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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!


Dj looked over at her, it was questionable if he was looking at her or the guy but it did not matter because what he said next really told who he was staring at the whole time "Ouch...Nice is not the word I would use right now, she just turned the kid down, but hey the dude might just be a little pushy what am I to say, I don't date so I would not know" Dj says his voice changed when he said he did not date, sounded like he was lying or at least the pain in his voice told a different story, but it was better not to delve to deep into him, he was happy all the time for a reason. Dj looked back at the guy "Bro I get along with everyone if you can put up with me, everyones my friend in my book, if I have met them or not they are still wicked in there own way"
( no i didn't i just did a quick glance over her)

Roth had been releived that it wasnt the fact that he was said it wrong or presented it wrong either "Oh, that makes sense to not trust right away." Roth held out his hand in front of her "Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, we will just have to find out later then wont we." Roth looked at her and reached over and fixed her hair back out of her eyes "You won't be able to see with your hair in your face you know."

{Well reeeeeeeeeaaaad. Or not. I basically just told you why.}

"Yeah....." Despite what seemed like understanding, Haku felt really bad. She wished that she could find another way to go about it instead of being so dramatic. But it happened and now she felt like an insensitive jerk. She was turning into her old bully.

In her head, anyway.

She couldn't stop the blush that came along again, trying not to meet her eyes with his at the moment. However, as he moved her hair, she didn't have much of a choice. The blush grew stronger then. "I-I know.... Thank you."


While the whole scene began to unfold right in front of Takumi's eyes he was met with two different feelings: The first one being confusion and the second one being pity. His confusion originated from the guy's actions leading to him being turned down. One may think based off that kiss that if he was being so direct the pair would have known each other for a long period of time and not just met on that day. But who knew, maybe the guy was just pretty forward when it came down to expressing his feelings. Now, the source of the pity was directly directed at the pair. The poor guy had just been rejected by his possible crush and with Haku's shy nature dealing with that situation may have not been an easy task.

"I agree with you, the guy may have been a bit too pushy..." Takumi then tilted his head back and began facing the ceiling. He was smiling calmly. "But love is a cruel mistresses and it blinds us, making us do things that we usually wouldn't even think of doing."

Takumi was suddenly brought down from his little cloud of thoughts after Dj's final comment. He couldn't help himself but to chuckle slightly.

"Everyone is 'wicked' in their own little way. Sometimes its hard to find said wickedness, but that is the fun part in my opinion." It was at this point that Takumi's stomach let out a rather loud growl. He hand't noticed until now, but he was so hungry he would probably eat a whole mammoth. Was it lunchtime already? "Um...Would if I stole a couple of chips off your bag?"
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Jane ran through the halls looking for Nova ready to challenge him to a fight. "Where is that class a jerk!"

(Thank you!!!! lol, Takara asks for revenge btw. He'd say it himself, but he's time locked till Momo gets back.)
Momo was shocked to hear that Takara lost the battle. "He was battling Devon, right? Isn't he an F class like him?"

"Takara...", Momo said as he fell to the floor. "Of course you're aren't weak!" She kneeled down beside him. "I saw you win many summoning battles! Don't let just ONE loss get you down!", Momoko said, attempting to cheer up Takara.

@Son of Crota
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"Its alright, you have your reasons, I can't force you to change." Roth leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling for a minuet before he sat back up and opened his computer again and started back in on his avatar. Externally Roth didn't seem very disturbed by the denial from Haku, but really he had been hurt quite a bit, however, he could keep his emotions in check for the most part.

"Things don't have to be forced. They could be changed...." The girl's voice began to fade when she went into her second statement. She figured then that there was no point. If he didn't really care, then she shouldn't make a big deal out of it.

Though once again, her past ruined the present. It was like a curse or something. This was.... consistent.

But thinking back to a minute ago, Haku began to question it more. Did he mean what he said? It didn't seem too real if all he did was recline in his chair after he said no. Would he have done the same if she said yes? Maybe it was just a question for a theory or something...

Whatever it was, the girl decided to leave it alone. In fact, she decided then to leave. From that area, anyway.

Without a second thought, Haku got up and moved back to her original isolated seat near the middle of the room.


Mitsuru was going upstairs and hoping to track the idiot if he was lucky enough to find him, but guessing the location where he escaped isn't going to help himself, a-bit. Instead, he stumbled upon one of the Class F male student who is left stranded and finding the Idiot. He suggested himself to ask him about the Idiot, by using girlish voice than using his normal voice. (It's because Mitsuru is wearing his cross-dressing attire.) "Uhhh, hey there. I am looking for a friend of mine in Class F, who to be a idiot." She asked the male Class F student. (Just pretend it's some another Class F male student I am talking to.)
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Roth was about to say something to Haku when she started to get up from her chair but realized that she probably needed some space, after all her past probably wasn't very pretty if she had reasons to decline the way that she did. Roth grabbed his cup of tea and finished what was in it and started to go get some more as he started mumbling to himself 'I knew I should've gotten to know her better before I made such a move, how dumb can I be.' Roth realized that he probably needed some space for himself too after that, that way he could collect his thoughts and what little emotion he did let out after he asked her out. He went back to his seat and reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of headphones and plugged them into the computer and started playing music, that always helped with his emotions, while he went back to working on his avatar again.


