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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

AikoMomone said:
Momo was a little surprised to see Add in the classroom. She was completely unaware of his presence. That's how much of a scatterbrain she is. "Umm...how long has he been there??" Her eyes then widened when Takara gave Add that glare.
@Son of Crota @Noyeh
"I...I think about a minute or so..? He usually pops up and disappears at our house too, so this is nothing new." I said to Momo as I went back to glaring at my brother. "Now then, where was I...oh yeah. WAKE UP YOU BAKA!!!" I said with the anime glare again/

@Noyeh @AikoMomone
*There will be no guy on guy sack playing in this rp xD *

"Huh?" I look around and see Tsubaki. At first not sure who she's talking to. After realizing she's talking to me I reply. "No, Not lost. Just lonely." I chuckle softly and stretch the back of my head. "Thank's for asking though." I smile sweetly at her.
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]*There will be no guy on guy sack playing in this rp xD *
"Huh?" I look around and see Tsubaki. At first not sure who she's talking to. After realizing she's talking to me I reply. "No, Not lost. Just lonely." I chuckle softly and stretch the back of my head. "Thank's for asking though." I smile sweetly at her.

(( i gave you heater bags))
Tsubaki smiles "Ah that's good for a moment i thought you were lost.." she smiled again "I got lost here when i got here... so i wouldn't of been much help" she laughs and extends a hand "Name's Tsubaki and yours?" she asks still smiling
I smile softly at her word's and shake Tsubaki's hand. "I'm Naoya Yoshida. It's nice to meet you Tsubaki!" I say happily.

*Sorry for the writer's block ;-; Also @alex the fox I know lol. I was joking*
Despairingly Lucky]I smile softly at her word's and shake Tsubaki's hand. "I'm Naoya Yoshida. It's nice to meet you Tsubaki!" I say happily. *Sorry for the writer's block ;-; Also [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10712-alex-the-fox/ said:
@alex the fox[/URL] I know lol. I was joking*
((i know you wanted the sacks then))
She smiles and blushes a bit "Um.. could you kinda help me back to class A... i forgot how i got here..." she laughs. It was unusual for her, being smart get lost but she was only smart when it came down to books and other things but when it got to real life things... she was a klutz and a bit too shy for her own good *haha its okii*

With every mistake that was pointed out to him by the girl Takumi seemed to step back slightly, ready to sprint out of the class without thinking about it twice at any moment. It didn't matter if he had to push his fellow students out of the way, he would do anything to get the hell out of there if the situation wasn't turning out to the way he wanted to. Not only would his sexuality be questioned for the rest of the year, but he would also be labeled as a mindless liar if this little incident spread out throughout the academy. Maybe the headmasters would find out this and send him into Class F. No, that would be too light for a punishment, he would instead get expelled. Wanting to calm down Takumi began taking deep breaths, managing to briefly calm himself down, until he saw the chibi (@Despairingly Lucky Staph, I am but a mere average roleplayer

xD .​
I nodded at Tsubaki and smiled sweetly. "Class A, huh? Sure! Let's go!" I say cheerfully and lead Tsubaki to Class A.

"So, you're in Class A, Huh?" I ask to make convocation.

Tsubaki nods "Yeah... Class A its a nice classroom" she whispers and smiles "What about you Naoya-san?" she smiles "What class are you in?" she asks

@Despairingly Lucky
{Average roleplayers don't send novels XP @The Servant}

"Um...." Haku noticed the sudden mini-panic Takumi had. She was a bit concerned about his well-being, but he didn't seem to care since the conversation continued. "O-Oh, nice to meet you, Takumi. I'm Haku Kazahara."

She then glanced over to her side. Nova was back once again would there ever be a moment where he'd take a nap or something? He honestly made her nervous with all his movement.

Her attention then shifted back to the blue-haired male. "Well, here you go! Please take care of it. And hopefully this helps with your research!"

He really decided to keep up with this? Haku laughed nervously to her thoughts.
"Lucky you" I chuckle and stretch, Adjusting my headphones.

"I'm a Class F student. It's not so nice of a class room." Though basically saying I'm an idiot I still have a smile on my face. Which could be definite proof that I really am an Idiot."


"Lucky you" I chuckle and stretch, Adjusting my headphones.

"I'm a Class F student. It's not so nice of a class room." Though basically saying I'm an idiot I still have a smile on my face. Which could be definite proof that I really am an Idiot."

Tsubaki giggles "Ah... i haven't had time to look around all the other class rooms... but i bet... n-not that im saying anything bad i mean... ugh.. i suck at talking.." she whispers and laughs a bit "I must be sounding like an idiot huh?" she says and smiles a bit "But if you ever need help... i mean if that's ok id love to help you study" she smiles @Despairingly Lucky
I blush lightly, Hearing her say she's help me. "You'd... Help me study...? I smile brightly and nod. "I'd enjoy the help, Thank's Tsubaki."

