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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}

Jace Adams

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"Hmm what to call you..." I say quietly as I get into the car myself. Closing the door, I start the engine and buckle up. I bite my lip softly and fix my hair before pulling out into the road. "Blue, what grade?" I ask as I turn down the familiar street that lead to my old high school. I glanced over at Blue next to me and shifted slightly. I placed my elbow on the window and rested my head on my chin and continued driving. I stopped at the stop light and looked at Blue and looked at her face with a coy expression. "I won't upset your boyfriend or anything by driving you to school will I?" I ask her and lick my lip before I continued driving the short way to school. I watched all the students walking around, and I made sure NOT to hit any of them. I park the car and turn to look at Blue with a small smile. "Ride's over love" I lean back in my seat and look out the window with a sigh. "Damn, I don't miss this" I smile at the scene before me and place my hand on the headrest of Blue's seat. "So, should I come and pick you up so you don't get hit, or is another guy beating me to it?"

@Of the Red



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The Angel Named Liliana


I caught the jack from the boy and started to remove the wheel "I never got your name" I reminded him "I'm Liliana' I smiled then placed my hand in front of him and shook his hand "Most people either call me Angel or Lily, I don't care" I shrugged then moved over to the counter and found torque wrench. I race back and made sure everything was tighten properly and was working. I grabbed the tire and placed it back onto the car and loosen the jack underneath the car. I put the stuff away and smile at Calvin. I noticed I had grease on my fingers and decided to draw a mustache on my face "How to I look?" I asked, pulling a funny fish face at him @Sha


Mandy Parrish

I blunty reached the advil out of Jay's hands, swallowing it down with the coffee in my hand. I let out an exhausted sigh as I felt the tiny pill squirm down my throat. I hope this thing works. I'll still be tired, but at least my headache would go away..for awhile. "Thanks," I said, nodding at Jay. I managed to crack a fake smile, to make it look as if I was already feeling better, which was actually the total opposite.

Wait, what the fuck is he looking at? Jay's eyes looked as if they were seemingly wondering past both me and Morgan. I turned my head to the direction he was looking at. It was a brunnette boy, and a girl. Automatically, I recognized the boy. I didn't know who he was personally, but I've seen him hanging out with Jay a few times. He had a really tough, and serious demeanor, which made him seem a tad bit intimidating, though, quite attractive to the eye. The girl, I didn't recognize at all. She looked new, and innocent. I spun back around, facing my locker, and fixing the bag on my shoulder that was nearly falling off. Taking out my phone, I tapped the home screen button, which showed me the time. "Shit, I gotta get to class," I stated, taking the last sip of my coffee, and stuffing the cup in my locker, then closing it shut.

Walking away from Jay and Morgan, I slowly strutted to my first class. Calculus. My feet seemed to be walking, but my eyes started to shut, more and more. I forcefully pinched myself, to stay awake, due to the fact that I was walking at the same time. Fuck, I'm gonna fail this shitty test, then I'm gonna get a lecture from my dad, then he'll take my keys away and then I' won't be able t-... BAM!

My miserable ass had walked RIGHT into the boy that Jay was gazing at a few moments ago. Was I sleeping? How the hell did I walk right into him and the girl? Shit. I'm such a fucking klutz. Get it together Mandy. Get it together. I brought myself up, picking up my books that were scrambled all over the floor. Shit, at least I didn't have my coffee in my hands. I stood up, staring at the boy, then the girl, then back at the boy again. Moving a strand of hair away from my face, I finally spoke up.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you guys. I'm so sorry"

@Dannygirl900 @Ash Boogie @DemonicPrincess
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"Ha ha, real cute," I say to Melody as we continue walking down the hall. "I'm Lynx." But just as she's bout to respond, somebody walks slam into me. "Hey, watch where the fuck you're going!" I seethe but when I look down, I instantly take a chill pill. Damn, where are all these lil cuties coming from today? I think I've seen this one before but I haven't been to school in so long that it's really no telling. She definitely looks familiar though. "If you wanna be all up on me, all you gotta do is say that, sweetheart," I smirk down at her.

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@Geek with Me


I offered to help but she was pretty insistent on doing it herself, hell, I wasn't gonna complain. She definitely knew what she was doing - I guess she was a mechanic after all and she looked damn good doing it. I don't think I'd ever met a girl like her before and it was so random how it happened. Whatever, works for me. "I'm Calvin, most people call me Cal," I responded. Before I knew it she was done and drew a grease mustache on her upper lip. I laughed when she asked me how it looked, "Suits you," I said jokingly.

