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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

*I would say I use Kanji but t this point all I do is Solo the game on Very Hard cx @KittyKiero *

I blush and think a bit. "Na-kun, Huh?" I smile and nod. "I like it." I go back to thinking. "Tsubaki... Tsu...Baki... How about Tsu? I personally like it, It's short and cute... TSU~!" I Chuckle and smile again. Taking a bite out of my rice ball, Finishing off my first one.

Tsubaki blushes and nods "I like it tsu~ it has a cute right to it" she giggled and looked at him as she finished her rice ball and pouted "awe... Deliciousness gone...." She laughed and smiled at him as she yawned a bit @Despairingly Lucky
"Okay, Tsu it is~" I nod and take another. "You can have another if you want. I still have a couple left~" I say, making sure she know's she can have more. "So, Should we get but to the tutor session?" I ask and blush a bit. @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki nods as she gets another one and bites into it "mmm~ yeah! How about... Science next?" She asked and looked at him blushing slightly @Despairingly Lucky
"Science? Sure! Sound's good!" I nod and go through my bag to get my science book, I set it on the table and smile weakly, Ready to study. I Blush lightly and open the book, Beginning the session.

"Looks like the moon is coming up over the hills this direction." He pointed off to their right, and the higher the moon would rise the more deep purple his hair would be. "This is the only spot around that on a day to day basis that the moon rises before the sun sets." Roth leaned over and reaches in his back an ad started digging around for something.

Yunn said:

After they had stepped into the school grounds Mina had finally seemed to calm down, losing most of her fighting spirit, or so it seemed. It wasn't that she lost her fire, it was just that she ran out of it. For the past 6 months or so she had never stepped out of her room so her condition could only be deemed natural. While staying put like a good sack of potatoes she waited until her sucker of a teacher let his guard down. Putting her skills she had sharpened over the years, in the end she mustered up her energy and gripped the others hair, hard. Seeing as the other loosened the grip on her waist she silently cheered and easily landed safely. Before leaving she had made sure to stick out her tongue and taunted him.


Though you could say that was the wrong move. "


..." Seeing a gradually pop up on her teacher's forehead she took a few steps back, and started sprinting away, before he had recovered. Seeking refuge she quickly opened a door to a random room and slammed it shut, and slumped down towards the floor breathing heavily as her small stamina had dropped down to basically zero.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10712-alex-the-fox/@alex the fox

I saw some girl running around like crazy and so I twirled around the corner seeing a teacher, and being the derpy smiley idiot I am I waved at them before seeing this person sprint into a room. I chuckle, I don't know why but something about this seems to entertain me, I then decide to go see if she can be spooked as easily as that other girl. After escaping the teacher's sight I snuck up into the ventilation system, I'm pretty light so this wasn't much of a problem and I managed tot to make too much noise, I then kicked open the grate to the room she was in and...


I hung upside down from the vent like some sort of a circus freak or something and giggled a bit girlishly, my puffy monster marshmellow top was hanging down revealing underneath a sort of tight tank top which revealed avout half of the stomach, I have a pretty slim figure similar to a girl's but I also have some muscle there and I have a flat chest so most people get all sorts of confused trying to figure out what I am and to the people who ask I just tell them: "I'm me!" with a smile.

Resting she laid both of her hands close to her heart, repeating the thought in her head *

ok now calm down, there's no way he's gonna find me here

* Hearing her teacher's heavy footsteps she held her breath now praying that she wouldn't be found out. As the furious teacher finally passed by for awhile she allowed herself to let out a breath in relief, but her heart was soon startled again as she heard the loud "BOOM!" from the air vent.


Calm down Mina!! Wait, I mean Rouge!! You're the main character, I cannot possibly meet my end here

* Mentally preparing herself to what was gonna come she took the closest thing near her to use as a weapon, aka a meter stick. Pretending it was a sword she wielded it with both her hands, and stood up waiting to see what would come out of the opening. But being the impatient person that she was she demanded without hesitation.

" Show yourself, if so, since I'm feeling a bit nice today, I will allow you to escape with a few injuries! "

Hearing the giggling voice she had replaced it with a mental hearing of a demonic laughter as the figure revealed himself upside down the air vent. Being to into this scenario she had begun to project her voice a bit louder even though she was supposed to be in hiding. Going with the flow she concluded

"...Don't tell me are you that demon's spawn?!! "

Tsubaki smiled widely and nodded "Alright then.."' and so she began the lesson. As she stopped teaching him and gave him small simple problems as she watched him a bit amazed at him @Despairingly Lucky

(@Despairingly Lucky !)

"Well, that's a thing to tick out of the list..." Takumi thought as he exited the supermarket, carrying two bags full of groceries.

