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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

Starting to walk with Tsubaki I nod and smile. "Mhmm", I look around and yawn. "I but you're just saying that. If anyone's drawing's 'Aren't that great' they're mine." I take a step closer to Tsubaki and yawn aagin. "Ugh... I feel tiiireeed~" I whine.
Tsubaki giggles softly and pokes his side "you might of been tired from all the running we did earlier" she stated and shaked her head "I really do believe your drawings are better than what you make them sound" she nodded walking beside him smiling softy. @Despairingly Lucky
(I'm going to rp in first person to avoid saying he or she, it's difficult otherwise)

I took a good look around the place where I was standing taking around everything around. I had been placed into the F class... maybe, maybe what those people said were right! what if I am useless and stupid... yeah I guess they were right huh?, I sigh and stare blankly at my feet and wonder what the rest of the year will be like? Maybe if I tried hard enough I could eventually move up into a higher class! That's right we just gotta keep our chins up! look on the Brightside, nobody has called you useless yet today! That's always a good thing!

I seem to get on people's nerves a lot of the time.... I'm not quite sure why I mean I'm a pretty nice person once you get to know me, most of them say it's because I apparently talk too much or that I'm obnoxious or too loud or something, it's always some stupid reason like that. But who needs 'em anyways!, they're all too boring! and they just don't appreciate an upbeat person when they see one!... yeah, that's right!...

After that little self pep talk I decided to go back inside since I had snuck out for some fresh air and see if maybe I could find somebody to bug, I mean talk to!, I just seem to get so bored all the time that's why its important for me to keep things interesting!, life is an adventure! And I am a pioneer ready to explore every inch of the world and see all there is to see! I want to fight with Egyptian pharaohs and explore the colonies and to inspect the relics of ancient Rome! If only I could... I mean of course I can! Lee can do anything they set their mind to!
ZerokiraKurayami said:
Tsubaki giggles softly and pokes his side "you might of been tired from all the running we did earlier" she stated and shaked her head "I really do believe your drawings are better than what you make them sound" she nodded walking beside him smiling softy. @Despairingly Lucky
"Ma-*Yawn*-ybe" I shrug and smile a week and tired smile, Walking with Tsubaki. "Your's will be WAY better, I promise you that, I really want to see them."
Tsubaki blushes still and looks down "There not that great let's leave it at that..." she laughed a bit shyly and kept walking beside him as they were almost near class A "Maybe if you're tired you should go to the nurse to rest..." she voiced a bit worried not wanting him to pass out. out of nowhere @Despairingly Lucky
"Oh yeah...." Haku looked away then, deciding to just sit next to him instead. Pushing his legs off in return, she poked her tongue out at him. Her legs were crossed then too, and she paused to think while scratching the side of her face with her finger.

I think he's more....

She couldn't even finish her thoughts. Her mind wouldn't let her.

Eh, that can't be true.

"Well, We'll see in a bit. Won't we?" I chuckle and stretch. "School is almost over anyway's so I can take a nap soon." I look up at Tsubaki and blush a bit. "But thank you for being concerned..." I sound a tad shy but not overly shy. @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki smiled softly "School's almost ending..." she whispered and sighed but kept her smile "Alright! were here come on" she opened the door walking inside heading were where she had left her bag and started looking though it. @Despairingly Lucky
"Is there something on your mind Haku." 'I probably just showed her up, but all well, I don't care' Roth picked his legs up off hers and then reached over, grabbed her waist and set her in his lap and wrapped his arms around her stomach. @KittyKiero
Standing near Tsubaki as she goes through her bah I struggle with all my might not to fall asleep on the spot.

I'm... So sleepy... I could wait to sleep in bed... Or... Here seem's... Good.

I yawn and slowly start to sleep but jolt myself awake my pinching my hand, I look and and smile. Having just a bit more energy now.

