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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki could only follow "Ah.. alright!" she takes out her phone dialing home "Mom..yeah Tsubaki.. hm... oh im going to help a friend.. yeah.. ok.. ill try.. ill call ok.. ok mom!" she blushed and then hanged the phone up and blushed still "I-I'll follow you!" she said and smiled a bit shyly and shook her head a bit holding her bag close @Despairingly Lucky
I nodded and smiled as I headed to my house along side Tsubaki. I yawned and squinted my eye's a bit, My head hung just a little. Really wanting to sleep but, Tsubaki said she'd tutor me so... I just just go off and sleep!

I told myself and rubbed my eye's. It hadn't been a long time but we were already at my house.
Tsubaki smiled "ah... Nice place" she looked at the building and then at him. He looked really tired and frowned a bit concerned "Naoya you know I can always tutor you another time right? You don't look so good right now so I recommend you sleep" she said and smiled poking his forehead softy @Despairingly Lucky
ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki smiled "ah... Nice place" she looked at the building and then at him. He looked really tired and frowned a bit concerned "Naoya you know I can always tutor you another time right? You don't look so good right now so I recommend you sleep" she said and smiled poking his forehead softy @Despairingly Lucky
"I-I'm fine! I'll be okay. I'll just sleep early tonight to make up for it." I nod and smile weakly, Replying to her compliment after. "Thank's. I have the whole place to myself so it get's lonely sometimes." I shrug and go to the door and open it for Tsubaki, I smile a sweet smile and gesture for her to go in. "Ladies first."
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]"I-I'm fine! I'll be okay. I'll just sleep early tonight to make up for it." I nod and smile weakly, Replying to her compliment after. "Thank's. I have the whole place to myself so it get's lonely sometimes." I shrug and go to the door and open it for Tsubaki, I smile a sweet smile and gesture for her to go in. "Ladies first."

Tsubaki blushes but giggles a bit "I don't see a lady" she said jokingly looking around after walking inside and removing her shoes. She looked around smiling shyly. This was the first time she was in a guys house at all. She turned to him and smiled
{I laughed so hard! xD @The Servant Is Takumi gonna start avoiding DJ now?}

"Whoa..." Haku wasn't truly prepared for him to pull her down, so she blushed quickly as she could feel wind pick up under her skirt before she sat down. "I think.... you're a little too fast in general. Think we can tone the aggression down a bit?"

The girl looked up then, and a bright gleam of happiness and awe hit her eye. She was amazed by the view bestowed before her.

"Wow...." It seemed her vocabulary failed her at the moment.


"...Fufufu, this is it!!"

In a dark room someplace an eerie laugh echoed against the walls. The only thing that was visible was something which seemed to have resembled a bed, which was filled with all sorts of junk on top. The rest of the room was a disaster with tons of books and magazines scattered about, with a few opened bags of snack lying around. And in the middle of this pile of trash was a bundle of blankets in front of the TV. Fidgeting the bundle could not sit still no matter what as once you take a closer look you could see a game system on. Of course the figure in the sheets was Mina, or what she liked to call herself, Rouge.

Ever since the school year started she had not went even once, not even when they were supposed to take the Assessment Tests to see what class would she be in. Ever since the spring she had begun a new phase in her chuunibyou state. Seeing that she was already in high school she has wondered why she has not been summoned yet. With this question she had started a plan to seek her answers. She had decided to spend her time to


when would it be the time for her world save, kick butting adventure. And how would she do that? By playing and reading all of the things that had anything to do with someone being summoned. And due to this she lost track of the time and was determined to finish this goal, after all heroes did not give up. With this she loyally became a hikkimori, never seeing the light of day, too sucked into the gaming world. With her hands pressing the buttons of the game controller at a frightening speed she felt her heart sped as she was about to beat the last boss of her latest game. But as she thought yet again, life was not fair.

Just as she was about to land the final blow the TV screen turned back.


In shock she paused for a moment with a blanked expression. Once out of that state she quickly threw off the blanket and turned to see who plugged out her TV.

"WTF MOM, why did do that?! Didn't I already tell you this before not to do this!! JESUS, I was so close on beating him!!"

In full spoiled brat mode she whined as she flung her arms and legs on the ground out of frustration. Her mother responded to her with a sigh and turned the lights on, which had caused Mina to hiss and seek cover from the light with the blanket she had thrown away earlier.

"Oh god, now you're turning on the lights!! What's wrong with you today!!"

Her mother, not amused gave her a condescending

look, ticked off,

"Is that how you're suppose to speak to your mother, brat?! I don't remember raising you like this!! Geez I let you have your way for a couple of months now I'm sick of it, be a good girl and do as I say!!"

