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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

*haha true! xD * @Despairingly Lucky

Tsubaki takes out her phone and coughs "I-its 12 pm already! and my mom's called ten times..." she gulped "Im dead meat..." she teared up and looked at a text from her mom "Dont come home... its late stay with your friend" "EH!" she yelled out
Tsubaki, Are you okay?"

I ask and finish cleaning.

"What day is it today...? I... Forget." I chuckle and approach Tsubaki.

Being so tired I forgot I asked something before that and didn't get an answer.

Tsubaki blushes "It's 12 pm.. and uh... can i stay over?" she laughs "Ill sleep on the couch! dont worry and uh.. its saturday...tomorrow?" she thinks and shrugs shyly. @Despairingly Lucky *totally did not see this notification... xD *
*It's fine. Also 12 PM or AM because 12 AM is midnight.*

"O-Of course you can stay over but... You shouldn't take the couch. Y-You can take my bed if you want. I wouldn't want to make you stay on the couch." I blush and nod. "I can t-take the couch if you want..." @ZerokiraKurayami
*haha am sorry xD haha im bad with time... xD *

Tsubaki shakes her head "I dont mind really its your house and its a bit un expected so ill stay here in the living room couch no worries " she said with a smile towards him and started cleaning up her books. @Despairingly Lucky
"Well... We've already cuddled together and I won't let you take the couch so either I get the couch or we share a bit." I chuckle and cross my arms, I bow my head and take off my headphones, Letting my blonde hair loose, as soon at it leaves it get's messy.


*Only pic i could find to show what he looks like without headphones*
Tsubaki blushes "I-Iguesswecouldshare" she said it all together her face red as the tips of her ears were also red. she played with her hand shyly "I-Is there clothes i could borrow...??" she asks shyly "I could sleep with my P.E uniform if not" she whispered even lower than before making her bangs cover her face. @Despairingly Lucky
"Okay, So we share? And yeah. I have clothes you can borrow. Take what you want to wear, I have baggy hoodies and stuff," I smile and blush lightly, Leading Tsubaki to my room. We get there. "Yeah, So... Just wear anything. I don't mind." I blush more, kinda wanting her to wear something of mine, Thinking it'd be cute. "Want a glass of water or a midnight snack? I can get anything." I ask and tell you. Just making sure.

Tsubaki nods happy "Rice balls!" she exclaims picking up a baggie hoodie and a shirt "Can i wear these then?" she asks tilting her head and smiling at him "Na-kun!" she said and laughed a bit smiling and looking around "A-A bathroom so i can change..?" she asked smiling still at him. She held the clothes close to her waiting for him to show her. @Despairingly Lucky
"Of course you can wear that." I nod and smile, Makingmy way to the kitchen I stop and show you the bathroom. "Here it is, Before I go... How many rice balls do you want? Just so I can get them for when you get back." I smile sweetly at her, Waiting.

Tsubaki thinks "Two! id like two!" she smiles as she walks in and closes the door "Thank you~!" she calles out and starts to change. She washes her face and rubs her eyes once she's done. She blushes looking at the clothes and smiles a bit. "comfy... and warm" she giggles looking in the mirror. @Despairingly Lucky
"Yaaaay! Will I get to see your pretty shiny hair?" Haku asked with a giggle as she stared over at the - slowly, but surely - rising moon. That was, until she began leaning over. It seemed when Roth moved, she tilted in the process. "Um, are you okay?"

It seemed she didn't care about the fact that she was off to the side. He still held onto her with the other arm, so she wasn't exactly falling off.

Roth chuckled a bit "Yes that means you get to see my shiny hair." He kept digging around in his bag getting a couple little things out, a small rag, some cups, kettle "I know I put that in there, now where is it...... Ah ha." He pulled out a little butane torch and a lighter. "I'm alright, I'm making some tea if you want some."

Haku celebrated once more before shifting to sit up straight. Or at least, she attempted to.

Glancing back up at the sky, she began to remember her childhood. It was always nice to stare at the moon in the middle of the night, despite having school the next day.

"Oh? I'd love some. Thank you." She smiled back at him before kissing his cheek.

I head to the kitchen and get Tsubaki two rice balls and myself a glass of water and one rice ball. I turn off the light's in the kitchen, living room and such. I head to my room and smile weakly, feeling really tired. I sit on the end of the bed and a bit for Tsubaki. @ZerokiraKurayami
"Alright, fresh tea coming up." Roth turned on the torch and waited a second before lighting it making a quick boom as he set the end under the kettle and its stand "Do you want it sweet or no, I personally like it sweet."


(You changed pictures on me, I had to stop and make sure I was tagging you and not someone else)
{My bad, that'll happen.... probably not a lot xD }

Haku watched Roth fiddling with the portable tea set, liking how nice the fire looked compared to the oncoming moon. Nice little conflict of colors for a short time period.

"I like it sweet, too!" she replied while leaning against him again.

(Its all good just so long as I tag the right person)

Roth looked up at the moon and then over to the sun that was still just barely over the cloud tops "its just about time for my hair to start glowing, look its already starting to." He said as he grabbed the strand from between his eyes trying to get a clear look at it without crossing his eyes.

Tsubaki grins and walks in "Um.. there a bit big but comfortable..." she said as she smiled and yawned. "Food~!" she notices the riceballs and takes a bite out of one giggling "Hmmm really good~!" she exclaimed still eating @Despairingly Lucky
Haku moved from Roth's arms and sat in front of him with an eager grin. He was right; the color of his hair did begin to change. "That looks so nice! I can't wait until the sun is completely up!" She clapped once in happiness before sitting down and looking up at the sky.

ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki grins and walks in "Um.. there a bit big but comfortable..." she said as she smiled and yawned. "Food~!" she notices the riceballs and takes a bite out of one giggling "Hmmm really good~!" she exclaimed still eating @Despairingly Lucky
I chuckled softly and nodded. "Thank you." I take a bite out of mine and set the other one for you down alongside my glass of water. "I'm glad you're comfortable." I say and yawn, stretching.
Tsubaki nods as she crosses her legs sitting on the bed "Hm! as i said it before your really good at making these" she smiles and keeps eating the one she has. "We should play a game... now i kinda dont want to sleep..." she laughs and smiles wide @Despairingly Lucky
"A game?" I question and think. "Do you have any games in mind?" I ask , I take another bite out of my rice ball and smile. "Also thank's again for complimenting my cooking. It means a lot." @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki humms "How about... a card game? or do you have video games..? we can just talk and play" she suggest and sighs "Hm... if not just talking instead of a game is fine with me" she smiles and nods "of course id complement the cooking its good! i think its even better than mine" she laughs @Despairingly Lucky

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