorls voice and slowly made his way out of the cave
((Ooc: Like an equation in maths, only using our charries xp))

Maddy looked over at Azaria's expression, then at Savannahs. Oh my gosh, he likes her! she thought to herself, he really likes her. She quickly snapped out of it, focusing on the shy dude coming out of the cave. "What's your name?" she asked his staring at him.

Azaria stared at Savannah, "You're gonna hurl if you keep spinning like that y'know?"
She stopped spinning but was stumbling a liitle "Ok- ok i'll stop" she said smiling a little

Connor looked at the girl and said "Connor" he was intrigued by her for some reason
Maddy smiled, "Finally, a word, I'm Maddy as I think I said before..." she bowed mockingly and looked up through her hair. "Welcome to possibly the strangest travelling group ever!" I pointed to Azaria and Savannah. "Yeah, I've been on the road with them fore a couple of hours and I feel... dirty, like a part of my life has been taken away from me... but you get over it, and I don't mean it in a bad way guys!!"

Azaria mumbled, "Sure you don't COUGH COUGH!" he saw he was being glared at by Maddy and bowed his head down at his feet. He blushed a bit, being told off by a girl was a weird sensation. He smiled.

Maddy dagger eyed him.
Savannah laughed at the two of them's bickering "You guys are like siblings" she said. She tried to take a step towards Maddy but The sugar, Running and drugs thr government gave her, on top of the spinning made her have a dizzy spell, great it wont pass for ages! she thought

Connor survayed the group he noticed the two behing maddy acted like a couple, only a bit though. "You did mention that. Thanks, I'm sure your not that bad" she said giving her a small smile
Maddy looked up and smiled, "Yes, you're correct, I'm not bad..." she said laughing, "I'm only joking, they're pretty cool, except for Mister MLP over there..." she laughed whilst reminiscent about Azaria earlier fault, "But, it's fine, Savannah is on a sugar/drug hype so stay away from her in case she tries to walk on a cloud or something..." The guy seemed nice...

Azaria glared, "My name is Azaria, not Mister MLP! It was a transformation spasm!!" he rolled his eyes and pouted like he was 6 again. "Anyhoo! We'd better start setting up camp, we're gonna have to spend weeks here..." Azaria grabbed out a sleeping bag and laid it flat on the ground.
Savannah fell on her ass and came out of her trance, glaring at Azaria for not catching her, when he was close enough

Connor smiled and sat down on the ground
(does anyone have a free charrie for Sabrina?)

Sabrina tucked her tail up under her jacket and kept her hood over her ears. She snuck back into town, undetected.
Kiara was still crouches in the bush. She did not know what to do.

So Kiara easdropped....

Monsters! So these must be the banished ones....?

I have a poweroutage, it might take days to fix... SORRY!

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