Not stopping for a breath she then snapped her fingers.

"Now, Nishimura-sensei, can you please take this idiot which is sadly my daughter to school?"

With further ado a man in a suit came into her room. Knowing exactly who he was Mina immediately went into her battle formation but to no avail she had ended up being captured and flung onto the man's back like a sack of potatoes. Struggling she repeatedly punched her teacher's back, which did nothing. Like that she was carried out of the house yelling a curse at her mom, her betrayer

" You...I'll get you one day for this!!!"

Still not giving up she used all her effort to get out of her teacher's grasp while running her mouth off with curses ready to kill somebody. It was a sight to see as she still had bed head and was still in her comfortable pajamas which consisted of a white tank top topped with a green cardigan and shorts, plus no shoes. Sooner or later they had reached into the entrance of the Academy.
"Sorry about that, I just really enjoy sitting here and watching the sun fade away, its really pretty to watch." Roth could see that excitement and awe on her face "Guess I don't have to ask if you like it or not." He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his chin on her shoulder and watched the clouds roll by



@KittyKiero Shhhh! Don't reveal my plans! )

Takumi didn't seem to be paying much attention to the road ahead of him, he was way too concerned about a much more important thing and made his blood boil: His own sexuality. You see, one could easily associate his irritation to a small snowball that is rolling down a snowy hill. Its size may not be that big at the start, but give it a few seconds and you have a massive ball of deadly snow ready to impact at any time. Even if his frustration was blurring his mind and made it unable for him to know what was going on around him something on the corner of his eye caught his attention: A sight of hope. There, piled up on a kiosk, were various magazines, and one of them showed a rather beautiful women and a muscular man posing in the cover. It was a fashion magazine. Feeling strangely excited Takumi bought one of them. He sat on a nearby bench and quickly began glancing by the images. These were pretty famous models so they were all meant to look extremely handsome, so Takumi's expectations were pretty high. Could he be able to clear his mind's doubts about his sexuality? No. It was true that all of the models were very good-looking, but they didn't awake any sort of emotion inside of the blue-haired teenager. Takumi's whole body began to shake in angst and he slowly began to stand up from his seat. It was such the case that a mother moved away her young child away from Takumi.


"What the hell have you done to me you red-haired witch!?" Takumi yelled in exasperation as he threw the magazine onto the ground in an aggressive manner.

Takumi just sort of stood there for a couple of seconds while breathing heavily. Everyone in the park simply remained speechless and staring at the yelling teenager. After Takumi's mind began to regain it's original stability he began to comprehend the scene that he had just caused in front of some many people. His face began to progressively turn red only seconds before he fled the scene. Realizing that he had left the park behind Takumi began slowing down his pace. Thinking that he wouldn't be able to get any straight answers today Takumi pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper. It was a list.

--------------------------------------------------------------- Things to do today:--------------------------------------------------

Wake up ?

Go to school ?

Leave school ?

Go to supermarket and buy the necessary supplies (See shopping list on the back of this page) ?

Go rent a movie ?

Have dinner while watching the movie ?

Take a shower ?

Go to sleep ?


Takumi enjoyed making lists all the times. It was a habit of his. Though "Angrily question my sexuality" should probably be added to future lists. Letting out a loud sigh Takumi started heading towards the nearest supermarket.
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ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki blushes but giggles a bit "I don't see a lady" she said jokingly looking around after walking inside and removing her shoes. She looked around smiling shyly. This was the first time she was in a guys house at all. She turned to him and smiled
Following her in I also take off my shoes and blush a bit. Never had really having a girl in my house, Well... At least one that wasn't a childhood friend. I clear my throat. "Um... Where should we go? The dining room, Living room or my bedroom. Any is fine with me." I say blushing and a timid smile on my face. I was actually kind of nervous.
Tsubaki blushes "h-how about the living room?" she voiced her voice studdering a bit she looked down playing with her bag strap a bit. She was shy as to compared before were she was really bubbly and smiling. It seemed almost like a different Tsubaki all together. @Despairingly Lucky
ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki blushes "h-how about the living room?" she voiced her voice studdering a bit she looked down playing with her bag strap a bit. She was shy as to compared before were she was really bubbly and smiling. It seemed almost like a different Tsubaki all together. @Despairingly Lucky
"Okay." I nodded and lead Tsubaki to the living room. I sat on a couch with a table near and it and placed my bag beside me. I looked at her with my face red a bit. "W-we can start with whatever subject you want o tutor. I need help in all of them so starting anywhere is okay."
Yunn said:

"...Fufufu, this is it!!"

