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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

"You're bored....." Haku was about to comment on the fact that Roth's face was in her hair and it kind of tickled when he would breathe, but he spoke before her. It seemed some things really took priority.

"I-I guess I'd better get up then. When the teacher finally shows, he'll probably look at us weird." She tried not to let his statement get to her as she laughed nervously.

I must be boring....

School end's as we start walking. "Sound's good! I want to try your food but. I'd be happier if you enjoyed what I cook tonight." I blush lightly and stretch, Looking at Tsubaki I smile. "I don't live too far away from the school so it's a decent walk." I yawn and exit the school with Tsubaki.

-It's after school time! Meaning you may go where you please until the following day when you attend school. Have fun.-

Tsubaki could only follow "Ah.. alright!" she takes out her phone dialing home "Mom..yeah Tsubaki.. hm... oh im going to help a friend.. yeah.. ok.. ill try.. ill call ok.. ok mom!" she blushed and then hanged the phone up and blushed still "I-I'll follow you!" she said and smiled a bit shyly and shook her head a bit holding her bag close @Despairingly Lucky
"Nah, you can stay where you are, teacher didn't show up today anyways so who cares, school bell just rang as well." Roth got up and helped Haku out of his lap "Plus now we can do something more interesting with just ourselves, there isn't much to do in school, wouldn't you agree Haku."

"Oh...." Haku must've been really out of it to not hear the bell. The words that came from Roth's mouth made the girl think.... a lot. Not necessarily from a highly educated standpoint, but a personal one.

When the redhead was to her feet, she made sure her skirt was correct before she looked up at him.

"H-Huh? Oh, yeah. The only other interesting thing that's not battling is probably sleep....." she replied in a simple tone before glancing around again. Was she forgetting something?

"Well u wouldn't say that, I know a good spot to sleep in and watch the sunset, its really quite nice if I do say so myself." Roth picked up his jacket and put it on before he left the table, he took Haku's hand and walked out of the building not stopping for anyone that may be about to try and stop them. He went out to the parking lot and pulled out his keys that had a silver skull hanging from it, the only catch to the key was that it had a famous symbol on it, Porsche,

"And just if your wondering yes its got two seats, after you." Roth had lifted up the roof and gestured to the back seat with red leather and blue LED lights.

"Are you gonna say your house....?" Haku muttered, thinking a bit out loud. She still wasn't too sure if she was "at a good enough level" in her mindset to hold a conversation with Roth, so the things that were spoken were usually for her ears only.

As she walked with him, her thoughts faded then. No time to think, it seemed. When the two got outside, she was completely distracted by his car.

"Whoa....." She leaned in, taking in the sight of the interior before getting in. Chills ran through her spine when her bare skin connected with the leather. "Oh wow!"

"No its not my house, it a hill top located out in a forest near by." Roth hopped in and started his car, the engine was a hybrid so it was super quiet, he turned around to look out the back window and slowly pulled out of the parking lot and told Haku "make sure your buckled in." He pulled out and floored it making the tail end slide onto the road and peel out taking off like a rocket. Luckily the road he was on was mostly straight with a few curves, plus no traffic as well. After a quick fast ride he hit the brakes and drifted onto a dirt road, once on it he slowed down and took what seemed like random turns going on and off the road.

Haku made sure she was properly strapped in even before Roth entered himself. As he drove, she looked out of the window and noticed that she would not be able to keep up with what looked to now be a flashing image.

"Could give a bad case of whiplash...." she said, holding onto the back of her neck with both of her hands as he finally slowed down. She didn't know where they were going - at least what it looked like - and he did already say it. So she decided to just wait and look.

"Yea I know, normally I wear a helmet, but I didn't feel like getting one, plus I'm used to racing in this." Roth swerved in and out of a few trees and finally came to a stop and unbuckled then hopped out. "This is as far as my car goes, the rest is just a short walk up." He held out his hand to help Haku out. Once she was out he grabbed a bag and threw it over his shoulder "Shall we get going, if were too late we will miss the sun kissing the streams."



LunaCrosby said:
(Do I just come as a new student)
(Yea I don't see why not, but keep in mind that the school day just ended)


Dj was sleeping soundly on the couch snoring awfully loud until some girl came running in with another guys pants and then proceeded to yell she did not steal them, Dj flung up from his couch and instead of trying to not admit he slept through class he just came out and said "Sweet dude, I passed out and now the days over, hell to the yay ah" Dj says jumping up and doing some weird dance move where he thrust his hands in front of him and slid in place then proceeded to throw his school supplies on the ground and fall to his knees "Oh thank the groovy jesus, your wicked man" Dj says getting up then looking at the girl with guys pants "Sup dude, sweet dude pants you got there" he says sliding over and touching them and thinking for a moment "These look a lot like my pants....hmmmmm, wicked, you must look up to me bro" Dj says taking a heroic pose only to think things through and realize she had stolen them

@Izayoi Sakuya II
Noriko was so idiotic, not to yell out someone's pants and she didn't even who pants belonged to him. She decided to not give in with the pants, these nice, kinky looking pants that she wants to keep it. "I can't bear it, I will not lend that the pants for you. It's nice and feeling so soft when you rub it with your hands..." Noriko felt so perverted, slowly rubbing the DJ 's pants as she felt it like a wool blanket. "Please, I don't want it to be taken from someone, like you Daisuke." She said with a blank stare to DJ. Noriko was shredding tears as she didn't want to take away from him.