I stroll down the hallways and pass by the classrooms knowing that the day will end soon but still wanting to explore the place, I really do love to explore! Then I come across a girl, she seems to have someone else there with her almost asleep, guess they are pretty bored too?, we'll change that. I giggle a bit to myself and sneak up like a little ninja behind him, well okay maybe not so much a ninja as a giggling little idiot. I see that she is searching her bag for things and I surprise her with a big:


@ZerokiraKurayami @DespairinglyLucky
Tsubaki screams and crouches down and covers her head with her hands. She was shaking a bit as she opened her eyes and blushed "S-sorry about that..." she laughed standing as she picked up her drawing book that she dropped. She turned to Naoya and blushed handing him the book "Here you go Tsubaki's very own drawings" she smiled and smiled at the other person "Nice to meet you" she bowed a bit and kept smiling . @Despairingly Lucky @MattieLee
Momoko laughs as she remembers Naoya squirming around on the stake when he was about to be burned. "Now that you mention it, it is!", she replies. "By the way, what are we supposed to do after we get this stuff on again?"

@Son of Crota
I nodded and looked through all of Tsubaki's drawings with a week smile on my face. "I like them Tsubaki, You're way better than me...!" I chuckle and keep looking at drawing's. I finally look back and hand back the book. "I think you're great Tsubaki."


* @AikoMomone Your character is a Masochistic Psyco/Sociopath *^* *
I smiled back at the lady, she seemed nice so far! I really like nice people. "Hehe, did I scare 'ya?!" I asked her giggling with a bright smile showing my one pointy fang and my wild, red hair that I never really bothered to brush. I might be a bit of a crazy kid but hey I'm the good knd of crazy is the way I like to think about it.
"Not really." Haku decided against speaking on her thoughts. She figured he would get upset or probably not care at all. Either way, there was no point in risking it. She leaned back on him and closed her eyes, thinking of.... anything else.

Like flowers. Yeah, flowers were nice. They were a lot more feminine than she was, which made sense....

Don't do that!

Tsubaki bushes and smiled "Ah thanks Naoya..." she smiled a bit proud and then turned again. "W-Well.. considering i kinda jumped... yeah you did" she smiled again and looked at her drawing book turning once again to Naoya "how about i draw something for you next time?" she smiled widely.

@Despairingly Lucky @MattieLee
I blush lightly and nod to Tsubaki. "S-Sound's good." I crack my carefree and confident personality and show a bit of shyness. I blush a bit more and smile weakly. "C-Can you tutor me tonight...? It'd help me a lot if it could be sooner." I nod to myself. @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki blushes a bit and nods "Of course!" she smiled brightly "I don't mind but were do you wanna study?" she asked him as she placed the book away into her bag again and then looked at him "We could go to a cafe...? a park..? or my house or yours if that's better for you oh! and let's not forget the library" she said laughing listing all the places possible for study @Despairingly Lucky
"Does my house sound good? As I said I live alone to it'd be quiet, I have a desk there, I could cook you something... That stuff, It's just convenient." I blush a bit when I say cook. I yawn and chuckle. "It's also the least farthest away from my bed~"

Curious I look over the girl's shoulder and take a peek at the drawings inside, they were all very pretty! I felt though as if I were intruding on these two... I wonder who else I can mess with?, I mean speak to. "And the infamous Lee strikes again!" I shouted proudly whilst giggling and running off on all fours like a dog. Lets see who I can play with next!
Tsubaki laughs softly and nods "of course i don't mind id just have to call my family to let them know that ill be helping you study" she said as she waved at Lee "Oh.. bye!" she smiled and turned back to Naoya "I can help you cook.... some what" she confessed "I know how to cook a bit of things just not sure if their good enough" she voiced as she nodded at him "Maybe if you do good ill let you take a one hour nap" she joked softly. @Despairingly Lucky
I smile and nodded. "Thank you so much. But don't worry. I've learned how to cook, Pretty well too. I cook for myself all the time so I know the ropes. I can make you pretty much anything." I smile and stretch, Looking around down the seemingly empty hall's.

Roth planted his head in all of her hair 'her hair smells nice, I probably shouldn't say that, though she is cute, I'm sure she already knows that, what should I say. "When is the teacher going to be here, I'm bored without learning." 'Why did I just say that, whatever I already said it'

Tsubaki laughs softly "well... i guess next time we study together ill make something yeah?" she said and followed him along. She blushed a bit feeling a bit strange around him. She shook her head and just kept walking her smile still in place as she also looked around. @Despairingly Lucky

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