There was the sound of glass breaking coming from the house, "Shit, I thought the old man was passed out." I kicked the jack out of the way, "Shit," I muttered looking towards the door, "Wanna get out of here?" I asked Lily, giving her a smirk and tossing her the rag from my back pocket to wipe the black smudges from her lip. I took the keys out of my pocket and tossed them up and caught them, giving her one last devilish smile, "Hop in, let's see what this baby can do."



As the girl slams into Lynx I sigh at his poor response. Standing on my tippy toes I flick his ear."Lynx that was't nice, apologize." I say as if I've known him for a long time bending down to help the girl with her things."Are you okay? That was a pretty fucked up fall." With a small giggle I stand back up and finishes my cup holding it since I didn't know where a trash can was.

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The Angel Named Liliana


I giggled then caught the cloth that Cal threw to me and wiped the grease off my face 'Thanks" I smiled and threw it behind the counter. I jerked my neck to hear the noise of glass breaking which kinda freaked me out. "What was that?" I asked then heard Cal swearing. I smirked back at the devilish smirking boy "Hop in, let's see what this baby can do." He smirked at me. "Let's do it' I smiled and hopped in. I buckled myself up and smirked "Ready?" I asked, raising a brow then we sped out of the garage. My heart kept beating faster as we spent more time together. As he sped faster I grinned even more "I never seen this type of car go this fast!" I exclaimed "It's... It's.. It's udivitel'no!" I yelled then chuckled "Where to first?" I asked with a big smile on my lips

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@Geek with Me


I hit the gas just as the door to the house opened and sped the fuck out of there. He'd be pissed but school was already in full swing so I shouldn't have even been there in the first place, eh, I'll deal with it later. We gunned it down the street and drifted a 90 degree turn onto a long stretch of road. Car was automatic, not my style but shit, 30 thousand dollar car I snagged for free. Fuck it, this shit'll still burn. I glanced over at Lily when we hit 100 mph and she was grinning ear-to-ear.

"Udee-vee..." I said, hitting the gas harder as the engine began to roar as we approached 110mph, "I don't know what that means, but we're going wherever you want, and we're getting there fast as fuck!" I chuckled as we roared down the open road.

The Angel Named Liliana


I smiled as Cal tried to speak Russian "Well done but it's just a way of saying how you guys say it uh... 'Oh no' " I raised a brow "But here's a very old saying in Russia and I want you to repeat after me got it? Moye imya pridurok okay now repeat" I tried to hide a chuckle and once he said it I cracked up laughing. Tear welled up in my eyes as I made him say his name was moron. "That was hilarious!" I continued to laugh. I noticed my favorite spot. I sat up and pointed "Park over there, over there!" I yelled, sounding like a Russian five year old. Once we parked I jumped out of the car and raced towards the willow tree. I smiled and found the engraving that mother and I did when we were on holidays here. I felt the blossoms of the blossom tree gently fall onto my messy hair and sticking on my hair. "I use to come here when we were on holidays" I smiled softly, slipping my petite hands into my short's pockets. I smiled softly at Calvin, he was beautiful when the blossom's fell around him like they were dancing. His face didn't look like the stoned face I saw last night he looker calmer, softer, he looked kinder. I took a step closer to him and ran my fingers through my hair "So..." I mumbled as I stared into those deep grey eyes of his. I was still on heels but I loved the way he still towered over me

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@Geek with Me


I don't know what the hell she had me say but something about it made her crack up. I probably just called myself stupid or something, but for real? I couldn't give a shit. I was driving fast as hell with this hottie by my side. Out of nowhere she starts yelling for us to pull over, pointing to an enclave on the side of the road with a willow tree at the top. What the fuck? I've been driving this road since I stole my first car at 12 and never seen that shit before. Guess I've never had a good reason to stop. I hit the E-brake and skid the car 180 degrees after we passed it before pulling in and parking.