"Also don't say sorry." I chuckle "You got flustered there it was cute.","Also I know Class F isn't the best class room. Last time I was in there the draft nearly froze me." @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki laughs softly "I'd be happy to help!" she smiles and then blushes again "D-Dont w-what n-no not cute..." she whispers and fidgets a bit" its just... its been a while since ive talked to a person... im always with my head in a book so i dont really know how to k-keep a conversation.. b-but you seem very nice to talk to" she smiles still and giggles "I love the cold but i don't know about that draft" she giggles softly @Despairingly Lucky
I nod, Listening to Tsubaki. "Thank's again. You aren't doing too bad on holding the convocation." I smile weakly as I walk and chat with her. "Oh, It's terrible. I've sat in that spot by the window all year. I swear I nearly froze to death." I chuckle softly and move a bit closer to Tsubaki without noticing it. "I like the cold too but not when it's deadly." I say, Over-exaggerating. Though in all fairness it was a cold draft. @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki blushes still and giggles covering her mouth "Ah then maybe how about covering it with your blazer during class? i-i mean you dont necessarily use it during class so it makes a good insulator so you wont get sick" she smiles and thinks about it for a bit placing a finger on her chin in a bit of a thinking position. "don't you think that can work?" she tilts her head and smiles a bit @Despairingly Lucky
My eye's widen and sparkle hearing her idea, Finally having an idea to keep myself warm. "No wonder you're in Class A!" I chuckle and smile. "I never even thought of that! Thank's a bunch Tsubaki." We reach Class A and I get a bit sad. Knowing our convocation will end here. "Hey, Tsubaki. About that studying thing you brought up... Can we do that sometime soon? I'm struggling in all of my classes so it'd really help." I say, Not really caring about my grades but more so that I felt a strange feeling like I wanted to see her again. @ZerokiraKurayami
Tsubaki nods "Yeah of course! um.. when would it be ok for you?" she smiles and looks at the class a bit sad but smiles hearing the idea she thought of would be of help to him. "Ah! i got a better idea how about you send me a message" she takes out her phone and smiles "We can meet after school at a cafe or something..." she whispers and blushes smiling at him @Despairingly Lucky
I nod and smile at Tsubaki. "Sure! Sound's like a plan." I reply and take out my phone and swap number's with you. I slide my phone into my pocket and yawn. Feeling kind of tired. "Yeah, I'll just text you." I smile sweetly. "I should go back to Class about now. I need to sleep" I say, Not wanting to go to class to learn but just to sleep, I truly have no motivation, do I? "Bye Tsubaki. I'll see you later~" I say and walk off.


"Pleasure to meet you Haku, I hope we are able to get along. Oh and don't worry, I will take good care of your book, that's a promise!" Takumi said with a rather cheery tone, finally being able to fully calm down.

After Takumi sat back down on his desk he looked at the book laying in front of him, wondering why did he go through so much trouble to acquire it. The cover seemed awfully colorful, a feature Takumi rarely saw on the books he read. Before jumping into the story Takumi decided to read the information about the author that the book provided.

"Huh, well this is an unexpected surprise. It seems like the author, Emiko Yakara, actually won a couple of writing awards. This is quite impressive actually, but could she be able to match such writers like William Shakespeare or Edgar Allan Poe? Somehow I really doubt it" Takumi thought before he turned a page to officially start reading the book.

Takumi wasn't sure what was scarier; The fact that he was reading book meant for girls...Or that he was enjoying it so much. Seriously, in the eyes of Takumi this book managed to perfectly balance comedy and drama and mix them together to form an amazing work of literature. The book followed the life of Mika, a seventeen years old female student that worked part-time as a waitress at her big brother's cafe. The young girl struggled in school since her crush, Akihiro-senpai, would never notice her. What followed after were the events in the girl's life; a heartwarming story of love, jealousy and comedy. It was at this point that Takumi decided to quickly close the book and placed it inside his backpack.

"What am I doing!? This sort of literature is meant for girls, not for me!" Takumi thought, feeling as his cheeks burn and turn tomato red.

@KittyKiero (ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( o°o). Also, is the book supposed to be yaoi or a stereotypical feminine novel where the protagonist tries to get the one she loves?​
Tsubaki laughs softly and waves. "I guess.. its a date?" she blushes and walks into Class A's room and goes to her seat were she left her things. She takes out a book and begins to read but can't keep her mind focused. She slaps her cheeks a bit and huffs "Gotta study.. i just have to study!" she smiles a bit and keeps reading. @Despairingly Lucky
"What's this?" I say as a heartfelt shiver goes up my spine. "That shiver...A class F member...Naoya...WAS FLIRTING WITH A GIRL!!!! I must put a stop to this!!" I say as I put on my inquisition outfit and go with the other inquisition members to chase him down. I see him walking back to class. "There you are traitor!!!" I said with my inquisition outfit and hood still on.

@Despairingly Lucky

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