In a dark room someplace an eerie laugh echoed against the walls. The only thing that was visible was something which seemed to have resembled a bed, which was filled with all sorts of junk on top. The rest of the room was a disaster with tons of books and magazines scattered about, with a few opened bags of snack lying around. And in the middle of this pile of trash was a bundle of blankets in front of the TV. Fidgeting the bundle could not sit still no matter what as once you take a closer look you could see a game system on. Of course the figure in the sheets was Mina, or what she liked to call herself, Rouge.

Ever since the school year started she had not went even once, not even when they were supposed to take the Assessment Tests to see what class would she be in. Ever since the spring she had begun a new phase in her chuunibyou state. Seeing that she was already in high school she has wondered why she has not been summoned yet. With this question she had started a plan to seek her answers. She had decided to spend her time to


when would it be the time for her world save, kick butting adventure. And how would she do that? By playing and reading all of the things that had anything to do with someone being summoned. And due to this she lost track of the time and was determined to finish this goal, after all heroes did not give up. With this she loyally became a hikkimori, never seeing the light of day, too sucked into the gaming world. With her hands pressing the buttons of the game controller at a frightening speed she felt her heart sped as she was about to beat the last boss of her latest game. But as she thought yet again, life was not fair.

Just as she was about to land the final blow the TV screen turned back.


In shock she paused for a moment with a blanked expression. Once out of that state she quickly threw off the blanket and turned to see who plugged out her TV.

"WTF MOM, why did do that?! Didn't I already tell you this before not to do this!! JESUS, I was so close on beating him!!"

In full spoiled brat mode she whined as she flung her arms and legs on the ground out of frustration. Her mother responded to her with a sigh and turned the lights on, which had caused Mina to hiss and seek cover from the light with the blanket she had thrown away earlier.

"Oh god, now you're turning on the lights!! What's wrong with you today!!"

Her mother, not amused gave her a condescending

look, ticked off,

"Is that how you're suppose to speak to your mother, brat?! I don't remember raising you like this!! Geez I let you have your way for a couple of months now I'm sick of it, be a good girl and do as I say!!"

Not stopping for a breath she then snapped her fingers.

"Now, Nishimura-sensei, can you please take this idiot which is sadly my daughter to school?"

With further ado a man in a suit came into her room. Knowing exactly who he was Mina immediately went into her battle formation but to no avail she had ended up being captured and flung onto the man's back like a sack of potatoes. Struggling she repeatedly punched her teacher's back, which did nothing. Like that she was carried out of the house yelling a curse at her mom, her betrayer

" You...I'll get you one day for this!!!"

Still not giving up she used all her effort to get out of her teacher's grasp while running her mouth off with curses ready to kill somebody. It was a sight to see as she still had bed head and was still in her comfortable pajamas which consisted of a white tank top topped with a green cardigan and shorts, plus no shoes. Sooner or later they had reached into the entrance of the Academy.
( WALK into the cpu room and bother me please i am bored ;- ;)



Yunn said:

"...Fufufu, this is it!!"

In a dark room someplace an eerie laugh echoed against the walls. The only thing that was visible was something which seemed to have resembled a bed, which was filled with all sorts of junk on top. The rest of the room was a disaster with tons of books and magazines scattered about, with a few opened bags of snack lying around. And in the middle of this pile of trash was a bundle of blankets in front of the TV. Fidgeting the bundle could not sit still no matter what as once you take a closer look you could see a game system on. Of course the figure in the sheets was Mina, or what she liked to call herself, Rouge.

Ever since the school year started she had not went even once, not even when they were supposed to take the Assessment Tests to see what class would she be in. Ever since the spring she had begun a new phase in her chuunibyou state. Seeing that she was already in high school she has wondered why she has not been summoned yet. With this question she had started a plan to seek her answers. She had decided to spend her time to


when would it be the time for her world save, kick butting adventure. And how would she do that? By playing and reading all of the things that had anything to do with someone being summoned. And due to this she lost track of the time and was determined to finish this goal, after all heroes did not give up. With this she loyally became a hikkimori, never seeing the light of day, too sucked into the gaming world. With her hands pressing the buttons of the game controller at a frightening speed she felt her heart sped as she was about to beat the last boss of her latest game. But as she thought yet again, life was not fair.

Just as she was about to land the final blow the TV screen turned back.


In shock she paused for a moment with a blanked expression. Once out of that state she quickly threw off the blanket and turned to see who plugged out her TV.

"WTF MOM, why did do that?! Didn't I already tell you this before not to do this!! JESUS, I was so close on beating him!!"