I don't know what it was about that fuckin tree, but she was stoked to be there. I just looked at her as she put her hands in her pockets and smiled - damn, I'm not usually the romantic type of guy, but something about how she stood there beneath the tree had me grinnin. Then she moved in, "So..." She said seductively. Well this just went from a distraction from the night before to my kind of fuckin party. I closed the rest of the gap and looked down into her eyes and smiled before leaning my head in and planting a kiss on her lips.

Cops never patrolled this road and there were rarely any cars out here. I don't know how she knew of this place - and I wasn't about to ask.

The Fallen Angel Named Liliana


I closed my kiss as he gently kissed me. I smiled. I stood on the top of the heels and kissed him back "So.. I just made you call yourself a moron" I gave a sly smirk then started to walk back. I turned on my heels and started to walk backwards to face him "Are you coming or not?" I yelled then started to run back. I jumped into the car and start to drum on the dashboard when I saw Cal come into the car as well. Adrenaline ran through my body as I continue to grin "Where to now?" I asked, turning to face him. I strapped myself in and smiled at him softly, ignoring a large clump of red hair, draping over one eyes. I'm so glad I ditched school. As we drove away from the blossom tree, I couldn't get the kiss out of my head but we were laughing the entire car trip. I told him about the time I was driving home and a tank just casually crossed the road without exploding things. He loved and I saw him grinning.

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(Sorry guys! I fell asleep)

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I saw the burns on Dellas arm and my heart dropped. "Della what did you do?" My voice was barely above a whisper. These girls were my family and seeing them hurt killed me a bit. i turned slightly emotionless, the only form of emotion was tears building in my eyes as I walked over and dug through my bag pulling out bandages and some stomach pills, I have for when Axel gets into trouble. "Here."

I then leave the bathroom and the tears flowed freely down my cheeks but I just wiped them away.​




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I laughed when Axel said he hoped it would be soon. Of course it would be soon. There was always a party. But when he asked if I got lucky last night, I just kind of shrugged. "Nah, I wouldn't call it that, but I did meet a cute girl," I reply. Damn, I hated not telling the truth to my friend but hell if I wanted to start a fight. I gave him that, "what can ya do?" look and shrugged.

"If you don't want to wait long, we should just throw another party," I say, not really meaning soon but just in general. I mean, my house is pretty big and I have tons of money to blow on things like a party. In fact, there are parties at my house all the time. But we'd have to talk to Lynx before anything. He was like the decision maker of the group. And after yesterday's party, he'd probably want some time off.




"Did you have fun...?" I asked, not really sure where he went. He could have taken a lovely vacation to hell and I just asked if it was fun. Maybe it would be, I don't know. I knew he was kind of distant and I didn't blame him, either. We hadn't spoken all that much before so it's was more like a common chat between strangers if anything. When he asked if I had fun last night I shook my head. "Had to work. But I guess that was fun." Working at a warehouse ain't so hard. I'm not around people so I don't get fired for breaking merchandise of an asshole customers head again.

It also occurred to me that by his distance, that could have meant he didn't know me. Well better late than never, am I right? "Oh, I'm Conner by the way in case you don't remember. Jin right?"​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e5188c3f21221899a90fe80cc87b31f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77064" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e5188c3f21221899a90fe80cc87b31f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I smirked "yea we should ask Lynx" we walked into the school as we talked "I mean jail really isn't a fun place to party" I glanced around and saw Winter alone, that's weird. Where's Lola and Della? Those 3 don't really seperate at school.

I noticed the hickey again, it was pretty dark and drunkly placed "well it looks like Winnie got some last night"




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.1beaa5a7359df4b53b68de5592d4a155.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.1beaa5a7359df4b53b68de5592d4a155.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blue Sevengy

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I'd just say my actual grade, not bothering to lie and act like I'm a senior because it would be incredulously embarrsing if Jace ever found out he was associating with a measly 16 year old. "I'm going into 11th..I'm kind of suprised they didn't t hold me back because of how much school I miss but nope, they actually bumped me up a grade ". I fidgeted around a bit, trying not to let how nervous I was show but as soon as he asked about my "boyfriend" ? I burst out laughing. Turning to look at him with a look the said " Really, bro ?" , I shook my head , "If by boyfriend, you mean the candy vending machines, then yes, I guess they'd be a bit upset....I don't have a boyfriend or really, any friends. I just moved here from Colorado . Before that we lived in Montana, Denmark and a ton of other random places". I nervously ran my hands down the material of my skirt, remembering what my dad said a couple weeks ago. I'd just go home after school shopping and he was just sitting on the couch, oddly sober, when he told me if I recalled where my mother was buried. I said, " Of course, Denmark". He nodded sadly and told me that he planned to move there alone as soon as he thought I was "ready". Apparently, after fifteen years of moving around constantly, I needed some stability ?! God, I didn't even talk to him for a week after but eventually, I came to the realization that he wasn't kidding. I'd saw the ticket but he still refused to tell me that date.....My "family" is so fucked up, it can barely stand up.

