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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

Tsubaki nodded and looked at her avatar and blinked feeling sorry for her "C-come on! we can do this!" she bit her lip again and sighed calming her nerves. Her small avatar got up and gave a thumbs up. Tsubaki smiled "So cute!" she covered her mouth and smiled "Again! but jump back as you shoot!" she called extending her hand. Her small avatar did as told and jumped as she shot the arrow. @Despairingly Lucky @Son of Crota

Takumi didn't notice it before, but the class was almost completely empty. Sure, there were some students scattered here and there, but for the most part the desks were empty. There were some backpacks and miscellaneous items scattered around, showing that there were more students, but that was it. While surprised by this Takumi didn't let it bother him, after all this literature lessons was astonishingly detailed and interesting. The current topic was poetry and the best authors. A huge book holding some of the best poems recorded through history lay opened up in front of Takumi. As the lecture went on Takumi couldn't help himself but to smile slyly. It was just beautiful. A particular poem was written way too similarly to the book Haku gave her. Since he forgot the name of the author Takumi pulled the book out.

"I think my eyes are scarred for life now bro, that's a weird book"

Again!? Since the source of the voice was unknown to him Takumi was way too alarmed and simply pushed the book off the desk. Just in time actually since the student sat next to him.

"Dude did you see the cult meeting down in the F wing, they were gonna sacrifice lord idiot to maybe hope to increase there IQs, it was great till he used his only brain cell to escape"

Takumi was confused by the student's words, but oddly interested at the same time. "Wait, what? Did something happen? Did I really miss it?..." He whispered, trying to not attract the teacher's attention. @BlackJack
the fire had no effect on kitsune due to him being a kitsune so fox fire didn't effect him but his opponents attack hit him destroying it. standing up from drinking juice ( as in japanese sugared drink) " looks like i was right. i am better then you" he said snickering and leaving as the battle field closes and runs to where the people fighting were and yells at the one fighting "HEY he lost now stop before you lose too" he said
"Good job Tsubaki! You can do this! I know you can!" I cheerher on and smile. Happy for her.




DJ looked at the guy, and put his hands in his pockets and slumped back in the chair "Yeah there was a huge cult meeting to burn yoshi at the stake, then a battle ensued, then everyone got a little to cocky and began fighting each other and I just peaced out bro, I was not dealing with that, plus I have way to high of test scores to deal with F's." DJ says filling him in on what had just went down some more after what he just said, he also began to eat a bag of chips and chilled sitting next to the guy watching out the windows of the classroom "Must be pretty rad to be an F, they seem to have so much fun" Dj says
Momoko was watching the battle with confidence that Scorpion would win when Takara grabbed her shoulder and ordered her and Scorpion to stop the battle. "Huh?! But why?!", she asked. She was confused on why he would suddenly stop a duel and spare Naoya. Something must've happened. This time she asked him with concern while following his order and following him, "Takara-kun...what happened?"

(Sorry, I wanted to post this since tomorrow there's a small chance of me connecting late. )

"Rad you say? Hmm...I don't know if I would use that word..."
Takumi reclined his chair backwards before placing his arms on the back of his head. "...Egregious seems like a more suitable way to describe Class F. It is something extraordinary without a doubt, but not in a good way...Then again, that's just my opinion that's just my opinion."

Takumi straightened up his seat when he saw that the teacher was about to look this way. While she might have seen the student next to him eating chips she did nothing to stop him. This made Takumi think that the students from Class A were giving more liberty than he had thought in the begging. After realizing this Takumi reclined back his chair once again.

"I never caught your name, did I?"
Takumi said to the student sitting next to him before offering him his hand "I am Takumi Satoshi. Who might you be?"
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"Oh.... makes sense." They were in Class A and that should've been their only concern. Unless, of course, they started a Summoner Test War. But that was more than unlikely at the moment. Hopefully. Her mind then flashed to the previous battle she'd had, causing her to frown a bit.

It was short-lived, however, when Roth tugged her to the side. The two were close against one another, and this got her nervous again. But then his eyes met with hers, and she blushed harder.

"W-What is it?" she asked, quickly looking away. "Is there something on my face?"

KittyKiero said:
"Oh.... makes sense." They were in Class A and that should've been their only concern. Unless, of course, they started a Summoner Test War. But that was more than unlikely at the moment. Hopefully. Her mind then flashed to the previous battle she'd had, causing her to frown a bit.
It was short-lived, however, when Roth tugged her to the side. The two were close against one another, and this got her nervous again. But then his eyes met with hers, and she blushed harder.

"W-What is it?" she asked, quickly looking away. "Is there something on my face?"

he looked into class and saw roth and haku and walked up to them and said something so crazy " i beat the best german history person in that kind of battle

"well greek"
"Well it's that I want to...." his words were cut off by Nova's "Well congradulations on your victory." Roth continued on inside the class room bringing haku with him to his table and sat down and didn't say anything.

@alex the fox @KittyKiero


Dj looked at the guy as he seemed confused about the whole thing with the teacher not caring about what he did "I should probably tell you the teachers don't care that much about what I do, it's wicked they may force you to read and do HW but me, im an idiot until you put a test in front of me." Dj says leaning back eating his food, it was true, the teachers cared little about what he did because he was constantly moving and when he was not he was eating so there was really no way to make him stop, plus he was not all that smart till he actually chose to be. So most teachers just accepted that he would be him. "Names Dj, cool to meet you dude, it also seems we have a crowd coming in" Dj says hearing voices
"Huh?" Haku wanted to know; she couldn't stand when things went unfinished. This is why she has a strong hate for cliffhangers, even if she has a complete series. No patience. Even so, she was too sidetracked to be concerned when Nova showed up.