Dj looked at Haku again as she sat down, he slumped lower into his chair thinking of how she was feeling after that, but eh, what did he care. Dj had quite the size bag of chips so when the guy asked, Dj gave him the bag "Sure thing dude, you can eat as much as you want as long as the teach does not kill you, But I mean im in the mood to watch quite the beating" Dj jokes as he kicked his feet up onto the desk in front of him and leaned back in his chair putting his hands behind his head "You should probably go talk to her, chicks should not be sad, I would go but she has no idea who I am, and Ill probably freak her out with my bumpin moves man" Dj says wiggling a little in his chair then pointing forward and almost falling out of his chair, his recovery was quite the sight though, the struggle to keep balanced was difficult. Dj acted so much like he should be an F and to be honest he would love it down there "Feels like someone died in here bro, why can't we have cult sacrifices"
Jane kicked open the door to A class "HEY ANY OF YOU A CLASS WIMPS WANT A FIGHT!!" Because she couldn't find Nova she decided to start a fight with any A class student she could find.

"Now that you say like that I am not quiet sure I want to eat..." Takumi said. As soon as the teacher turned around to face the blackboard Takumi quickly fished a chip out of the bag and placed it inside his mouth. "As to what you said about talking to Haku, I am not sure if I should...I mean, I would like to cheer her up, but I am afraid that after what just happened she would prefer some time alone. I do want to talk to her, but I am not sure if this is the right time..." He said as he fished another chip out of the bag.

As soon as he was done talking the classroom door was kicked open. A female student stood on the other side, stating that she wanted to fight someone from Class A. Takumi was rather amused by this sight and wasn't sure if it was bravery or foolishness. A student of Class F had already done that and lost, shouldn't they've learnt their lesson?

Takumi poked Dj's arm with his elbow "Well, I guess someone up there must have heard you because it would seem like a new foe has appeared. Why don't you accept her challenge and fight her? Don't worry, I will take care of your chips in the mean time..."
Haku heard the door slam open and the challenge sprouted, but didn't bother moving. Instead, she sat curled up into her seat, burying her face into her arms. The random challenge thrown to Class A would probably give her the perfect opportunity to cry, considering the wild challenger would most likely get in her way if she tried to leave now.

I'm just the biggest idiot!

She wanted nothing more than to punch her former bully consistently, but she knew she couldn't blame him. The girl was too hung up on fears, therefore the person in the way was her.
AikoMomone said:
Momo was shocked to hear that Takara lost the battle. "He was battling Devon, right? Isn't he an F class like him?"
"Takara...", Momo said as he fell to the floor. "Of course you're aren't weak!" She kneeled down beside him. "I saw you win many summoning battles! Don't let just ONE loss get you down!", Momoko said, attempting to cheer up Takara.

@Son of Crota
"Greek was my thing Momo, I've never been beaten besides today. Even my score was class A level and I lost..I should have been more powerful." He lifted his spirits up and put his hands on Momo's shoulders. "But, thank you Momo. I don't think I would have gotten back up this fast without you." He said smiling warmly. "I'm glad you're by my side."



Dj watched as an F girl barged in so angrily, the teacher seemed not to care however he was paying attention to her and not the guy so he could eat in peace "My last test score was the placement exam and I aced it which means all my subjects are at there peak, It would not be fair at all bro, my avatar would poke hers and she would crumble sadly." Dj says joking when he said sadly but he really was telling the truth, he was far too powerful at the moment and he did not want to be a jerk, Dj got up with a spin then pointed at the girl "Sorry dude but none of us seem to in the mood right now, just chill bro" Dj says putting his hands in his pockets and leaning back as he watched her make a ruckus why did F's have to be so cool but so annoying at the same time
Momoko smiled at Takara, glad to see that his sports were back up. "No problem, Takara-kun! That's what I'm here for! Maybe we could fight together in our next battle!" She stands back up and then says, "Now, how about we get back to class?"

@Son of Crota
Roth got up from his chair after hearing someone come in and slam the door behind them with a follow up overconfident statement. He walked towards the person with his cup of tea in his hand and stood in front of the boastful girl and simply stated "Your in my way." Roth took a drink from his half empty cup of tea and waited on her to move out of his way, his face didn't change at all from earlier.

@Nenma Takashi
AikoMomone said:
Momoko smiled at Takara, glad to see that his sports were back up. "No problem, Takara-kun! That's what I'm here for! Maybe we could fight together in our next battle!" She stands back up and then says, "Now, how about we get back to class?"
@Son of Crota
Takara laughs. "yeah let's do that. Oh, and I may just put you in charge of the inquisition." He said smiling as he started walking with her again. "And we're still on for me coming over to finish Kill La Kill with you, right?"
Jane walked calmly to the boy who stood up ignoring Nova. She grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt and with surprising strength lifted him up off the ground. She smiled sweetly but a hostile aura was there. "You me battle subject P.E now."

Momoko scratched the back of her head as she walked with him when Takara said she may be put in charge of the Inquisition. "I'm not so sure I could pull that off..." Momo said followed by a laugh. "And of course!", she replied to Tamara's question. "By the way, how did you end up in class F?"

@Son of Crota
"Oh, funny story actually, I had just finished my test with high enough results to get into class A, but at the last moment, I switched it with someone so I could be in class F. Funny, ain't it?" He said with a laugh and a scratch behind his head.

"How about you let me go or you regret it, I will only give you this one warning." Roth lifted his cup over her head and took a sip out of it and didn't change expressions at all even though he knew he could defend himself, but it still didn't matter if he couldn't get through the door "So, your from F class, how amusing, all your good at is PE."

@Nenma Takashi

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