I finally jolted out of Blue-Landia when I felt a hand on the back of my headrest and turned to look over at Jace with my eyes wide and blinking, trying not to cry.
"Um-what ? No, I don't have a boyfriend so I'd really like it if you picked me up". Oh shit, what if he saw my dad ?! " But I'm going to the piercing parlor after school so if you wouldn't mind taking me here, that'd be awesome". There. I was saved. And I did mean to get a piercing, either my nose or my lip. I guessed this was the part where I was supposed to get out of the car and merrily waltz my way into the school but honestly ? I was more then terrified. The only people I know were-Cal, he most likely forgot about me by now-and Lola and Val and I guessed they didn't like me very much. I'd just be some random girl would the stupid name and the stoner dad who couldn't give a shit about her. Damn it, I could already feel tears in the back of my eyes. Bringing up my palms to rub my eyes, I'd sit there




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Jace Adams


I watched as Blue began to explain everything to me. So this really was her first time here. Shifting slightly I watched her fidget cutely.
"Sure, I'll take you to the piercing shop" I say easily as I keep my hand on the headrest. Then I look at those amber eyes and noticed how they got only slightly teary before she began tor rub them. "Hey Blue, you okay? I can take you to class if you're upset about being late." I look at her with my brows furrowed slightly. I didn't know why she was getting upset, maybe she thought I was trying to hit on her? Well, maybe I was at the beginning, but now she was a high school student and totally not the age I'd go for. Fuck me, my judgment was off. Placing my hand on top of her head for a moment, I smiled slightly. "Come kid, I don't bite very hard" I said and got out of the car. Standing up and stretching, I noticed all the rather good looking girls. Where the hell were they when I was in school? Oh, they were studying. Though I was having a hard time with Blue getting upset. I clenched and relaxed my hands as I walked over to her side of the war to open the door for her. Every since my mom, I wasn't able to deal with women properly. Always doing or saying the wrong things to upset them. Fuck it, that's probably why Blue was crying. Running my hand through my already messy hair, I made sure to give her a small smile. I didn't want us to part in some depressed way. I wanted to leave her happily so I could get coffee and meet up with some friends later. Probably not going to happen, but whatever.

@Of the Red



Quickly grabbing the book from the girl's hands, I nodded and smiled. The fact that she flicked the guy's ear, made me do a slight chuckle, but I stopped myself so that I didn't offend the guy. I guess they were dating or something, or just really good friends. Of course, I didn't ask since it would be rude of me too. "Thanks." I finally said to the female. I looked back at the guy, who was now smirking down at me. Did he really think that I tried to get with him just now? What a dick. The smile on my face faded, and I tilted my head a little.

"I tripped okay? No, I don't want to get with you.. you're not my type anyways," I snapped back. I lied, guys like him, were my type. Despite all the hate that my dad had towards them. Their careless nature made them seem....hot. I passed my hands through my hair, and sighed. "I'm just a bit tired and out of it today, I'm still debating if whether I should ditch school or stay but I have no one to ditch with so homeroom calculus it is," I nearly slapped myself. I didn't know either of them, and I was already going off about my whole morning and my plans. I didn't tell them my name, or get to know theirs. "I'm Mandy," I finally said, lunging out my hand, waiting for either of them to shake. Fuck. I talk way too much when I'm sleepy.


Seokjin Park


"Yeah, South Korea was definitely different" I said and ran my hand through my hair and shifted from foot to foot. Looking at the guy in front, I couldn't tell if he was older or younger than me. Though the same problem occurred for me on more than one occasion. "You missed the party? Glad I wasn't the only one" I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and nodded to Conner. "Yeah, I remember you're Conner. Thanks for remembering my name though. Seriously" I give a slight smile before looking around. School seemed dead. However I looked back towards the parking lot and noticed a tall guy leaning against his car. "Fuck it, Jace is here?" I mumble and scrunch up my nose in irritation. Well looks like the guy screwed up this time. More like screwed some innocent girl from high school that was probably really attractive and made him forget legal age difference. The idiot. I wondered about him sometimes. "Hey, you going to class or ditching?" I ask Conner suddenly after turning my attention to him. I felt like leaving, but like I would ever do it alone. Travel in packs. Easiest was to go in life for me.

