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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

"okay your avatar has been transformed insanity. ah gawd i gotta take those pills now well see ya!" he said grabbing his bag and going to the nurses office for privacy.
he gets back after ten minutes and is holding a giant pill " ugh stupid grampa pills don;t even think i can swallow them so i have the nurse choke them into me " he frowns in disgust yet then realies how perverted that sounded "" HOLY GAWSH not like that no no

@Son of Crota
"Don't say that!" Haku shouted before she looked down. She didn't want to cry again, considering she figured the first time she was being overly-dramatic. So she tried her best not to. "I-It wasn't even my choice... Do you know how many possible friends I've walked away from? Ever since the middle school, I've been by myself because of stupid words like those....."

The girl then stopped. Pleading her case seemed ridiculous now, especially if she had an assumption that he had no idea what she meant. All of these ideas were mustered of her past, but blurting it out in that way would probably confuse anyone more.

"I-I'm sorry, I should go.... I'm sure everything's even more confusing."

Although she said it, the girl couldn't necessarily move due to his hands being to hers.

Jane was ready to throw a chair at the boy but just took a deep breathe and left the room before closing the door she said. "You A class stuck ups would be wise not to look down on F class we might just surprise you!"
"Fine. You can come watch anime with us after school! Just don't cause any problems!" Momoko replied to Devon. When she and Takara were asked to follow him into the computer room, she did exactly that. Her eyes lit up when she saw the programming. "Wow...he can upgrade shoukanjuus with all of this?! I wonder if he can do mine!", she thought as Devon went over the process. When Takara told Momo that it would be a while before they get to class, she replied with a cheerful smile, "Don't worry! I don't mind! In fact, I may ask Devon to upgrade my shoukanjuu!"

@Son of Crota @alex the fox
AikoMomone said:
"Fine. You can come watch anime with us after school! Just don't cause any problems!" Momoko replied to Devon. When she and Takara were asked to follow him into the computer room, she did exactly that. Her eyes lit up when she saw the programming. "Wow...he can upgrade shoukanjuus with all of this?! I wonder if he can do mine!", she thought as Devon went over the process. When Takara told Momo that it would be a while before they get to class, she replied with a cheerful smile, "Don't worry! I don't mind! In fact, I may ask Devon to upgrade my shoukanjuu!"
@Son of Crota @alex the fox
"You really don't have to let him over Momo, this is just a one time thing with him really. Besides, what's the point?" He said with annoyance towards Devon in his voice. To be honest, it didn't seem like here was one. Devon would probably just cause some kind of trouble anyway. Plus that was Takara's only quality hang out time with momo. Hey, nobody said he liked her!! W-whatever, anyway, no good reason for Devon to come over.

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AikoMomone said:
"Fine. You can come watch anime with us after school! Just don't cause any problems!" Momoko replied to Devon. When she and Takara were asked to follow him into the computer room, she did exactly that. Her eyes lit up when she saw the programming. "Wow...he can upgrade shoukanjuus with all of this?! I wonder if he can do mine!", she thought as Devon went over the process. When Takara told Momo that it would be a while before they get to class, she replied with a cheerful smile, "Don't worry! I don't mind! In fact, I may ask Devon to upgrade my shoukanjuu!"
@Son of Crota @alex the fox
" okay i programmed the first ten levels " he said after finishing a small dungeon in which used a forth of the current list ( been ten minutes))

@Son of Crota @AikoMomone
She walks past Class A and sees the boys inside "Damn!" she runs to her friend Jane "There are soooo many cute guys and..........girls" she says girls awkwardly and grabs Jane's hand "We have no time to wait! I want one of those boys!" she pulls her back to the A Class.
Jane sighed at her friend pulling her back. Nikki would do this alot and it was kinda annoying especially after she had made such a cool exit. "God all you think about is boys!" Jane yells at her.


Dj watched as she left however he did not find it very cool just a tad bit annoying, she came in wanting to fight then left with her tail between her legs, Dj refused to fight because he was not going to be a jerk and destroy her avatar in one hit and it was the truth, he was not going to fight till he took another test and lowered his score a bit so people had a chance but until then his scores were perfect and he hated them that way. But eh, it was pretty rad being one of the top A kids for now, seeing how Haku won though she was p there as well, Dj walked around the empty classroom, the teacher left to go sit and read in the lounge there was no one in there, no guys, no girls anywhere to be seen anymore. Dj decided it was a good time to screw around. Dj began to do some headspins on the floor hoping to be able to perfect it one day
Cloudkumori said:
She walks past Class A and sees the boys inside "Damn!" she runs to her friend Jane "There are soooo many cute guys and..........girls" she says girls awkwardly and grabs Jane's hand "We have no time to wait! I want one of those boys!" she pulls her back to the A Class.
he heard that from the computer room and left frowning heading towards class f to bother them.... AGAIN. for the fifth time today

@Nenma Takashi )) he called to jane because she seemed to only like girls. she would be his best bet to prove he isn't cute " JANE, JAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!!!!!!!"
Jane looked at him up and down. "Well um I would say about as cute as a guy can be so no not really." Nova was pretty cool in her opinion he wasn't like those other stuck up A class jerks. "Hey Nova fight me subject P.E k." She wondered if her previous challenge was just as the boy said useless. Or did she have a chance and they were just being the usually A class jerks again.
She looks at Nova "No, your fucking hot" she winks at Nova and puts a hand on his cheek "Meow" she purrs and walks around him checking his body out "Just my type"
Her avatar appeared "Hey cute is a fine thing for me" she smiles softly and pats his back "Maybe I can make you feel better?" she smirks and strokes his cheek "But if you act crazy again I will have to put you down also my name is Nicki Nicki Kane."
"Sure I like games!" She said excited she didn't look it or seem it but she was in love with games she did grow up in a house of men so she just grew to love them.....kinda like girls.
Nicki giggles "That sounds awesome......can I play with you" she smirks and claps "What are we waiting for lets play some games, bro!" she grabs Jane and Nova's hands and runs towards the computers.

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