Dj got out of his stance when he noticed they were stolen, he put his hands in his pockets and slouched backwards shaking his head at her, but he always kept his cool "Chick your pretty creepy, but hey thats your weird life not mine, I'll leave you to awkwardly rubbing my pants" Dj says still happy as ever as he went over and grabbed his bag from the couch he was sleeping on and searched through it handing a paper to the leaving teacher who was heading home, he trusted the A's but clearly he was leaving a perv and an idiot in the room so it was dumb to leave, Dj went back to the couch and picked up his stuff "Oh, and by the way, names not Daisuke, Dj dude. Simplicity is life" Dj says turning his back and getting ready to head out "See ya later there weird chick"
"Maybe you should consider that someone else is in the car....?" Haku suggested when they stopped. As they got out, she began pressing her hair back. "I'm not really a... racer, so yeah. Can we slow down on the way back?"

The girl then looked up at the sky as the sun was mentioned.

"Wouldn't want that. Okay! Let's go."

When he mistakenly entered the class, Mitsuru didn't see the Idiot, but instead scared Noriko for a stupid reason. He also sees Wildcard walking out of class and going home in peace. Mitsuru tries to ask her in calm way and explaining why is she in the class, the whole day. "Hey Noriko, what are you doing here, I didn't expect to see you here." He went closer to her and seems to be Noriko is awkwardly rubbing the someone's pants. "And what in the hell are you doing?" He said with a stink eye.

As Takumi kept reading through the book he heard the sound of distant running footsteps. This awoke his curiosity and made him approach the edge of the ceiling to see what was going on the entrance and what he saw left him surprised for the most part. Roth carrying Haku into the school? How peculiar. But it wasn’t for medical reasons or else Roth wouldn’t be so calm. The only possible explanation that Takumi could come up with at the time was that Haku had actually accepted Roth’s feelings and they were now in a sort of relationship. If this was the case Takumi was happy for the pair, but this made him finally realize something: Girls can be pretty complicated at times.

“I suppose I shouldn’t place the whole female society under this assumption, but then again it’s something to take into account...” Takumi thought before he returned to his spot and kept reading the book.

------------------------Hours Later-------------------------------

It would seem like judging by the pages there wasn’t that much story left before reaching the ending. The current chapter placed both friends and their team inside a locker-room after they had risen victorious in the national basketball tournament, one that they had thought there was no chance of winning. It could have been the perfect ending to such a great book, but for some reason it didn’t stop there. Suddenly the whole team began exiting the locker room, leaving the two best friends all by themselves. But they didn’t congratulate each other, no; they just stood there and stared at each other in complete silence. Takumi remembered seeing something like this…but in a poem about two childhood friends, one male and one female, that had finally accepted the fact that they had feelings for each other.

“Nooo…” Takumi thought as he began to feel a bit nervous.

Suddenly, one of the friends began to finally congratulate the other, but he seemed nervous and for some reason he was…blushing. Not only that but as soon as the second friend heard this he also begun to blush, and pretty badly for that matter. The two of them began to walk towards each other. Even though the match was over sweat began to show on their faces the closer they got to each other.

“No no no…” Takumi whispered as his eye began to twitch slightly.

The two friends just stood centimeters from each other, falling into complete silence once more. One of them opened his mouth to talk, but he couldn’t even pronounce a word. After seeing this, the second friend chuckled and told the other that it was okay, that he could tell him anything. The first friend swallowed saliva pretty hardly before he said what Takumi had feared the most: A confession of love. And to put salt in Takumi’s wound the second friend didn’t react negatively, instead he just smiled, leaned over and….

“Nooooooo!” Takumi yelled at the top of his lungs before closing the book and stepping away from it.

How could the writer do this to Takumi? The book depicted a lovely friendship between two guys and nothing else, why would the writer decide to ruin it like that? Takumi lay down on the ground and took a fetal position. He was in shock to say the least. He felt like if he was backstabbed by both the author of the book and Haku herself. Why didn’t she tell her it was THAT kind of book? Was that what she meant when she asked if Takumi was “curious”? Of course he wasn’t! Takumi loved women…or did he? Lets back up for a second and remember that just a few minutes ago Takumi thought that he felt repelled by a girl’s complicated physiology. Now, when Takumi thought of a boy he seemed to enjoy the way they thought: Simple and easy to understand. Takumi tried to picture himself in a relationship with another guy, and the first thing that popped into his mind was a picture of him being carried, just like Haku with Roth, by DJ. The mere thought of this made Takumi fall onto his knees. No, that was definitely not the type of relationship he would enjoy. So which he attracted by the most then? There was no such thing as a middle ground, so Takumi would have to decide between the body of a girl or the way of thinking of a guy. It was possible that there were girls with a simpler way of thinking and guys with a more feminine body, but for what Takumi could imagine these particular cases were very rare.

“I need to do some research…” Takumi thought as he stood up. He picked up Haku’s book from the ground before he started heading back into Class A to pick up his backpack before heading out of the academy.

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"Of course we can go slow on the way back." Roth took her hand and slowly made it up the hill , once at the top he set the bag down and sat down looking over the clouds. He grabbed Haku waist and pulled it into his lap "well, what do you think, beautiful or what."


AikoMomone said:
(@Son of Crota you there? I replied to your last post...)
(Yeah sorry, my alerts aren't working right.)


AikoMomone said:
Momoko laughs as she remembers Naoya squirming around on the stake when he was about to be burned. "Now that you mention it, it is!", she replies. "By the way, what are we supposed to do after we get this stuff on again?"
@Son of Crota
"Um...I don't really know. Hey Devon? How are we supposed to work these things again?" Takara yelled to Devon as he looked at the clock, hoping the school day would end soon.


@alex the fox

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