"O-Oh, congratu-" She had to stop, considering she was thrown of by Roth's actions, "lations!"

When she sat down next to him, the girl was....perplexed. Only slightly.

"Hey," she said, poking his arm. She was leaning over her chair a bit, just to get closer to him. "What were you gonna say out in the hall?"

Roth let out a sigh just before Haku sat down next to him "Hmm, oh it wasn't anything too important, nothing more." Roth laid his head on the table and then placed the hood of his jacket over his head and then his hands on the back of his hood. 'what was i thinking, was i really about to do that, i barely even know the girl, but yet she is so intreaguing, so interesting, so beautiful, ugh, why must i have conflicting thoughts all the time' Roth let out another sigh, but with this one you could tell there was something on his mind.

"Roth..." The redhead frowned then. She really didn't like this. Did she do something wrong? If so, she wanted nothing more to repair it. He was a kind person, and a good friend.

At least, that's what she figured.

Were they even considered friends to begin with?

With a frustrated huff, Haku placed both of her hands at one of his arms and began to shake him wildly.

"Whyyyyy won't you tell meeee?!" she asked, sounding like a candy-deprived child. "Come ooooonn, say iiiiit!"

After a bit o being shaken around he grabbed her hands so that he wouldnt be dizzy any more "Alright, I will tell you, just so long as you agree to keep it between the two of us ok?" He was looking into her eyes with sincerity, even though it was hard to tell through his stone wall of a face.

"M-My bad!" Haku blushed a bit with embarrassment. She didn't really expect him to give in so easily, but decided to go with it. It made her life that much easier.... over something so simple, yes. With a bright smile, she nodded. "Okay, you got it!"

The girl then paused to think, laughing nervously. "Please..... d-don't lie to me." She remembered her Takumi incident, and.....

As a matter of fact, she wondered if he had passed out yet.

"I won't lie to you, I promise, now then, come here." Roth placed his hand under her chin an pulled her in close to his face and kissed her cheek leaving a single black lipstick mark where he kissed her and whispered in her ear "I would like you to be mine, and I to be yours." Roth let go of her chin and then placed his face back on the table with his cheeks blushing bright red. He just asked Haku out, he hadn't asked out anyone on a very long time, not for atleast five years or so. "Does that answer your question."


"Talk about luck, I wished the teachers treated me like that..." Takumi thought gloomily as he began copying what the teacher had written on the blackboard. "Nice to meet you too DJ, I hope we are able to get along"

"It also seems we have a crowd coming in"

Takumi looked up to confirm this and smiled when he saw who DJ was talking about. He grinned in a friendly manner and waved at the red-headed girl. The other source of the other voice was unknown to Takumi though. I mean, he recognized the face of the pale student, but that's about it. Nevertheless, Takumi didn't want the student to think he had a callous attitude so he waved at him too before turning back towards DJ. It was at this point that Takumi noticed Haku's book laying on the ground.

"The girl you just saw entering the class is called Haku Kazahara." Takumi said to DJ as he picked up the book and cleaned the dust off its cover before placing it inside his backpack. "She is a pretty cool girl in my opinion, though seeing how I didn't spoke that much to her I can't say for sure. She is kind though, that's for sure. As to his companion, I have no idea who he is honestly"
"Time to find that idiot, He is out of the Class F territory and it's my job to find him." His thoughts was talking and began his search. Like it or not, Mitsuru has to find the Idiot before the class time about to start. He started running down the hallway and follows the Class F students, who knows where the Idiot is located or not. Also, he should avoid being involved with the Class F as soon as impossible or else, it could go wrong for him and he is going to be screwed. Mitsuru risked to find him and he plans to analyze him, along with his avatar.
AikoMomone said:
Momoko was watching the battle with confidence that Scorpion would win when Takara grabbed her shoulder and ordered her and Scorpion to stop the battle. "Huh?! But why?!", she asked. She was confused on why he would suddenly stop a duel and spare Naoya. Something must've happened. This time she asked him with concern while following his order and following him, "Takara-kun...what happened?"
Takara looked back with his hair covering his eyes so Momo wouldn't see the defeat in his face. "I'm..I'm sorry Momo. I lost. I pulled out every stop I had on him, and he deflected it all like it was nothing.." He said with a shaky voice. "Scorpion, take leave. 'As you wish sir.'" Scorpion walked back to his house as Takara and Momo continued walking to Class F. "I hit him with everything...Everything!! Even my one-shot attack wasn't enough!!!" He said with another tear falling. "Am I...Am I really that weak..?" Takara said falling to the floor on his knees.

"......" Haku's face lit up brighter than ever before as she placed a hand to her cheek. The girl was honestly speechless for a good amount of time - about a minute or so. Then she looked away, frowning a bit as her hair shading over her eyes in the process.

"I think...." She hesitated, curling up in her seat. "I think you're mistaken."

(>.> not quite the reaction i had expected)

Roth slowly sat up and looked over to Haku "How can I be mistaken, I don't beleive I misspoke." Roth was now a bit confused on the inside, had he not presented it right, was it something he said earlier, those and about another thousand thoughts wer going through his head all at the same time.

{Did you read about her? XP She'll change her mind if "history is rewritten".}

"I......" Haku paused then, unable to look at him for a moment. It was hard to muster her reason. Every time she spoke of it, the girl felt stupid. "I honestly have trust issues. Plus, we've only just met today. So I think... I think you could be wrong."

She tried to press it more on the obvious fact of their time spent together (despite her enjoying his company) and not on her at all, if possible.


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