--------------------------------------------------------------- Things to do today:--------------------------------------------------

Wake up ☑

Go to school ☑

Leave school ☑

Go to supermarket and buy the necessary supplies (See shopping list on the back of this page) ☑

Go rent a movie ☐

Have dinner while watching the movie ☐

Take a shower ☐

Go to sleep ☐


By the time Takumi was back on the streets the sun seemed to be ready to set any time soon. Seeing how he was carrying a bag with a bucket full of strawberry ice cream, to eat while watching the movie, Takumi would have to speed up if he didn't want it to melt. In just a matter of minutes Takumi found himself entering the video store. Luckily for him the store had the air conditioner running, meaning the ice cream wouldn't melt that fast.

"Now, what am I in the mood for?" Takumi thought as he walked past the many aisles filled with different movies, all of them organized depending on their respective genres.

While it was true that Takumi's favorite hobby was to read books while laying all tucked up in his bed he thought that if he did that every single day it would soon lose its magic very quickly, that's why Takumi would rent four different movies to watch through a single week. It was quite enjoyable actually, but it would never match the feeling of reading a book according to Takumi.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Takumi whispered to himself as he took pulled one of the movies from the 'animation' aisle. "Persona 3: Spring of Birth. Heh, I would have never guessed a studio would adapt the videogame into a movie...Well, it has been a while since I played the game, but I remember it having a story that always interested me. Yeah, I will take this one."

Takumi handed the movie over the cashier, a guy who was probably just a few years older than him. He reminded Takumi that he would have to give it back after a week had passed, or else he would have to pay a fee. That never happened to Takumi though since he was always extremely punctual when it came down to this sort of things. After he payed the cashier Takumi exited the shop and began walking back towards his house. It was just a few blocks away, so he thought the ice cream wouldn't melt by the time he arrived.

"This may have not been the best day for me...But I am sure that's about to change as soon as I get home." Takumi thought before smiling peacefully to himself.​
ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki smiled widely and nodded "Alright then.."' and so she began the lesson. As she stopped teaching him and gave him small simple problems as she watched him a bit amazed at him @Despairingly Lucky
I study, With Tsubaki's help of course. I can contain myself from smiling and blushing.

What's gotten over me? This is... I don't get it at all... Is it...? Naw... Can't be
Tsubaki smiles as she watches him and closes her eyes for a second. She doesnt notice it... but she falls on his shoulder asleep already. She breathes in and out slowly her face relaxed. @Despairingly Lucky
I look over at Tsubaki and blush a bunch as she is asleep on my shoulder.

She looks so peaceful... And cute~

I blush more and yawn, Feeling my tiredness I did before again I shut my book and fell asleep. Resting my head against Tsubaki's

Tsubaki sleeps relaxed and scooted over closer to the warmth. She breathed softly still with a small smile on her face. It seemed that she would not wake up for a long time @Despairingly Lucky
Tsubaki shifts a bit as to were her face was cuddled on the crook of his neck. She breathed softly acting a bit like a human cat. Even her parent's told her she might of been a cat in another life time or moment. She would always laugh it off but some other people would agree completely. @Despairingly Lucky
I slowly wake up, Slowly opening my eye's I see how close Tsubaki and I were on the couch.

We must have fallen asleep... W-wait, We...

I blush brightly, Realizing we cuddled. Though it may not mean much to other people it was a fairly big deal for me.

Tsubaki cuddles again and groans softly. "five more minutes..." she pulls him a bit closer and sighs content a smile on her face. She was one light sleeper but for some reason she looked like she didnt want to wake up. @Despairingly Lucky
I nodded to myself and cuddle Tsubaki, A light blush on my face as we stayed close together.

I... Like this... Why do I like it so much...? Is it because.. It's with Tsubaki...?

Tsubaki breathes again and rubs her eyes finally waking up after a short while. "Hm...?" she looked around "I'm... not home...??" she asked and looked around again. She looked at Naoya straight in the eyes and blushed "N-Na-k-kun!" she exclaimed and blushed red @Despairingly Lucky
I blushed also and nodded. "Y-Yeah... We fell asleep w-while studying..." I looked back at Tsubaki. "I had about the same reaction as you when I woke up also Tsu." I chuckle softly but my face still red. @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki blushes still "S-sorry... i-i fell asleep didnt i...?" she sighed "Im really sorry you must be mad at me.." she looked away as she placed a hand to her chest.

'stop it heart your not making things normal' she thought as she smiled at him "D-Do you know what time it is?" she asked a bit shyly her happy go lucky person gone. @Despairingly Lucky
"N-No! I'm not mad at all. I-It's perfectly fine Tsubaki." I nod and clean everything up.

"I-I dunno, Check a clock as I finish cleaning." I say and keep cleaning.

*I like how our personalities switch between Rp's cx*


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