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Ok cool! @incrusade that's totally fine,guys just post when you can, I don't want this to be some rushed thing lol. And if ANYBODY can post the IMG url from one Lynx's or Lola's posts that'll be really helpful, so I can add them in. Something's wrong with my laptop so ill be posting from my iPad for now :(
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Just as I asked, they ran from me. Ran! Did I say something offensive? I turned away, kind of deflated. I really hope I didn't mess something up already. Pulling out my translation dictionary, I double checked all the words I said, making sure I didn't just like tell them off or something. Nope. Seems it was all okay. Maybe they were just busy. Now, to find someone else who could help me. There had to be somebody. To be honest, I was tempted to just walk out. It would be easier... No, wait. If I had the confidence to get on stage and sing for a whole bunch of people, I can get enough confidence to stay at this play at least a little longer. Standing up straighter, I looked for someone approachable as I walked through the hall.




I was sitting in bed, scrolling through Tumblr and god knows what, staring at my alarm clock. If I didn't leave right now, I'd be late for school. Yet, there I was still sitting there. What if I get a detention? Or suspended? Oh wait. Don't care. God, I hated school. It was the one place on earth that I was certain fed on the human soul. I go in there perfectly happy and leave hating every fucking person and every fucking thing. Just hearing the teachers drone on makes me want to tear my hair out. School could wait. I still had to do things that were much more pressing like drink coffee, stare at my walls, and go back to sleep.​
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Blue Sevengy

Kid ? Did he just call me a kid ? Wow....Sure, I was only 5'1 but still, I had a nice body under all the large t-shirt's and dresses. And Jace Adams definitely won't ever see it if he keeps calling me a kid. I got out of the car and peered up at him, the dark eyed man only looked about 20 so it'd only be around 4 years. "The age of consent is sixteen so I'm not a kid. And do I look like I care how hard you bite ?": I knew that I was getting all riled up over nothing but my height was one of my biggest insecurities.

I picked up my backpack and slung it over my shoulder, placed the beanie on my head and bent down to pull up my socks. A quick glance at my watch told me that I was late but now, I could care less. The nerves had slowly gone down and so my only goal was to get out alive .
" How do I look ? ". Reaching over and clasping my petite hands around Jace's, I started my March to certain death. Who I'd meet or what I'd see had yet to be determined.

@kawiibunnygirl @anyone



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"Hey!" I say, rubbing on my ear. The Melody girl just grabs my ear like she knows me or some shit. Not that I mind if a cute girl decides she wants to touch me all of a sudden.

Then the brunette starts snapping on me. Damn, I love a fiesty chick, someone that's not afraid to put me in my place. It just turns me on for some reason, especially since so many girls just let me walk all over them. Then she says something about ditching class and my ears instantly perk up. I was already planning on skating out of here early so why not make it now? "I'm always down to ditch," I say with a slight smirk. "What do you girls say? Let's get the fuck outta here?"

@incrusade @DemonicPrincess

@incrusade @Stamper thanks so much guys!! ??????
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Jace Adams

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Putting my hands up in surrender I rolled my eyes playfully at Blue. "
Blues Clues it is" I said with a smile as the shorter girl got pretty riled up. Well damn. I couldn't say that I didn't find it attractive, but 16 was still a bit of a push for me. I was sleeping with her yet, so what's the big deal. "I'd say you look hot, but I wonder if that describes you perfectly" I tease and fix the position so we are properly holding hands. Yeah, there was no way in hell that I'd show up being dragged around by super attractive Blue. Running my free hand through my hair I smiled back at Blue. "Why do I feel like we are marching the the gates of hell right now?" I ask and laugh quietly once I actually look at her. She was cutely determined. So much for crying, this girl was on some sort of mission. I looked at the small amount of students still outside. Ah the druggies were always fun to hang around with. You could hear some crazy shit when hanging out with them.

(Switched to iPhone
@Of the Red )



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