In full spoiled brat mode she whined as she flung her arms and legs on the ground out of frustration. Her mother responded to her with a sigh and turned the lights on, which had caused Mina to hiss and seek cover from the light with the blanket she had thrown away earlier.

"Oh god, now you're turning on the lights!! What's wrong with you today!!"

Her mother, not amused gave her a condescending

look, ticked off,

"Is that how you're suppose to speak to your mother, brat?! I don't remember raising you like this!! Geez I let you have your way for a couple of months now I'm sick of it, be a good girl and do as I say!!"

Not stopping for a breath she then snapped her fingers.

"Now, Nishimura-sensei, can you please take this idiot which is sadly my daughter to school?"

With further ado a man in a suit came into her room. Knowing exactly who he was Mina immediately went into her battle formation but to no avail she had ended up being captured and flung onto the man's back like a sack of potatoes. Struggling she repeatedly punched her teacher's back, which did nothing. Like that she was carried out of the house yelling a curse at her mom, her betrayer

" You...I'll get you one day for this!!!"

Still not giving up she used all her effort to get out of her teacher's grasp while running her mouth off with curses ready to kill somebody. It was a sight to see as she still had bed head and was still in her comfortable pajamas which consisted of a white tank top topped with a green cardigan and shorts, plus no shoes. Sooner or later they had reached into the entrance of the Academy.
( WALK into the cpu room and bother me please i am bored ;- ;)

Tsubaki sat beside him and smiled taking out her math book "Im a bit better at math so we can start with that if you want" she blushed still at their closeness but Tsubaki thought it was necessary so they would both be able to maneuver tutoring @Despairingly Lucky
ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki sat beside him and smiled taking out her math book "Im a bit better at math so we can start with that if you want" she blushed still at their closeness but Tsubaki thought it was necessary so they would both be able to maneuver tutoring @Despairingly Lucky
Feeling how close Tsubaki was I blushed brightly. I... I think my heart just skipped a bit... Why am I-... -Feeling like this...I

"Okay, I'm fine with s-starting with m-math." I smiled and nodded. I take out my math book and notebook, getting ready. @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki smiled at him and nodded taking out her own notebook out "Ok so let's start.." and so she started talking in math terms. Her eyes light up a bit since it was easy to her to explain things like math. She could keep talking about it for hours but of course she had to limit her math love to a small amount. @Despairingly Lucky
ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki smiled at him and nodded taking out her own notebook out "Ok so let's start.." and so she started talking in math terms. Her eyes light up a bit since it was easy to her to explain things like math. She could keep talking about it for hours but of course she had to limit her math love to a small amount. @Despairingly Lucky
I sat there as Tsubaki tutored me. I tried my best to pay attention and I actually started to understand it. Only if only a little. I blushed lightly as we sat there. "H-Hey, If you want... I can cook something about now." I blushed a bit more and looked up at her. @ZerokiraKurayami

After they had stepped into the school grounds Mina had finally seemed to calm down, losing most of her fighting spirit, or so it seemed. It wasn't that she lost her fire, it was just that she ran out of it. For the past 6 months or so she had never stepped out of her room so her condition could only be deemed natural. While staying put like a good sack of potatoes she waited until her sucker of a teacher let his guard down. Putting her skills she had sharpened over the years, in the end she mustered up her energy and gripped the others hair, hard. Seeing as the other loosened the grip on her waist she silently cheered and easily landed safely. Before leaving she had made sure to stick out her tongue and taunted him.


Though you could say that was the wrong move. "


..." Seeing a gradually pop up on her teacher's forehead she took a few steps back, and started sprinting away, before he had recovered. Seeking refuge she quickly opened a door to a random room and slammed it shut, and slumped down towards the floor breathing heavily as her small stamina had dropped down to basically zero.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10712-alex-the-fox/@alex the fox

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Tsubaki stopped speaking hearing and nodded "S-Sure.. b-but..." she fidgeted a bit "Can i watch as you cook...?" she smiled "I love watching other people cook.. they always look so happy like that" she voiced with a small smile towards him as she stood up and extended her hand to help him up. The blush grew a bit hotter on her face as she looked at him. @Despairingly Lucky
"Of course you can watch." I blushed brightly. Grabbing Tsubaki's hand and getting up when I get up I stumble a bit and bump into Tsubaki lightly, Not enough no make either of us budge but it's oddly close. My face goes a bright red and I back away. "L-Let's go to the k-kitchen. W-what do you w-wanna e-eat...?" I asked timidly @ZerokiraKurayami

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