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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

"Oh, I didn't know that." Haku reached up then, moving her free hand to his face. There, she began to rub her finger against his cheek before looking at her finger. "Oh wow!"

She was rather surprised. The girl didn't truly doubt him.... she just wanted to know for herself. It was rather interesting.

"It's kind of.... odd you're out in the sun." A smile crossed her then. It was nice to see he didn't mind it.

"See, it's just my natural skin color." Roth was a bit confused by her statement "Why wouldn't I be out in the sun, it's a beautiful day, don't you agree." he ran his hand though his hair and fixed it some after a small breeze blew by after that he wrapped his arm back around Haku and gave her a bit of a squeeze.

"I figured your skin would be irritated or something." Haku laughed nervously then, glancing back at him. "S-Sorry, I'm oblivious."

She then looked up at the sky and smiled more. "Yeah, it looks amazing. I'd nap outside if it weren't so windy."

Even though it wasn't a hard and/or consistent wind, it would manage to disturb her eventually. Especially if it picks something up and drags it into her. It was then that she looked back again, staring at Roth for a moment.

"Hey.... You have nice hair too!"

"Nope, it actually warms up my skin really, the surface of it is usually ice cold." he lifted up his hand and pressed the palm to her cheek, it wasn't cold but it was cool. "Even though I'm burning up in this jacket and shirt." Roth chuckled a bit "My hair is silky soft I know, and it shines really nicely with moonlight, it's something to see really."

"Wow...." Haku jumped a bit, not expecting his hand to feel anything other than warm. After a few seconds, she managed to get used to it and lean on his hand. "I see."

She then giggled at the facts given about his hair, and the way he spoke about it, "Modesty is strong, I see. But I would love to! I don't doubt for a second that it would look nice." She then began to rub his hand. "Oh, and maybe you should at least take your jacket off? Either that, or we can go back inside. I don't think a skirt is good for a windy day, anyway."

It didn't truly matter, however, since she was sitting down. But still, it was up to him.

"okay fine but wear this armour for now it will be broken when we leave the area" he said handing her a gem " i haven't tested this place yet so you only have one life in the dungeon levels"

"Yeah yeah lets go already" she grabs his hand pulling him forward "At my home i'm kinda a otaku but don't tell anyone please" She gets in a fighting potion as she attaches the gem in the middle of her chest "Your kinda cool by the way we should hang out more" she smiles.

@alex the fox
Cloudkumori said:
"Yeah yeah lets go already" she grabs his hand pulling him forward "At my home i'm kinda a otaku but don't tell anyone please" She gets in a fighting potion as she attaches the gem in the middle of her chest "Your kinda cool by the way we should hang out more" she smiles.
" fine as long as you don't roofie me" he said. " oh and i am not cool i am hot" he said and then his avatar formed fire that only he could use " this is the special move fox fire , only i can use it. because i am the only one able to use this avatar seriously i hacked the systems of every thing just to block all from using this" @Cloudkumori
"Modesty is one way you could put it, I'm just bluntly honest." Roth sat up and pulled his jacket off and tossed it over Haku's lap to cover up the skirt and to show he had a white short sleeve on plus him arms were very muscular and nicely toned as well, he wrapped his arms back around Haku and placed his chin on her shoulder right next to her face so that their cheeks were touching "I don't want to go inside, I'd rather just stay out here with you, all day if I had the option to do so."

I guess sarcasm seems to fade out of existence...

Haku smiled at her thoughts before she noticed his bare arms around her. A slight pink tinted her cheeks then before she began to press his jacket against her lap.

Again, giving the busy parts something to do when she was nervous.

"I'd want to, too," she said with a nod. "But I think that's a bit impossible.... Of course, I could be wrong."

She smirks and her bright pink avatar appears and a pink liquid floats around Nicki's hands "I kinda hack alot" her avatar rolls her white eyes. "I kinda really am starting to like you, Nova" she blushes.

@alex the fox
Cloudkumori said:
She smirks and her bright pink avatar appears and a pink liquid floats around Nicki's hands "I kinda hack alot" her avatar rolls her white eyes. "I kinda really am starting to like you, Nova" she blushes.
@alex the fox
this has too many firewalls even the best hacker couldn't hack this, well they could since i let them because i now them irl and i gave them certain abilities but they do no damage in pve nor pvp so he can only do it against himself heheh" he said as he knew if she tried to hack what would happen " just don't hack this game it nows when it is hacked." @Cloudkumori
"Who knows, but, I guess we should go back inside to class in case the teacher did ever decide to show up." Roth got up off the bench and stretched a moment before he turned to Haku and held out his hand to help her up "Will you walk hand in hand with me to class Haku." It could easily be known that he wanted to stay but his grades were also important too.

She has already hacked it "What?" she says confused she perfectly hacked it smiling bright she looks at him "What did you say I was talking to my avatar" her avatar takes her normal form with a sly smirk.

@alex the fox
"I guess you're right." Haku stretched herself when he stood up. However, she ended up leaning too far back and fell onto the bench. "Jeez..."

Looking up at Roth and noticing his offer, the girl's smile shifted into a grin before she took his hand and got up with his assistance. "Of course!" She had his jacket to her arm after dusting herself off just in case something came in contact with her clothing.

Cloudkumori said:
She has already hacked it "What?" she says confused she perfectly hacked it smiling bright she looks at him "What did you say I was talking to my avatar" her avatar takes her normal form with a sly smirk.
he looks away and snickers as she is naked in both forms because the system found out " you shouldn't have hacked ya know and the suits gave a scan of your body so yeah i can't look" he said

Roth helped Haku up off the bench but accidentally pulled a bit too hard and had Haku bump into him "Whoops, sorry about that, guess I still haven't adjusted to my own strength yet." They were tboth standing right in front of each other, eye to eye, Roth started to blush a bit knowing that they were this close, he could practically steal a kiss from her, just like he wanted to earlier in the hall before they were interrupted.

"W-Whoa!" Thanks to him, the redhead almost tripped over her own feet. That was, until she ended up colliding with him. "Maybe you should...."

Haku couldn't help but blush a red brighter than her hair at the sight of his blushing. It was something she didn't expect, something's she never seen before in the few hours of meeting him. And it was too precious.

She wanted to say something about it, but she was nervous again due to being so close to him.

"Roth, I....." She honestly didn't know where she was going with that statement, and ended up squeezing at his arms a bit in nervous tension.

Cloudkumori said:
She glances at Jane "Perv" she slaps Jane hard leaving a pink handprint. She looks a Nova 'DAMN' she thinks to herself smiling bright.
"your lucy this is beta " he said and pointed at giant prison "that place you can't hack out of" he said and then said "you need to wait your sentence there but it still lets you kill enemies not peeps though" @Cloudkumori
"What is it Haku." Roth still hasn't broken eye contact with her, he could feel her squeezing his arm a bit, he couldn't tell if it was the imposing stance he had making her nervous or if it was just on her own. "What's on your mind."


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