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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

Tsubaki laughed softly "Hey...! there's day's i wish i wasn't so smart.. but we can.. run for it again?" she looked around "Or.. battle her for our freedom..?" she shook her head "Let's try to avoid the second one... i.. don't like fighting" she whispered and looked away a bit shy. People always looked at her strange for not liking the battles at school. She never did it made her feel strange a bad strange. @Despairingly Lucky
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]I passed my entrance exam to get in to class A, I just switched it so it seems like I did bad enough to be in class F!!!! Khakakakakaka!!!!!!!" I said laughing evilly as my score finally settled at a top ranking class A level in greek. Surprisingly, ven higher than his opponent. "Now then.." I said with an insane anime glare. "READY TO DIE??!?!?!"

looking at him his eyes turn blood red " you don't know why i act stupid do you?" he said and revealed he literally only had kanine teeth " i am actually so insane i have to take every insanity drug just to act normally insane" he said literally showing him he had prescription for all of them.\

"you don't know my real insanity yet" he laughed " you sstart" he said taunting with a hand wave
Takara avoided his psych out. "Avatar, initiate attack pattern alpha: paranoia!" I said to my avatar as it created balls of energy all around the opponent. My avatar lit up the orbs as the all connected to the opponents avatar, shocking him repeatedly and doing a good amount of damage to his avatar.

@alex the fox
I nod. "I'd rather not fight either so... Lets just run." I said and grabbed Tsubaki's hand. Not because of intimate reasons, Just so we were ready to run, though do to my naive personality I don't even think about how she will react of think of it. I peak my head around the corner, looking for where to sprint to.

my avatar disintegrates the orb sending a heat wave burning the opponent, and then ran at them slashing them with their claws cutting their eyes.
Momo's shoukanjuu eventually turns a corner and finds Naoya and Tsubaki. It jumps up and down and points at Naoya to get Momo's attention. It won't attack without permission. "Seems like we've found you, Naoya!", she says as she goes beside her shoukanjuu. "Shoukanjuu, get ready to attack!" The shoukanjuu looks up at her and nods. It then gets into a battle stance. "So, Naoya, are you going to fight? Tsubaki, please step back."
Inquisition member Scorpion stands behind Naoya quietly. "Hi there Naoya...going somewhere?!" He said as he grabbed one of Naoya's shoulders.

"The verdict is death!!!" Scorpion says.

@Despairingly Lucky
"Boredom isn't uncommon when being around smart people, their always locked in on their IQ, which mind you doesn't really make you an interesting person" Roth looked over to Haku and got sidetracked with her hair again and only caught the last part of what she had said "And what might that be, hmm." Roth was always an inquirous person, wanting to know more and more, his IQ was already 130, if he kept pushing it he would surpass einstein, yet he still retained his common sense, unlike most others around here.

(sorry i didnt get notifications)

Tsubaki squeaked and jumped screaming. Both Scorpion and Momo had scared Tsubaki which caused her to kneel down and cover her head. "D-Dont hurt me..." she opened one eye and blinked "F-Forget you saw that and I'm Sorry!" she bowed but grabbed Naoya's hand again "But we dont want to fight!" she pulled hard on his hand and started running even though a little bit after she stated panting "H-hope you can jump" she called and started running. @Despairingly Lucky @AikoMomone @Son of Crota
*Seriously... How the fuck am I getting out for good...? Also Tsubaki is behind me so.... Fuck you Scorpion! (Sorry I'm like this and sorry fot OOC)*
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]*Seriously... How the fuck am I getting out for good...? Also Tsubaki is behind me so.... Fuck you Scorpion! (Sorry I'm like this and sorry fot OOC)*

(I can edit it!(} :) ))
"I'm ready to jump! Anthing beat's an execution!" I reply, this may one of my most serious moments in my life, regardless of how childish or weird the whole cult thing felt like Still holding Tsubaki's hand I nodded. Ready to jump.
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]"I'm ready to jump! Anthing beat's an execution!" I reply, this may one of my most serious moments in my life, regardless of how childish or weird the whole cult thing felt like Still holding Tsubaki's hand I nodded. Ready to jump.


"i don't think you should." fiona said stepping out from behind the air vent " if you do i would have to kill the people who killed you in a way
"That must mean I don't match up...." Haku muttered, shifting her gaze elsewhere. She didn't notice him looking back at her, which seemed like perfect timing. But thinking about his first statement practically had her confirm that she was the lowest in Class A. "Oh well, I'm here now. Better study hard and fight well."

She then tensed up a bit when he asked about her incident. The girl tried her best not to laugh again, but it was a little too hard.

"Well...." The girl almost blew a gasket in laughter then and there, but she managed to keep it together. "The guy I gave my book to is probably.... upset with me. It's an unexpected subject, really. He should've asked what kind of book I had."

{My emails barely remind me. I just check on my own mostly ^^" @las0r0o7}
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]My avatar backed up opening it's eyes with scratches on them, charging back at the opponent, creating portals all around him.
Scorpion uses the move where he comes out of the other side and blocks Tsubaki and Naoya. "Where do you think you're going?!" He said laughing evilly.

he digs around them and upper cuts them in the neck sending their claws high into their neck bone " you know i fight like this at times, i guess video games and anime taught me how to fight" he said smiling and then his kitsune avatar grew 7 more tails so it had 8 tails
Tsubaki smiled and laughed "well... were leaving!" she nodded and started to back up "shit... now were cornered.. Think Tsubaki... Thi-" she sighed and points "You! i-i.. I challenge you! to a math battle!" she gulped hating the idea but she had to or they might both be dead. That was something Tsubaki wanted to avoid at all cost. She closed her eyes as her whole body was shaking a bit from declaring her first ever battle. @Despairingly Lucky @Son of Crota

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